barPolar.js 10.3 KB
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import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import {parsePercent} from '../util/number';
import {isDimensionStacked} from '../data/helper/dataStackHelper';

function getSeriesStackId(seriesModel) {
    return seriesModel.get('stack')
        || '__ec_stack_' + seriesModel.seriesIndex;

function getAxisKey(axis) {
    return axis.dim;

 * @param {string} seriesType
 * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel
 * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api
function barLayoutPolar(seriesType, ecModel, api) {

    // FIXME
    // Revert becuase it brings bar progressive bug.
    // The complete fix will be added in the next version.
    var width = api.getWidth();
    var height = api.getHeight();

    var lastStackCoords = {};

    var barWidthAndOffset = calRadialBar(
            function (seriesModel) {
                return !ecModel.isSeriesFiltered(seriesModel)
                    && seriesModel.coordinateSystem
                    && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'polar';

    ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
        // Check series coordinate, do layout for polar only
        if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type !== 'polar') {

        var data = seriesModel.getData();
        var polar = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
        var baseAxis = polar.getBaseAxis();

        var stackId = getSeriesStackId(seriesModel);
        var columnLayoutInfo
            = barWidthAndOffset[getAxisKey(baseAxis)][stackId];
        var columnOffset = columnLayoutInfo.offset;
        var columnWidth = columnLayoutInfo.width;
        var valueAxis = polar.getOtherAxis(baseAxis);

        var cx =;
        var cy =;

        var barMinHeight = seriesModel.get('barMinHeight') || 0;
        var barMinAngle = seriesModel.get('barMinAngle') || 0;

        lastStackCoords[stackId] = lastStackCoords[stackId] || [];

        var valueDim = data.mapDimension(valueAxis.dim);
        var baseDim = data.mapDimension(baseAxis.dim);
        var stacked = isDimensionStacked(data, valueDim /*, baseDim*/);

        var valueAxisStart = valueAxis.getExtent()[0];

        for (var idx = 0, len = data.count(); idx < len; idx++) {
            var value = data.get(valueDim, idx);
            var baseValue = data.get(baseDim, idx);

            if (isNaN(value)) {

            var sign = value >= 0 ? 'p' : 'n';
            var baseCoord = valueAxisStart;

            // Because of the barMinHeight, we can not use the value in
            // stackResultDimension directly.
            // Only ordinal axis can be stacked.
            if (stacked) {
                if (!lastStackCoords[stackId][baseValue]) {
                    lastStackCoords[stackId][baseValue] = {
                        p: valueAxisStart, // Positive stack
                        n: valueAxisStart  // Negative stack
                // Should also consider #4243
                baseCoord = lastStackCoords[stackId][baseValue][sign];

            var r0;
            var r;
            var startAngle;
            var endAngle;

            // radial sector
            if (valueAxis.dim === 'radius') {
                var radiusSpan = valueAxis.dataToRadius(value) - valueAxisStart;
                var angle = baseAxis.dataToAngle(baseValue);

                if (Math.abs(radiusSpan) < barMinHeight) {
                    radiusSpan = (radiusSpan < 0 ? -1 : 1) * barMinHeight;

                r0 = baseCoord;
                r = baseCoord + radiusSpan;
                startAngle = angle - columnOffset;
                endAngle = startAngle - columnWidth;

                stacked && (lastStackCoords[stackId][baseValue][sign] = r);
            // tangential sector
            else {
                // angleAxis must be clamped.
                var angleSpan = valueAxis.dataToAngle(value, true) - valueAxisStart;
                var radius = baseAxis.dataToRadius(baseValue);

                if (Math.abs(angleSpan) < barMinAngle) {
                    angleSpan = (angleSpan < 0 ? -1 : 1) * barMinAngle;

                r0 = radius + columnOffset;
                r = r0 + columnWidth;
                startAngle = baseCoord;
                endAngle = baseCoord + angleSpan;

                // if the previous stack is at the end of the ring,
                // add a round to differentiate it from origin
                // var extent = angleAxis.getExtent();
                // var stackCoord = angle;
                // if (stackCoord === extent[0] && value > 0) {
                //     stackCoord = extent[1];
                // }
                // else if (stackCoord === extent[1] && value < 0) {
                //     stackCoord = extent[0];
                // }
                stacked && (lastStackCoords[stackId][baseValue][sign] = endAngle);

            data.setItemLayout(idx, {
                cx: cx,
                cy: cy,
                r0: r0,
                r: r,
                // Consider that positive angle is anti-clockwise,
                // while positive radian of sector is clockwise
                startAngle: -startAngle * Math.PI / 180,
                endAngle: -endAngle * Math.PI / 180


    }, this);


 * Calculate bar width and offset for radial bar charts
function calRadialBar(barSeries, api) {
    // Columns info on each category axis. Key is polar name
    var columnsMap = {};

    zrUtil.each(barSeries, function (seriesModel, idx) {
        var data = seriesModel.getData();
        var polar = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;

        var baseAxis = polar.getBaseAxis();

        var axisExtent = baseAxis.getExtent();
        var bandWidth = baseAxis.type === 'category'
            ? baseAxis.getBandWidth()
            : (Math.abs(axisExtent[1] - axisExtent[0]) / data.count());

        var columnsOnAxis = columnsMap[getAxisKey(baseAxis)] || {
            bandWidth: bandWidth,
            remainedWidth: bandWidth,
            autoWidthCount: 0,
            categoryGap: '20%',
            gap: '30%',
            stacks: {}
        var stacks = columnsOnAxis.stacks;
        columnsMap[getAxisKey(baseAxis)] = columnsOnAxis;

        var stackId = getSeriesStackId(seriesModel);

        if (!stacks[stackId]) {
        stacks[stackId] = stacks[stackId] || {
            width: 0,
            maxWidth: 0

        var barWidth = parsePercent(
        var barMaxWidth = parsePercent(
        var barGap = seriesModel.get('barGap');
        var barCategoryGap = seriesModel.get('barCategoryGap');

        if (barWidth && !stacks[stackId].width) {
            barWidth = Math.min(columnsOnAxis.remainedWidth, barWidth);
            stacks[stackId].width = barWidth;
            columnsOnAxis.remainedWidth -= barWidth;

        barMaxWidth && (stacks[stackId].maxWidth = barMaxWidth);
        (barGap != null) && ( = barGap);
        (barCategoryGap != null) && (columnsOnAxis.categoryGap = barCategoryGap);

    var result = {};

    zrUtil.each(columnsMap, function (columnsOnAxis, coordSysName) {

        result[coordSysName] = {};

        var stacks = columnsOnAxis.stacks;
        var bandWidth = columnsOnAxis.bandWidth;
        var categoryGap = parsePercent(columnsOnAxis.categoryGap, bandWidth);
        var barGapPercent = parsePercent(, 1);

        var remainedWidth = columnsOnAxis.remainedWidth;
        var autoWidthCount = columnsOnAxis.autoWidthCount;
        var autoWidth = (remainedWidth - categoryGap)
            / (autoWidthCount + (autoWidthCount - 1) * barGapPercent);
        autoWidth = Math.max(autoWidth, 0);

        // Find if any auto calculated bar exceeded maxBarWidth
        zrUtil.each(stacks, function (column, stack) {
            var maxWidth = column.maxWidth;
            if (maxWidth && maxWidth < autoWidth) {
                maxWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, remainedWidth);
                if (column.width) {
                    maxWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, column.width);
                remainedWidth -= maxWidth;
                column.width = maxWidth;

        // Recalculate width again
        autoWidth = (remainedWidth - categoryGap)
            / (autoWidthCount + (autoWidthCount - 1) * barGapPercent);
        autoWidth = Math.max(autoWidth, 0);

        var widthSum = 0;
        var lastColumn;
        zrUtil.each(stacks, function (column, idx) {
            if (!column.width) {
                column.width = autoWidth;
            lastColumn = column;
            widthSum += column.width * (1 + barGapPercent);
        if (lastColumn) {
            widthSum -= lastColumn.width * barGapPercent;

        var offset = -widthSum / 2;
        zrUtil.each(stacks, function (column, stackId) {
            result[coordSysName][stackId] = result[coordSysName][stackId] || {
                offset: offset,
                width: column.width

            offset += column.width * (1 + barGapPercent);

    return result;

export default barLayoutPolar;