task.js 10.7 KB
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import {assert, isArray} from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import { __DEV__ } from '../config';

 * @param {Object} define
 * @return See the return of `createTask`.
export function createTask(define) {
    return new Task(define);

 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} define
 * @param {Function} define.reset Custom reset
 * @param {Function} [define.plan] Returns 'reset' indicate reset immediately.
 * @param {Function} [define.count] count is used to determin data task.
 * @param {Function} [define.onDirty] count is used to determin data task.
function Task(define) {
    define = define || {};

    this._reset = define.reset;
    this._plan = define.plan;
    this._count = define.count;
    this._onDirty = define.onDirty;

    this._dirty = true;

    // Context must be specified implicitly, to
    // avoid miss update context when model changed.

var taskProto = Task.prototype;

 * @param {Object} performArgs
 * @param {number} [performArgs.step] Specified step.
 * @param {number} [performArgs.skip] Skip customer perform call.
 * @param {number} [performArgs.modBy] Sampling window size.
 * @param {number} [performArgs.modDataCount] Sampling count.
taskProto.perform = function (performArgs) {
    var upTask = this._upstream;
    var skip = performArgs && performArgs.skip;

    // TODO some refactor.
    // Pull data. Must pull data each time, because context.data
    // may be updated by Series.setData.
    if (this._dirty && upTask) {
        var context = this.context;
        context.data = context.outputData = upTask.context.outputData;

    if (this.__pipeline) {
        this.__pipeline.currentTask = this;

    var planResult;
    if (this._plan && !skip) {
        planResult = this._plan(this.context);

    // Support sharding by mod, which changes the render sequence and makes the rendered graphic
    // elements uniformed distributed when progress, especially when moving or zooming.
    var lastModBy = normalizeModBy(this._modBy);
    var lastModDataCount = this._modDataCount || 0;
    var modBy = normalizeModBy(performArgs && performArgs.modBy);
    var modDataCount = performArgs && performArgs.modDataCount || 0;
    if (lastModBy !== modBy || lastModDataCount !== modDataCount) {
        planResult = 'reset';

    function normalizeModBy(val) {
        !(val >= 1) && (val = 1); // jshint ignore:line
        return val;

    var forceFirstProgress;
    if (this._dirty || planResult === 'reset') {
        this._dirty = false;
        forceFirstProgress = reset(this, skip);

    this._modBy = modBy;
    this._modDataCount = modDataCount;

    var step = performArgs && performArgs.step;

    if (upTask) {

        if (__DEV__) {
            assert(upTask._outputDueEnd != null);
        this._dueEnd = upTask._outputDueEnd;
    // DataTask or overallTask
    else {
        if (__DEV__) {
            assert(!this._progress || this._count);
        this._dueEnd = this._count ? this._count(this.context) : Infinity;

    // Note: Stubs, that its host overall task let it has progress, has progress.
    // If no progress, pass index from upstream to downstream each time plan called.
    if (this._progress) {
        var start = this._dueIndex;
        var end = Math.min(
            step != null ? this._dueIndex + step : Infinity,

        if (!skip && (forceFirstProgress || start < end)) {
            var progress = this._progress;
            if (isArray(progress)) {
                for (var i = 0; i < progress.length; i++) {
                    doProgress(this, progress[i], start, end, modBy, modDataCount);
            else {
                doProgress(this, progress, start, end, modBy, modDataCount);

        this._dueIndex = end;
        // If no `outputDueEnd`, assume that output data and
        // input data is the same, so use `dueIndex` as `outputDueEnd`.
        var outputDueEnd = this._settedOutputEnd != null
            ? this._settedOutputEnd : end;

        if (__DEV__) {
            // ??? Can not rollback.
            assert(outputDueEnd >= this._outputDueEnd);

        this._outputDueEnd = outputDueEnd;
    else {
        // (1) Some overall task has no progress.
        // (2) Stubs, that its host overall task do not let it has progress, has no progress.
        // This should always be performed so it can be passed to downstream.
        this._dueIndex = this._outputDueEnd = this._settedOutputEnd != null
            ? this._settedOutputEnd : this._dueEnd;

    return this.unfinished();

var iterator = (function () {

    var end;
    var current;
    var modBy;
    var modDataCount;
    var winCount;

    var it = {
        reset: function (s, e, sStep, sCount) {
            current = s;
            end = e;

            modBy = sStep;
            modDataCount = sCount;
            winCount = Math.ceil(modDataCount / modBy);

            it.next = (modBy > 1 && modDataCount > 0) ? modNext : sequentialNext;

    return it;

    function sequentialNext() {
        return current < end ? current++ : null;

    function modNext() {
        var dataIndex = (current % winCount) * modBy + Math.ceil(current / winCount);
        var result = current >= end
            ? null
            : dataIndex < modDataCount
            ? dataIndex
            // If modDataCount is smaller than data.count() (consider `appendData` case),
            // Use normal linear rendering mode.
            : current;
        return result;

taskProto.dirty = function () {
    this._dirty = true;
    this._onDirty && this._onDirty(this.context);

function doProgress(taskIns, progress, start, end, modBy, modDataCount) {
    iterator.reset(start, end, modBy, modDataCount);
    taskIns._callingProgress = progress;
        start: start, end: end, count: end - start, next: iterator.next
    }, taskIns.context);

function reset(taskIns, skip) {
    taskIns._dueIndex = taskIns._outputDueEnd = taskIns._dueEnd = 0;
    taskIns._settedOutputEnd = null;

    var progress;
    var forceFirstProgress;

    if (!skip && taskIns._reset) {
        progress = taskIns._reset(taskIns.context);
        if (progress && progress.progress) {
            forceFirstProgress = progress.forceFirstProgress;
            progress = progress.progress;
        // To simplify no progress checking, array must has item.
        if (isArray(progress) && !progress.length) {
            progress = null;

    taskIns._progress = progress;
    taskIns._modBy = taskIns._modDataCount = null;

    var downstream = taskIns._downstream;
    downstream && downstream.dirty();

    return forceFirstProgress;

 * @return {boolean}
taskProto.unfinished = function () {
    return this._progress && this._dueIndex < this._dueEnd;

 * @param {Object} downTask The downstream task.
 * @return {Object} The downstream task.
taskProto.pipe = function (downTask) {
    if (__DEV__) {
        assert(downTask && !downTask._disposed && downTask !== this);

    // If already downstream, do not dirty downTask.
    if (this._downstream !== downTask || this._dirty) {
        this._downstream = downTask;
        downTask._upstream = this;

taskProto.dispose = function () {
    if (this._disposed) {

    this._upstream && (this._upstream._downstream = null);
    this._downstream && (this._downstream._upstream = null);

    this._dirty = false;
    this._disposed = true;

taskProto.getUpstream = function () {
    return this._upstream;

taskProto.getDownstream = function () {
    return this._downstream;

taskProto.setOutputEnd = function (end) {
    // This only happend in dataTask, dataZoom, map, currently.
    // where dataZoom do not set end each time, but only set
    // when reset. So we should record the setted end, in case
    // that the stub of dataZoom perform again and earse the
    // setted end by upstream.
    this._outputDueEnd = this._settedOutputEnd = end;

// For stream debug (Should be commented out after used!)
// Usage: printTask(this, 'begin');
// Usage: printTask(this, null, {someExtraProp});
// function printTask(task, prefix, extra) {
//     window.ecTaskUID == null && (window.ecTaskUID = 0);
//     task.uidDebug == null && (task.uidDebug = `task_${window.ecTaskUID++}`);
//     task.agent && task.agent.uidDebug == null && (task.agent.uidDebug = `task_${window.ecTaskUID++}`);
//     var props = [];
//     if (task.__pipeline) {
//         var val = `${task.__idxInPipeline}/${task.__pipeline.tail.__idxInPipeline} ${task.agent ? '(stub)' : ''}`;
//         props.push({text: 'idx', value: val});
//     } else {
//         var stubCount = 0;
//         task.agentStubMap.each(() => stubCount++);
//         props.push({text: 'idx', value: `overall (stubs: ${stubCount})`});
//     }
//     props.push({text: 'uid', value: task.uidDebug});
//     if (task.__pipeline) {
//         props.push({text: 'pid', value: task.__pipeline.id});
//         task.agent && props.push(
//             {text: 'stubFor', value: task.agent.uidDebug}
//         );
//     }
//     props.push(
//         {text: 'dirty', value: task._dirty},
//         {text: 'dueIndex', value: task._dueIndex},
//         {text: 'dueEnd', value: task._dueEnd},
//         {text: 'outputDueEnd', value: task._outputDueEnd}
//     );
//     if (extra) {
//         Object.keys(extra).forEach(key => {
//             props.push({text: key, value: extra[key]});
//         });
//     }
//     var args = ['color: blue'];
//     var msg = `%c[${prefix || 'T'}] %c` + props.map(item => (
//         args.push('color: black', 'color: red'),
//         `${item.text}: %c${item.value}`
//     )).join('%c, ');
//     console.log.apply(console, [msg].concat(args));
//     // console.log(this);
// }