Brush.js 5.33 KB
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.

import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import * as featureManager from '../featureManager';
import lang from '../../../lang';

var brushLang = lang.toolbox.brush;

function Brush(model, ecModel, api) {
    this.model = model;
    this.ecModel = ecModel;
    this.api = api;

     * @private
     * @type {string}

     * @private
     * @type {string}

Brush.defaultOption = {
    show: true,
    type: ['rect', 'polygon', 'lineX', 'lineY', 'keep', 'clear'],
    icon: {
        /* eslint-disable */
        rect: 'M7.3,34.7 M0.4,10V-0.2h9.8 M89.6,10V-0.2h-9.8 M0.4,60v10.2h9.8 M89.6,60v10.2h-9.8 M12.3,22.4V10.5h13.1 M33.6,10.5h7.8 M49.1,10.5h7.8 M77.5,22.4V10.5h-13 M12.3,31.1v8.2 M77.7,31.1v8.2 M12.3,47.6v11.9h13.1 M33.6,59.5h7.6 M49.1,59.5 h7.7 M77.5,47.6v11.9h-13', // jshint ignore:line
        polygon: 'M55.2,34.9c1.7,0,3.1,1.4,3.1,3.1s-1.4,3.1-3.1,3.1 s-3.1-1.4-3.1-3.1S53.5,34.9,55.2,34.9z M50.4,51c1.7,0,3.1,1.4,3.1,3.1c0,1.7-1.4,3.1-3.1,3.1c-1.7,0-3.1-1.4-3.1-3.1 C47.3,52.4,48.7,51,50.4,51z M55.6,37.1l1.5-7.8 M60.1,13.5l1.6-8.7l-7.8,4 M59,19l-1,5.3 M24,16.1l6.4,4.9l6.4-3.3 M48.5,11.6 l-5.9,3.1 M19.1,12.8L9.7,5.1l1.1,7.7 M13.4,29.8l1,7.3l6.6,1.6 M11.6,18.4l1,6.1 M32.8,41.9 M26.6,40.4 M27.3,40.2l6.1,1.6 M49.9,52.1l-5.6-7.6l-4.9-1.2', // jshint ignore:line
        lineX: 'M15.2,30 M19.7,15.6V1.9H29 M34.8,1.9H40.4 M55.3,15.6V1.9H45.9 M19.7,44.4V58.1H29 M34.8,58.1H40.4 M55.3,44.4 V58.1H45.9 M12.5,20.3l-9.4,9.6l9.6,9.8 M3.1,29.9h16.5 M62.5,20.3l9.4,9.6L62.3,39.7 M71.9,29.9H55.4', // jshint ignore:line
        lineY: 'M38.8,7.7 M52.7,12h13.2v9 M65.9,26.6V32 M52.7,46.3h13.2v-9 M24.9,12H11.8v9 M11.8,26.6V32 M24.9,46.3H11.8v-9 M48.2,5.1l-9.3-9l-9.4,9.2 M38.9-3.9V12 M48.2,53.3l-9.3,9l-9.4-9.2 M38.9,62.3V46.4', // jshint ignore:line
        keep: 'M4,10.5V1h10.3 M20.7,1h6.1 M33,1h6.1 M55.4,10.5V1H45.2 M4,17.3v6.6 M55.6,17.3v6.6 M4,30.5V40h10.3 M20.7,40 h6.1 M33,40h6.1 M55.4,30.5V40H45.2 M21,18.9h62.9v48.6H21V18.9z', // jshint ignore:line
        clear: 'M22,14.7l30.9,31 M52.9,14.7L22,45.7 M4.7,16.8V4.2h13.1 M26,4.2h7.8 M41.6,4.2h7.8 M70.3,16.8V4.2H57.2 M4.7,25.9v8.6 M70.3,25.9v8.6 M4.7,43.2v12.6h13.1 M26,55.8h7.8 M41.6,55.8h7.8 M70.3,43.2v12.6H57.2' // jshint ignore:line
        /* eslint-enable */
    // `rect`, `polygon`, `lineX`, `lineY`, `keep`, `clear`
    title: zrUtil.clone(brushLang.title)

var proto = Brush.prototype;

// proto.updateLayout = function (featureModel, ecModel, api) {
/* eslint-disable */
proto.render =
/* eslint-enable */
proto.updateView = function (featureModel, ecModel, api) {
    var brushType;
    var brushMode;
    var isBrushed;

    ecModel.eachComponent({mainType: 'brush'}, function (brushModel) {
        brushType = brushModel.brushType;
        brushMode = brushModel.brushOption.brushMode || 'single';
        isBrushed |= brushModel.areas.length;
    this._brushType = brushType;
    this._brushMode = brushMode;

    zrUtil.each(featureModel.get('type', true), function (type) {
                type === 'keep'
                ? brushMode === 'multiple'
                : type === 'clear'
                ? isBrushed
                : type === brushType
            ) ? 'emphasis' : 'normal'

proto.getIcons = function () {
    var model = this.model;
    var availableIcons = model.get('icon', true);
    var icons = {};
    zrUtil.each(model.get('type', true), function (type) {
        if (availableIcons[type]) {
            icons[type] = availableIcons[type];
    return icons;

proto.onclick = function (ecModel, api, type) {
    var brushType = this._brushType;
    var brushMode = this._brushMode;

    if (type === 'clear') {
        // Trigger parallel action firstly
            type: 'axisAreaSelect',
            intervals: []

            type: 'brush',
            command: 'clear',
            // Clear all areas of all brush components.
            areas: []
    else {
            type: 'takeGlobalCursor',
            key: 'brush',
            brushOption: {
                brushType: type === 'keep'
                    ? brushType
                    : (brushType === type ? false : type),
                brushMode: type === 'keep'
                    ? (brushMode === 'multiple' ? 'single' : 'multiple')
                    : brushMode

featureManager.register('brush', Brush);

export default Brush;