Commit b9c4236e by xmh


1 parent 330053d8
......@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ public class ReidController {
, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer countGTE, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "1000000") Integer countLTE) {
SubTaskMapper mapper = (SubTaskMapper) subTaskService.getMapper();
List<SubTaskVo> people = mapper.getPeople(packId, status, page == null ? null : (page - 1) * size, size, annotatorId, countGTE, countLTE);
List<String> personUnids = mapper.getPersonUnids(packId, status, page == null ? null : (page - 1) * size, size, annotatorId, countGTE, countLTE);
List<SubTaskVo> people = mapper.getPeople(packId, personUnids);
LinkedHashMap<String, List<SubTaskVo>> temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, User> labelingMap = reidService.getRedissonClient().<String, User>getMap("labeling:" + packId).readAllMap();
......@@ -61,17 +61,22 @@ public interface SubTaskMapper extends BaseMapper {
"select,d_sub_task.unid,d_sub_task.create_time as createTime,pack_id as packId," +
"pic_id as picId,task_id as taskId,person_unid as personUnid,d_sub_task.status, as labelUserName " +
"from d_sub_task left join s_user on where pack_id=#{packId} and person_unid in " +
"(select person_unid from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId}" +
" <foreach item='item' collection='personUnids' open='(' separator=',' close=')'> #{item} </foreach>" +
" order by person_unid " +
List<SubTaskVo> getPeople(Long packId, List<String> personUnids);
@Select("<script>" +
"select person_unid from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId}" +
" <if test = 'status != null'> and status=#{status}</if> " +
" <if test = 'status == null'> and status != -1</if> " +
" <if test = 'annotatorId != null'> and annotator_id = #{annotatorId}</if> " +
"group by person_unid " +
" having count(*) between #{countGTE} and #{countLTE} " +
" order by person_unid " +
"<if test='offset != null'> offset #{offset} limit #{limit}</if>) " +
" order by person_unid " +
"<if test='offset != null'> offset #{offset} limit #{limit}</if>" +
List<SubTaskVo> getPeople(Long packId, Integer status, Long offset, Long limit, Long annotatorId, Integer countGTE, Integer countLTE);
List<String> getPersonUnids(Long packId, Integer status, Long offset, Long limit, Long annotatorId, Integer countGTE, Integer countLTE);
@Select("<script>" +
"select count(*) from " +
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class KeliuController {
public Object sendData(@RequestParam Date date, @RequestParam Long mallId, @RequestParam Long packId, @RequestParam Long taskId) {
public Object sendData(@RequestParam Date date, @RequestParam Long mallId, @RequestParam Long packId, @RequestParam(required = false) Long taskId) {
List<Future<JsonMessageUtil.JsonMessage>> responses = new LinkedList<>();
if (SEND_DATA) {
return JsonMessageUtil.getErrorJsonMsg("有数据传输任务正在进行");
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