"select id,unid,create_time as createTime,pack_id as packId,pic_id as picId,task_id as taskId,person_unid as personUnid,status from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId} and person_unid in "+
"select d_sub_task.id,d_sub_task.unid,d_sub_task.create_time as createTime,pack_id as packId,"+
"pic_id as picId,task_id as taskId,person_unid as personUnid,d_sub_task.status,s_user.name as labelUserName "+
"from d_sub_task left join s_user on annotator_id=s_user.id where pack_id=#{packId} and person_unid in "+
"(select person_unid from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId}"+
"(select person_unid from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId}"+
" <if test = 'status != null'> and status=#{status}</if> "+
" <if test = 'status != null'> and status=#{status}</if> "+
" <if test = 'status == null'> and status != -1</if> "+
" <if test = 'status == null'> and status != -1</if> "+
" <if test = 'annotatorId != null'> and annotator_id = #{annotatorId}</if> "+
"group by person_unid "+
"group by person_unid "+
" having count(*) between #{countGTE} and #{countLTE} "+
" having count(*) between #{countGTE} and #{countLTE} "+
"select id,unid,create_time as createTime,pack_id as packId,pic_id as picId,task_id as taskId,person_unid as personUnid,status from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId} and person_unid="+
"select d_sub_task.id,d_sub_task.unid,d_sub_task.create_time as createTime,pack_id as packId,"+
"pic_id as picId,task_id as taskId,person_unid as personUnid,d_sub_task.status,s_user.name as labelUserName "+
"from d_sub_task left join s_user on annotator_id=s_user.id where pack_id=#{packId} and person_unid="+
"(select person_unid from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId} "+
"(select person_unid from d_sub_task where pack_id=#{packId} "+
"<if test = 'status != null'> and status=#{status}</if>"+
"<if test = 'status != null'> and status=#{status}</if>"+
" <if test = 'status == null'> and status != -1</if> "+
" <if test = 'status == null'> and status != -1</if> "+
returnjdbcTemplate.query("select unid,person_unid,channel_serialnum,body_pic,countdate,counttime from d_face_recognition where countdate=? and mall_id=?",newBeanPropertyRowMapper<>(FaceRecognition.class),date,mallId);
returnjdbcTemplate.query("select unid,person_unid,channel_serialnum,body_pic,countdate,counttime,direction from d_face_recognition where countdate=? and mall_id=?",newBeanPropertyRowMapper<>(FaceRecognition.class),date,mallId);