Commit 352655d5 by xmh

<feature> 子任务添加方向

<feature> 公司添加状态
<feature> 低质提取
<feature> 导出添加条件和导出内容
<feature> 非管理员和内部质检员无法看到关闭了的 pack
<feature> 内部质检员可以看到所有公司
<refactor> 菜单重构
1 parent 8f0a6d20
-- 数据仓库表,用来配置数据仓库的使用方式,例如网络硬盘,云存储,本地存储等等
create table if not exists d_storage (
create table if not exists d_storage
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -13,10 +14,11 @@ comment on table d_storage is '数据仓库表';
comment on column "d_storage"."name" is '数据仓库名称';
comment on column "d_storage"."type" is '数据仓库类型';
comment on column "d_storage"."path" is '路径或使用方式,配合类型使用';
create index if not exists "d_storage_unid_idx" on "d_storage" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "d_storage_unid_idx" on "d_storage" using btree ("unid");
-- 图包表,一个图包包含多张图片
create table if not exists d_pack (
create table if not exists d_pack
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -35,11 +37,12 @@ comment on column "d_pack"."name" is '图包名称';
comment on column "d_pack"."status" is '图包状态';
comment on column "d_pack"."type" is '图包类型';
comment on column "d_pack"."task_id" is '关联的任务';
create index if not exists "d_pack_unid_idx" on "d_pack" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "d_pack_storage_id_idx" on "d_pack" using btree("storage_id");
create index if not exists "d_pack_unid_idx" on "d_pack" using btree ("unid");
create index if not exists "d_pack_storage_id_idx" on "d_pack" using btree ("storage_id");
-- 图片表,图片路径为 /d_pack.unid/
create table if not exists d_pic (
create table if not exists d_pic
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -54,12 +57,13 @@ comment on column "d_pic"."name" is '图片名称';
comment on column "d_pic"."storage_id" is '对应数据仓库id';
comment on column "d_pic"."pack_id" is '对应图片包id';
comment on column "d_pic"."status" is '状态';
create index if not exists "d_pic_unid_idx" on "d_pic" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "d_pic_storage_id_idx" on "d_pic" using btree("storage_id");
create index if not exists "d_pic_pack_id_idx" on "d_pic" using btree("pack_id");
create index if not exists "d_pic_unid_idx" on "d_pic" using btree ("unid");
create index if not exists "d_pic_storage_id_idx" on "d_pic" using btree ("storage_id");
create index if not exists "d_pic_pack_id_idx" on "d_pic" using btree ("pack_id");
-- 字典表
create table if not exists s_dict (
create table if not exists s_dict
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -73,12 +77,14 @@ comment on table "s_dict" is '字典表';
comment on column "s_dict"."key" is '关键字';
comment on column "s_dict"."value" is '值';
comment on column "s_dict"."description" is '描述';
create index if not exists "s_dict_unid_idx" on "s_dict" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "s_dict_key_idx" on "s_dict" using btree("key");
alter table s_dict add constraint s_dict_key_value_unique unique(key,value);
create index if not exists "s_dict_unid_idx" on "s_dict" using btree ("unid");
create index if not exists "s_dict_key_idx" on "s_dict" using btree ("key");
alter table s_dict
add constraint s_dict_key_value_unique unique (key, value);
-- 任务表,任务表可以包含多个图片包
create table if not exists d_task (
create table if not exists d_task
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -109,15 +115,16 @@ comment on column "d_task"."description" is '任务描述';
comment on column "d_task"."status" is '任务状态';
comment on column "d_task"."assign_time" is '任务分配时间';
comment on column "d_task"."finish_time" is '任务完成时间';
create index if not exists "d_task_unid_idx" on "d_task" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "d_task_account_id_idx" on "d_task" using btree("account_id");
create index if not exists "d_task_contractor_manager_id_idx" on "d_task" using btree("contractor_manager_id");
create index if not exists "d_task_manager_id_idx" on "d_task" using btree("manager_id");
create index if not exists "d_task_assign_time_idx" on "d_task" using btree("assign_time");
create index if not exists "d_task_finish_time_idx" on "d_task" using btree("finish_time");
create index if not exists "d_task_unid_idx" on "d_task" using btree ("unid");
create index if not exists "d_task_account_id_idx" on "d_task" using btree ("account_id");
create index if not exists "d_task_contractor_manager_id_idx" on "d_task" using btree ("contractor_manager_id");
create index if not exists "d_task_manager_id_idx" on "d_task" using btree ("manager_id");
create index if not exists "d_task_assign_time_idx" on "d_task" using btree ("assign_time");
create index if not exists "d_task_finish_time_idx" on "d_task" using btree ("finish_time");
-- 子任务表
create table if not exists d_sub_task (
create table if not exists d_sub_task
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -149,17 +156,18 @@ comment on column "d_sub_task"."out_status" is '外部质检状态';
comment on column "d_sub_task"."status" is '子任务状态';
comment on column "d_sub_task"."direction" is '方向';
comment on column "d_sub_task"."person_unid" is '人员Unid,reid标注中用来表示同一个人';
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_unid_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_pack_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("pack_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_pack_id_person_unid_status_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("pic_id","person_unid","status");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_task_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("task_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_in_inspector_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("in_inspector_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_out_inspector_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("out_inspector_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_annotator_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("annotator_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_person_unid_status_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree("person_unid","status");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_unid_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("unid");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_pack_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("pack_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_pack_id_person_unid_status_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("pic_id", "person_unid", "status");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_task_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("task_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_in_inspector_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("in_inspector_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_out_inspector_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("out_inspector_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_annotator_id_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("annotator_id");
create index if not exists "d_sub_task_person_unid_status_idx" on "d_sub_task" using btree ("person_unid", "status");
-- 用户表
create table if not exists s_user (
create table if not exists s_user
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -183,13 +191,15 @@ comment on column "s_user"."mail" is '邮箱';
comment on column "s_user"."tel" is '电话';
comment on column "s_user"."account_id" is '所属账户/公司';
comment on column "s_user"."last_login_time" is '最后登录时间';
alter table s_user add constraint s_user_username_unique unique(username);
create index if not exists "s_user_unid_idx" on "s_user" using btree("unid");
create index if not exists "s_user_username_idx" on "s_user" using btree("username");
create index if not exists "s_user_account_id_idx" on "s_user" using btree("account_id");
alter table s_user
add constraint s_user_username_unique unique (username);
create index if not exists "s_user_unid_idx" on "s_user" using btree ("unid");
create index if not exists "s_user_username_idx" on "s_user" using btree ("username");
create index if not exists "s_user_account_id_idx" on "s_user" using btree ("account_id");
-- 账户/公司表
create table if not exists s_account (
create table if not exists s_account
"id" serial8 primary key,
"unid" character varying(36) not null DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -207,7 +217,8 @@ comment on column "s_account"."description" is '描述';
-- 图包-标签表
create table if not exists r_pack_tag (
create table if not exists r_pack_tag
"id" serial8 primary key,
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
......@@ -217,69 +228,31 @@ create table if not exists r_pack_tag (
comment on table "r_pack_tag" is '图包标签关联表';
comment on column "r_pack_tag"."pack_id" is '图包id';
comment on column "r_pack_tag"."tag" is '标签值';
create index if not exists "r_pack_tag_pack_id_idx" on "r_pack_tag" using btree("pack_id");
create index if not exists "r_pack_tag_tag_idx" on "r_pack_tag" using btree("tag");
create index if not exists "r_pack_tag_pack_id_idx" on "r_pack_tag" using btree ("pack_id");
create index if not exists "r_pack_tag_tag_idx" on "r_pack_tag" using btree ("tag");
-- 日志表
"id" serial8 PRIMARY KEY,
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now( ),
"create_time" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
"operate_user" int8 NOT NULL,
"operate_date" DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT now( ),
"operate_date" DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
"operate_type" int4,
"operate" VARCHAR ( 1024 )
"operate" VARCHAR(1024)
comment on table "s_log" is '日志表';
comment on column "s_log"."operate_user" is '用户';
comment on column "s_log"."operate_date" is '日期';
comment on column "s_log"."operate_type" is '操作代码';
comment on column "s_log"."operate" is '具体操作';
create index if not exists "s_log_date_user_idx" on "s_log" using btree("operate_date","operate_user");
create index if not exists "s_log_user_idx" on "s_log" using btree("operate_user");
-- 初始数据
insert into s_user(username,password,type,name,account_id) values ('vion','viontech',0,'超级管理员',1);
insert into s_account(name,manager_id,description) values ('vion',1,'vion');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',0,'超级管理员');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',1,'项目经理');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',2,'内部质检员');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',3,'外部管理员');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',4,'外部质检员');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',5,'外部标注员');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('userType',6,'兼职标注员');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('packStatus',1,'待完成');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('packStatus',2,'审核中');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('packStatus',3,'审核驳回');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('packStatus',4,'审核通过');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('reidOperateType',1,'REID合并图片');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('reidOperateType',2,'REID合并人');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('reidOperateType',3,'REID合并图片到人');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('reidOperateType',4,'REID删除');
insert into s_dict(key,value,description) values ('reidOperateType',5,'REID完成标注');
-- 外键,正式环境不执行
alter table s_user add FOREIGN KEY ("account_id") REFERENCES "public"."s_account" ("id");
alter table d_sub_task add FOREIGN KEY ("task_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_task" ("id");
alter table d_sub_task add FOREIGN KEY ("pic_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_pic" ("id");
alter table d_task add FOREIGN KEY ("account_id") REFERENCES "public"."s_account" ("id");
alter table d_pic add FOREIGN KEY ("storage_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_storage" ("id");
alter table d_pic add FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_pack" ("id");
alter table d_pack add FOREIGN KEY ("storage_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_storage" ("id");
alter table d_pack add FOREIGN KEY ("task_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_task" ("id");
alter table r_pack_tag add FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_pack" ("id");
create index if not exists "s_log_date_user_idx" on "s_log" using btree ("operate_date", "operate_user");
create index if not exists "s_log_user_idx" on "s_log" using btree ("operate_user");
-- 禁止用户表
create table if not exists s_forbidden_user (
create table if not exists s_forbidden_user
"id" serial8,
"user_id" varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
"status" int2 DEFAULT NULL,
......@@ -301,4 +274,73 @@ COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."s_forbidden_user"."url" IS '请求接口';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."s_forbidden_user"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."s_forbidden_user"."update_time" IS '修改时间';
COMMENT ON TABLE "public"."s_forbidden_user" IS '禁止用户表';
create index if not exists "indx_user_id" on "s_forbidden_user" using btree("user_id");
create index if not exists "indx_user_id" on "s_forbidden_user" using btree ("user_id");
-- 初始数据
insert into s_user(username, password, type, name, account_id)
values ('vion', 'viontech', 0, '超级管理员', 1);
insert into s_account(name, manager_id, description)
values ('vion', 1, 'vion');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 0, '超级管理员');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 1, '项目经理');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 2, '内部质检员');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 3, '外部管理员');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 4, '外部质检员');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 5, '外部标注员');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('userType', 6, '兼职标注员');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('packStatus', 1, '待完成');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('packStatus', 2, '审核中');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('packStatus', 3, '审核驳回');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('packStatus', 4, '审核通过');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('reidOperateType', 1, 'REID合并图片');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('reidOperateType', 2, 'REID合并人');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('reidOperateType', 3, 'REID合并图片到人');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('reidOperateType', 4, 'REID删除');
insert into s_dict(key, value, description)
values ('reidOperateType', 5, 'REID完成标注');
-- 外键,正式环境不执行
alter table s_user
add FOREIGN KEY ("account_id") REFERENCES "public"."s_account" ("id");
alter table d_sub_task
add FOREIGN KEY ("task_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_task" ("id");
alter table d_sub_task
add FOREIGN KEY ("pic_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_pic" ("id");
alter table d_task
add FOREIGN KEY ("account_id") REFERENCES "public"."s_account" ("id");
alter table d_pic
add FOREIGN KEY ("storage_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_storage" ("id");
alter table d_pic
add FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_pack" ("id");
alter table d_pack
add FOREIGN KEY ("storage_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_storage" ("id");
alter table d_pack
add FOREIGN KEY ("task_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_task" ("id");
alter table r_pack_tag
add FOREIGN KEY ("pack_id") REFERENCES "public"."d_pack" ("id");
......@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ public class AccountController extends AccountBaseController {
protected BaseExample getExample(AccountVo accountVo, int type) {
User currentUser = userService.getCurrentUser();
Long accountId = currentUser.getAccountId();
if (!currentUser.getType().equals(0)) {
// 类型为管理员和内部质检员 可以查看所有公司
if (!currentUser.getType().equals(0) && !currentUser.getType().equals(2)) {
AccountExample accountExample = (AccountExample)super.getExample(accountVo,type);
AccountExample accountExample = (AccountExample) super.getExample(accountVo, type);
return accountExample;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ public class PackController extends PackBaseController {
User currentUser = userService.getCurrentUser();
// 类型为管理员和内部质检员 可以查看所有的 pack
if (!currentUser.getType().equals(0) && !currentUser.getType().equals(2)) {
return packExample;
......@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import com.viontech.keliu.util.DateUtil;
import com.viontech.keliu.util.JsonMessageUtil;
import com.viontech.label.platform.mapper.LogMapper;
import com.viontech.label.platform.mapper.SubTaskMapper;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.SubTask;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.SubTaskExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.User;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.*;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.PackService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.SubTaskService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.adapter.TaskService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.service.main.ReidService;
import com.viontech.label.platform.vo.LogVo;
import com.viontech.label.platform.vo.ReidUploadData;
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.*;
* .
......@@ -42,6 +43,10 @@ public class ReidController {
private ReidService reidService;
private SubTaskService subTaskService;
private PackService packservice;
private TaskService taskService;
......@@ -166,6 +171,17 @@ public class ReidController {
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg("success");
public Object mergeAndLowQuality(@RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "") String[] personUnidArr, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "") Long[] subTaskIdArr,
@RequestParam Long packId, @RequestParam String currentPerson) {
try {
reidService.mergeAndLowQuality(personUnidArr, subTaskIdArr, packId, currentPerson);
} catch (Exception e) {
return JsonMessageUtil.getErrorJsonMsg(e.getMessage());
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg("success");
* 标记某个人已经被清理干净了
......@@ -253,13 +269,36 @@ public class ReidController {
public void exportLabelResult(@RequestParam Long packId, @RequestParam Date start, @RequestParam Date end, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
public void exportLabelResult(@RequestParam(required = false) Long packId, @RequestParam(required = false) Long accountId, @RequestParam(required = false) Long taskId,
@RequestParam Date start, @RequestParam Date end, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
List<Pack> packs = getPacks(accountId, taskId, packId);
List<Long> packIds =;
if (packIds.size() == 0) {
List<Long> taskIds =;
TaskExample taskExample = new TaskExample();
List<Task> tasks = taskService.selectByExample(taskExample);
Map<Long, Task> taskMap =, x -> x, (a, b) -> a));
Account account = tasks.get(0).getAccount();
LogMapper mapper = (LogMapper) reidService.getLogService().getMapper();
List<LogVo> logs = mapper.exportLogByDateAndPack(packId, start, end);
List<LogVo> logs = mapper.exportLogByDateAndPack(packIds, start, end);
for (LogVo log : logs) {
HashSet<String> includeColumn = new HashSet<>();
......@@ -269,6 +308,25 @@ public class ReidController {
EasyExcel.write(response.getOutputStream(), LogVo.class).includeColumnFiledNames(includeColumn).sheet().doWrite(logs);
private List<Pack> getPacks(Long accountId, Long taskId, Long packId) {
if (packId != null) {
return Collections.singletonList(packservice.selectByPrimaryKey(packId));
PackExample packExample = new PackExample();
TaskExample.Criteria criteria = packExample.andTaskCriteria();
if (taskId != null) {
} else if (accountId != null) {
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
return packservice.selectByExample(packExample);
* 特征池重建
public Object featurePoolReconstruction(@RequestParam Long packId) {
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import com.viontech.keliu.util.JsonMessageUtil.JsonMessage;
import com.viontech.label.platform.base.BaseExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.config.VionConfig;
import com.viontech.label.platform.controller.base.UserBaseController;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.Account;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.User;
import com.viontech.label.platform.model.UserExample;
import com.viontech.label.platform.vo.UserVo;
......@@ -47,10 +48,16 @@ public class UserController extends UserBaseController {
String username = loginUser.getUsername();
String password = loginUser.getPassword();
UserExample userExample = new UserExample();
List<User> users = getService().selectByExample(userExample);
if (users.size() > 0) {
User user = users.get(0);
Account account = user.getAccount();
if (account.getStatus() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("账户无法使用");
String passwordInDb = user.getPassword();
if (password.equals(passwordInDb)) {
......@@ -74,6 +81,12 @@ public class UserController extends UserBaseController {
public Object logout() {
return JsonMessageUtil.getSuccessJsonMsg();
@RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ public interface LogMapper extends BaseMapper {
int updateByPrimaryKey(Log record);
@Select("select \"max\"( as username ,\"max\"(annotate_time) as finishTime ,person_unid as personUnid,count(*) as picNum from d_sub_task left join s_user on where pack_id=#{packId} and status=3 and annotate_time BETWEEN #{start} and #{end} group by person_unid ")
List<LogVo> exportLogByDateAndPack(Long packId, Date start, Date end);
@Select("<script> select \"max\"(s_user.username) as username,\"max\"( as name ,\"max\"(annotate_time) as finishTime ,person_unid as personUnid,count(*) as picNum, task_id as taskId " +
"from d_sub_task left join s_user on where pack_id in " +
" <foreach item='item' collection='packId' open='(' separator=',' close=')'> #{item ,jdbcType=NUMERIC} </foreach>" +
" and status=3 and annotate_time BETWEEN #{start} and #{end} group by task_id,person_unid </script>")
List<LogVo> exportLogByDateAndPack(List<Long> packId, Date start, Date end);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
<result column="account_name" property="" />
<result column="account_manager_id" property="account.managerId" />
<result column="account_description" property="account.description" />
<result column="account_status" property="account.status" />
<sql id="Left_Join_List" >
<foreach collection="leftJoinTableSet" item="leftJoinTable" >
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
<result column="account_name" property="" />
<result column="account_manager_id" property="account.managerId" />
<result column="account_description" property="account.description" />
<result column="account_status" property="account.status" />
<sql id="Left_Join_List" >
<foreach collection="leftJoinTableSet" item="leftJoinTable" >
......@@ -328,6 +328,12 @@ public class ReidService {
* 按规则合并,并跟新为todo 状态
* <ul>
* <li>一个 personUnid 多个 subTaskId -> mergeTo</li>
* <li>一个 personUnid 没有 subTaskId -> update</li>
* <li>没有 personUnid 多个 subTaskId -> mergeAsNewPerson</li>
* <li>多个 personUnid 没有 subTaskId -> mergePerson</li>
* </ul>
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void mergeAndTodo(String[] personUnidArr, Long[] subTaskIdArr, Long packId, String currentPerson) throws Exception {
......@@ -380,6 +386,67 @@ public class ReidService {
* 低质量合并
* <ul>
* <li>一个 personUnid 多个 subTaskId -> mergeTo</li>
* <li>一个 personUnid 没有 subTaskId -> update</li>
* <li>没有 personUnid 多个 subTaskId -> mergeAsNewPerson</li>
* <li>多个 personUnid 没有 subTaskId -> mergePerson</li>
* </ul>
public void mergeAndLowQuality(String[] personUnidArr, Long[] subTaskIdArr, Long packId, String currentPerson) throws Exception {"mergeAndLowQuality:[{}]-[{}]-[{}]-[{}]", Arrays.toString(personUnidArr), Arrays.toString(subTaskIdArr), packId, currentPerson);
// int i = ArrayUtils.indexOf(personUnidArr, currentPerson);
// if (i != -1) {
// personUnidArr = ArrayUtils.remove(personUnidArr, i);
// }
String type = "";
if (personUnidArr.length > 1 && subTaskIdArr.length > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("参数不正确");
if (personUnidArr.length == 1) {
if (subTaskIdArr.length > 0) {
type = "mergeTo";
} else {
type = "update";
} else if (personUnidArr.length == 0 && subTaskIdArr.length > 0) {
type = "mergeAsNewPerson";
} else if (personUnidArr.length > 1 && subTaskIdArr.length == 0) {
type = "mergePerson";
String personUnid;
switch (type) {
case "mergeTo":
personUnid = mergeTo(subTaskIdArr, personUnidArr[0], currentPerson, packId);
case "mergeAsNewPerson":
personUnid = mergeAsNewPerson(subTaskIdArr, packId);
case "mergePerson":
personUnid = mergePerson(personUnidArr, currentPerson, packId);
case "update":
personUnid = personUnidArr[0];
throw new RuntimeException("未知原因");
SubTaskExample subTaskExample = new SubTaskExample();
SubTask subTask = new SubTask();
subTaskService.updateByExampleSelective(subTask, subTaskExample);
String reidPoolName = Constants.getReidPoolName(packId);
CompletableFuture<AlgResult> feature = matchClient.EASY_PERSON_API.deletePerson(reidPoolName, Collections.singletonList(personUnid));
feature.get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
* 标记人为纯净的(修改人对应的所有的图片状态)
public void finishLabeling(String personUnid, Long packId) {
......@@ -579,7 +646,7 @@ public class ReidService {
SubTask subTask = new SubTask();
// subTask.setAnnotatorId(StpUtil.getLoginIdAsLong());
SubTaskExample subTaskExample = new SubTaskExample();
......@@ -588,7 +655,7 @@ public class ReidService {
if (subTasks.size() > 0) {
Integer status = subTasks.get(0).getStatus();
if (status.equals(SubTaskStatus.FINISH_LABELING.val) || status.equals(SubTaskStatus.recycled.val)) {
if (status.equals(SubTaskStatus.FINISH_LABELING.val) || status.equals(SubTaskStatus.recycled.val) || status.equals(SubTaskStatus.LOW_QUALITY.val)) {
return true;
......@@ -799,6 +866,9 @@ public class ReidService {
return tempFile;
* 特征池重建
public void reConstruction(Long packId) {
SubTaskExample subTaskExample = new SubTaskExample();
......@@ -817,6 +887,12 @@ public class ReidService {
for (Map.Entry<String, List<SubTask>> entry : collect.entrySet()) {
String personUnid = entry.getKey();
List<SubTask> value = entry.getValue();
Integer status = value.get(0).getStatus();
// 低质量和已回收的不加到特征池里
if (status == SubTaskStatus.LOW_QUALITY.val || status == SubTaskStatus.recycled.val) {
ArrayList<Person> people = new ArrayList<>();
for (SubTask item : value) {
......@@ -8,14 +8,21 @@ import java.util.Date;
public class LogVo extends LogVoBase {
private String accountName;
private String taskName;
private String username;
private String name;
private String personUnid;
private Integer picNum;
private Date finishTime;
private Long taskId;
public LogVo() {
......@@ -61,4 +68,40 @@ public class LogVo extends LogVoBase {
this.picNum = picNum;
return this;
public String getAccountName() {
return accountName;
public LogVo setAccountName(String accountName) {
this.accountName = accountName;
return this;
public String getTaskName() {
return taskName;
public LogVo setTaskName(String taskName) {
this.taskName = taskName;
return this;
public String getName() {
return name;
public LogVo setName(String name) { = name;
return this;
public Long getTaskId() {
return taskId;
public LogVo setTaskId(Long taskId) {
this.taskId = taskId;
return this;
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......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ server:
port: 12100
active: dev
active: pro
token-name: token
activity-timeout: 36000
......@@ -22,46 +22,36 @@ pagehelper:
params: count=countByExample
# 超级管理员
- "标注"
- "提交质检"
- "标注工作薄"
- "质检审核"
- "项目管理"
- "外包公司"
- "用户管理"
# 内部质检员
- "标注"
- "提交质检"
- "标注工作薄"
- "质检审核"
- "项目管理"
- "外包公司"
- "用户管理"
- "质检审核"
# 外部管理员(公司管理员)
- "标注"
- "提交质检"
- "标注工作薄"
- "用户管理"
# 外部质检员(公司质检员)
- "质检审核"
- "标注"
# 外部标注员(公司标注员)
- "标注"
# 兼职标注员
- "标注"
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