CartesianAxisView.js 7.72 KB
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic';
import AxisBuilder from './AxisBuilder';
import AxisView from './AxisView';
import * as cartesianAxisHelper from '../../coord/cartesian/cartesianAxisHelper';

var axisBuilderAttrs = [
    'axisLine', 'axisTickLabel', 'axisName'
var selfBuilderAttrs = [
    'splitArea', 'splitLine'

// function getAlignWithLabel(model, axisModel) {
//     var alignWithLabel = model.get('alignWithLabel');
//     if (alignWithLabel === 'auto') {
//         alignWithLabel = axisModel.get('axisTick.alignWithLabel');
//     }
//     return alignWithLabel;
// }

var CartesianAxisView = AxisView.extend({

    type: 'cartesianAxis',

    axisPointerClass: 'CartesianAxisPointer',

     * @override
    render: function (axisModel, ecModel, api, payload) {;

        var oldAxisGroup = this._axisGroup;
        this._axisGroup = new graphic.Group();;

        if (!axisModel.get('show')) {

        var gridModel = axisModel.getCoordSysModel();

        var layout = cartesianAxisHelper.layout(gridModel, axisModel);

        var axisBuilder = new AxisBuilder(axisModel, layout);

        zrUtil.each(axisBuilderAttrs, axisBuilder.add, axisBuilder);


        zrUtil.each(selfBuilderAttrs, function (name) {
            if (axisModel.get(name + '.show')) {
                this['_' + name](axisModel, gridModel);
        }, this);

        graphic.groupTransition(oldAxisGroup, this._axisGroup, axisModel);

        CartesianAxisView.superCall(this, 'render', axisModel, ecModel, api, payload);

    remove: function () {
        this._splitAreaColors = null;

     * @param {module:echarts/coord/cartesian/AxisModel} axisModel
     * @param {module:echarts/coord/cartesian/GridModel} gridModel
     * @private
    _splitLine: function (axisModel, gridModel) {
        var axis = axisModel.axis;

        if (axis.scale.isBlank()) {

        var splitLineModel = axisModel.getModel('splitLine');
        var lineStyleModel = splitLineModel.getModel('lineStyle');
        var lineColors = lineStyleModel.get('color');

        lineColors = zrUtil.isArray(lineColors) ? lineColors : [lineColors];

        var gridRect = gridModel.coordinateSystem.getRect();
        var isHorizontal = axis.isHorizontal();

        var lineCount = 0;

        var ticksCoords = axis.getTicksCoords({
            tickModel: splitLineModel

        var p1 = [];
        var p2 = [];

        // Simple optimization
        // Batching the lines if color are the same
        var lineStyle = lineStyleModel.getLineStyle();
        for (var i = 0; i < ticksCoords.length; i++) {
            var tickCoord = axis.toGlobalCoord(ticksCoords[i].coord);

            if (isHorizontal) {
                p1[0] = tickCoord;
                p1[1] = gridRect.y;
                p2[0] = tickCoord;
                p2[1] = gridRect.y + gridRect.height;
            else {
                p1[0] = gridRect.x;
                p1[1] = tickCoord;
                p2[0] = gridRect.x + gridRect.width;
                p2[1] = tickCoord;

            var colorIndex = (lineCount++) % lineColors.length;
            var tickValue = ticksCoords[i].tickValue;
            this._axisGroup.add(new graphic.Line(graphic.subPixelOptimizeLine({
                anid: tickValue != null ? 'line_' + ticksCoords[i].tickValue : null,
                shape: {
                    x1: p1[0],
                    y1: p1[1],
                    x2: p2[0],
                    y2: p2[1]
                style: zrUtil.defaults({
                    stroke: lineColors[colorIndex]
                }, lineStyle),
                silent: true

     * @param {module:echarts/coord/cartesian/AxisModel} axisModel
     * @param {module:echarts/coord/cartesian/GridModel} gridModel
     * @private
    _splitArea: function (axisModel, gridModel) {
        var axis = axisModel.axis;

        if (axis.scale.isBlank()) {

        var splitAreaModel = axisModel.getModel('splitArea');
        var areaStyleModel = splitAreaModel.getModel('areaStyle');
        var areaColors = areaStyleModel.get('color');

        var gridRect = gridModel.coordinateSystem.getRect();

        var ticksCoords = axis.getTicksCoords({
            tickModel: splitAreaModel,
            clamp: true

        if (!ticksCoords.length) {

        // For Making appropriate splitArea animation, the color and anid
        // should be corresponding to previous one if possible.
        var areaColorsLen = areaColors.length;
        var lastSplitAreaColors = this._splitAreaColors;
        var newSplitAreaColors = zrUtil.createHashMap();
        var colorIndex = 0;
        if (lastSplitAreaColors) {
            for (var i = 0; i < ticksCoords.length; i++) {
                var cIndex = lastSplitAreaColors.get(ticksCoords[i].tickValue);
                if (cIndex != null) {
                    colorIndex = (cIndex + (areaColorsLen - 1) * i) % areaColorsLen;

        var prev = axis.toGlobalCoord(ticksCoords[0].coord);

        var areaStyle = areaStyleModel.getAreaStyle();
        areaColors = zrUtil.isArray(areaColors) ? areaColors : [areaColors];

        for (var i = 1; i < ticksCoords.length; i++) {
            var tickCoord = axis.toGlobalCoord(ticksCoords[i].coord);

            var x;
            var y;
            var width;
            var height;
            if (axis.isHorizontal()) {
                x = prev;
                y = gridRect.y;
                width = tickCoord - x;
                height = gridRect.height;
                prev = x + width;
            else {
                x = gridRect.x;
                y = prev;
                width = gridRect.width;
                height = tickCoord - y;
                prev = y + height;

            var tickValue = ticksCoords[i - 1].tickValue;
            tickValue != null && newSplitAreaColors.set(tickValue, colorIndex);

            this._axisGroup.add(new graphic.Rect({
                anid: tickValue != null ? 'area_' + tickValue : null,
                shape: {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    width: width,
                    height: height
                style: zrUtil.defaults({
                    fill: areaColors[colorIndex]
                }, areaStyle),
                silent: true

            colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % areaColorsLen;

        this._splitAreaColors = newSplitAreaColors;

    type: 'xAxis'
    type: 'yAxis'