Commit 484bcd36 by 李乾广

[add]人员列表排序,过滤低质图片,获取body point

1 parent 7f6cb362
package com.viontech.label.platform.controller.web;
import cn.dev33.satoken.stp.StpUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.collection.CollUtil;
......@@ -9,7 +10,14 @@ import com.viontech.keliu.util.DateUtil;
import com.viontech.keliu.util.JsonMessageUtil;
import com.viontech.label.platform.mapper.LogMapper;
import com.viontech.label.platform.mapper.SubTaskMapper;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.*;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Account;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Pack;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.PackExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.SubTask;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.SubTaskExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Task;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.TaskExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.User;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.PackService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.SubTaskService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.TaskService;
......@@ -19,13 +27,25 @@ import com.viontech.label.platform.vo.ReidUploadData;
import com.viontech.label.platform.vo.SubTaskVo;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.DeleteMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
......@@ -67,26 +87,30 @@ public class ReidController {
SubTaskMapper mapper = (SubTaskMapper) subTaskService.getMapper();
List<String> personUnids = mapper.getPersonUnids(packId, status, page == null ? null : (page - 1) * size, size, annotatorId, countGTE, countLTE);
List<SubTaskVo> people = personUnids.size() == 0 ? Collections.emptyList() : mapper.getPeople(packId, personUnids);
List<SubTaskVo> people = CollUtil.isEmpty(personUnids) ? Collections.emptyList() : mapper.getPeople(packId, personUnids);
LinkedHashMap<String, List<SubTaskVo>> temp = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, User> labelingMap = reidService.getRedissonClient().<String, User>getMap("labeling:" + packId).readAllMap();
for (SubTaskVo item : people) {
String personUnid = item.getPersonUnid();
List<SubTaskVo> list = temp.computeIfAbsent(personUnid, x -> new LinkedList<>());
if (labelingMap.containsKey(personUnid)) {
Map<String, List<SubTaskVo>> personMap =;
List<Map<String, List<SubTaskVo>>> result = new ArrayList<>(personMap.size());
for (String personUnid : personUnids) {
Map<String, List<SubTaskVo>> item = new HashMap<>(1);
item.put(personUnid, personMap.get(personUnid));
if (page != null) {
PageInfo<Object> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(new ArrayList<>(temp.entrySet()), page.intValue());
PageInfo<Map<String, List<SubTaskVo>>> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(result, page.intValue());
pageInfo.setTotal(mapper.countPeople(packId, status, annotatorId, countGTE, countLTE));
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg(pageInfo);
} else {
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg(temp);
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg(result);
......@@ -349,4 +373,14 @@ public class ReidController {
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg();
* 获取body point坐标
* @param picId
* @return
public Object getBodyPoint(@RequestParam(name = "picId") Long picId) {
return reidService.getBodyPoint(picId);
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public interface SubTaskMapper extends BaseMapper {
" <if test = 'annotatorId != null'> and annotator_id = #{annotatorId}</if> " +
"group by person_unid " +
" having count(*) between #{countGTE} and #{countLTE} " +
" order by person_unid " +
" order by min(create_time), person_unid " +
"<if test='offset != null'> offset #{offset} limit #{limit}</if>" +
List<String> getPersonUnids(Long packId, Integer status, Long offset, Long limit, Long annotatorId, Integer countGTE, Integer countLTE);
......@@ -4,14 +4,24 @@ import cn.dev33.satoken.stp.StpUtil;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.viontech.keliu.model.*;
import com.viontech.keliu.model.AlgResult;
import com.viontech.keliu.model.BodyFeature;
import com.viontech.keliu.model.Data;
import com.viontech.keliu.model.Feature;
import com.viontech.keliu.model.Person;
import com.viontech.keliu.util.DateUtil;
import com.viontech.keliu.util.JsonMessageUtil;
import com.viontech.keliu.websocket.AlgApiClient;
import com.viontech.label.core.constant.Constants;
import com.viontech.label.core.constant.LogOperateType;
import com.viontech.label.core.constant.SubTaskStatus;
import com.viontech.label.platform.mapper.SubTaskMapper;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.*;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Log;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Pack;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Pic;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.SubTask;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.SubTaskExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.User;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.LogService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.PicService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.SubTaskService;
......@@ -34,7 +44,18 @@ import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
......@@ -599,6 +620,10 @@ public class ReidService {
for (Map.Entry<String, List<SubTask>> entry : collect.entrySet()) {
SubTask pic = entry.getValue().get(0);
if (pic.getStatus() == SubTaskStatus.LOW_QUALITY.val) {
if (pic.getStatus() == SubTaskStatus.FINISH_LABELING.val && entry.getValue().size() > 3) {
entry.setValue(entry.getValue().subList(0, 3));
......@@ -978,4 +1003,187 @@ public class ReidService {
public RedissonClient getRedissonClient() {
return redissonClient;
* 获取body point
* @param picId
* @return
public Object getBodyPoint(Long picId) {
if (null == picId) {
return JsonMessageUtil.getErrorJsonMsg("picId不能为空");
Feature feature = storageUtils.getFeatureByPic(picId);
if (null == feature) {
Integer image_w = 1920;
Integer image_h = 1080;
double zero_point[] = {0, 0};
Integer quadrant = 0;
try {
double cx = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getX();
double cy = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getY();
double foot_x = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getW();
double foot_y = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getH();
Integer img_type = feature.getBody_roi().get(0).getX();
double gap = 0;
// 计算图像位置
if (cx > image_w / 2 + 420) {
quadrant = 1;
} else if (cx < image_w / 2 - 420) {
quadrant = 3;
} else if (cy > image_h / 2) {
quadrant = 2;
Integer bodyWidth = 80;
Integer headSize = 120;
Integer basic_length = 340;
if (img_type == 9999) {
bodyWidth = 120;
headSize = 120;
basic_length = 380;
if (cx < foot_x) {
cx -= headSize;
foot_x += bodyWidth;
} else {
cx += headSize;
foot_x -= bodyWidth;
if (cy < foot_y) {
cy -= headSize;
foot_y += bodyWidth;
} else {
cy += headSize;
foot_y -= bodyWidth;
if (cx > foot_x) {
gap = cx - foot_x;
if (cx - foot_x <= basic_length) {
cx = cx + (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
foot_x = foot_x - (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
} else {
gap = foot_x - cx;
if (foot_x - cx <= basic_length) {
cx = cx - (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
foot_x = foot_x + (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
if (cy > foot_y) {
gap = cy - foot_y;
if (cy - foot_y <= basic_length) {
cy = cy + (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
foot_y = foot_y - (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
} else {
gap = foot_y - cy;
if (foot_y - cy <= basic_length) {
cy = cy - (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
foot_y = foot_y + (basic_length - gap) * 0.5;
double body_left = cx;
if (cx > foot_x) {
body_left = foot_x;
double body_right = cx;
if (cx < foot_x) {
body_right = foot_x;
double body_top = cy;
if (cy > foot_y) {
body_top = foot_y;
double body_bottom = cy;
if (cy < foot_y) {
body_bottom = foot_y;
if (body_left < 0) {
body_left = 0;
if (body_top < 0) {
body_top = 0;
if (body_right > image_w - 1) {
body_right = image_w - 1;
if (body_bottom > image_h - 1) {
body_bottom = image_h - 1;
double _cx = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getX();
double _cy = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getY();
double _foot_x = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getW();
double _foot_y = feature.getFace_roi().get(0).getH();
Integer head_x_inSmall = 0;
Integer head_y_inSmall = 0;
Integer foot_x_inSmall = 0;
Integer foot_y_inSmall = 0;
// 计算头脚在小图中的坐标
if (img_type != 9999) {
if (quadrant == 3) {
zero_point[0] = body_left;
zero_point[1] = body_bottom;
head_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _cy)).intValue();
head_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _cx)).intValue();
foot_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _foot_y)).intValue();
foot_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _foot_x)).intValue();
else if (quadrant == 2) {
zero_point[0] = body_right;
zero_point[1] = body_bottom;
head_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _cx)).intValue();
head_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _cy)).intValue();
foot_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _foot_x)).intValue();
foot_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _foot_y)).intValue();
else if (quadrant == 1) {
zero_point[0] = body_right;
zero_point[1] = body_top;
head_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _cy)).intValue();
head_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _cx)).intValue();
foot_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _foot_y)).intValue();
foot_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _foot_x)).intValue();
} else {
zero_point[0] = body_left;
zero_point[1] = body_top;
head_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _cx)).intValue();
head_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _cy)).intValue();
foot_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _foot_x)).intValue();
foot_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _foot_y)).intValue();
} else {
zero_point[0] = body_left;
zero_point[1] = body_top;
head_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _cx)).intValue();
head_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _cy)).intValue();
foot_x_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[0] - _foot_x)).intValue();
foot_y_inSmall = new Double(Math.abs(zero_point[1] - _foot_y)).intValue();
Map<String, Integer> resultMap = new HashMap<>(4);
resultMap.put("head_x_inSmall", head_x_inSmall);
resultMap.put("head_y_inSmall", head_y_inSmall);
resultMap.put("foot_x_inSmall", foot_x_inSmall);
resultMap.put("foot_y_inSmall", foot_y_inSmall);
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg(resultMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("获取坐标失败:{}", e.getMessage());
return JsonMessageUtil.getErrorJsonMsg("获取坐标失败");
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