Stringsql="select account_id,mall_id,gate_id,person_unid,direction,countdate as countDate,"+
Stringsql="select account_id,mall_id,gate_id,person_unid,direction,countdate as countDate,"+
"counttime as countTime from d_face_recognition "+
"counttime as countTime from d_face_recognition "+
"where mall_id = :mallId and countdate = :countDate and gate_id in(:gateIds) "+
"where mall_id = :mallId and countdate between :startDate and :endDate and counttime >= :startTime and counttime < :endTime and gate_id in(:gateIds) "+
"and person_type = 0 and direction in(-1,1,6) order by person_unid asc,counttime asc;";
"and person_type = 0 and direction in(-1,1,6) order by person_unid asc,counttime asc;";
Stringsql="select account_id,mall_id,gate_id,person_unid,direction,track_time,countdate as countDate,person_type,age,gender,"+
Stringsql="select account_id,mall_id,gate_id,person_unid,direction,track_time,countdate as countDate,person_type,age,gender,"+
"counttime as countTime from d_face_recognition where mall_id = ? and countdate = ? "+
"counttime as countTime from d_face_recognition where mall_id = :mallId and countdate between :startDate and :endDate and counttime >= :startTime and counttime < :endTime "+
"and direction in(-1,1,6) order by person_unid asc, counttime asc;";
"and direction in(-1,1,6) order by person_unid asc, counttime asc;";