OptionManager.js 13.1 KB
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util");

var modelUtil = require("../util/model");

var ComponentModel = require("./Component");

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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 * ECharts option manager
 * @module {echarts/model/OptionManager}
var each = zrUtil.each;
var clone = zrUtil.clone;
var map = zrUtil.map;
var merge = zrUtil.merge;
var QUERY_REG = /^(min|max)?(.+)$/;
 * [option]:
 *     An object that contains definitions of components. For example:
 *     var option = {
 *         title: {...},
 *         legend: {...},
 *         visualMap: {...},
 *         series: [
 *             {data: [...]},
 *             {data: [...]},
 *             ...
 *         ]
 *     };
 * [rawOption]:
 *     An object input to echarts.setOption. 'rawOption' may be an
 *     'option', or may be an object contains multi-options. For example:
 *     var option = {
 *         baseOption: {
 *             title: {...},
 *             legend: {...},
 *             series: [
 *                 {data: [...]},
 *                 {data: [...]},
 *                 ...
 *             ]
 *         },
 *         timeline: {...},
 *         options: [
 *             {title: {...}, series: {data: [...]}},
 *             {title: {...}, series: {data: [...]}},
 *             ...
 *         ],
 *         media: [
 *             {
 *                 query: {maxWidth: 320},
 *                 option: {series: {x: 20}, visualMap: {show: false}}
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 query: {minWidth: 320, maxWidth: 720},
 *                 option: {series: {x: 500}, visualMap: {show: true}}
 *             },
 *             {
 *                 option: {series: {x: 1200}, visualMap: {show: true}}
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     };
 * @alias module:echarts/model/OptionManager
 * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api

function OptionManager(api) {
   * @private
   * @type {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI}
  this._api = api;
   * @private
   * @type {Array.<number>}

  this._timelineOptions = [];
   * @private
   * @type {Array.<Object>}

  this._mediaList = [];
   * @private
   * @type {Object}

   * -1, means default.
   * empty means no media.
   * @private
   * @type {Array.<number>}

  this._currentMediaIndices = [];
   * @private
   * @type {Object}

   * @private
   * @type {Object}

} // timeline.notMerge is not supported in ec3. Firstly there is rearly
// case that notMerge is needed. Secondly supporting 'notMerge' requires
// rawOption cloned and backuped when timeline changed, which does no
// good to performance. What's more, that both timeline and setOption
// method supply 'notMerge' brings complex and some problems.
// Consider this case:
// (step1) chart.setOption({timeline: {notMerge: false}, ...}, false);
// (step2) chart.setOption({timeline: {notMerge: true}, ...}, false);

OptionManager.prototype = {
  constructor: OptionManager,

   * @public
   * @param {Object} rawOption Raw option.
   * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel
   * @param {Array.<Function>} optionPreprocessorFuncs
   * @return {Object} Init option
  setOption: function (rawOption, optionPreprocessorFuncs) {
    if (rawOption) {
      // That set dat primitive is dangerous if user reuse the data when setOption again.
      zrUtil.each(modelUtil.normalizeToArray(rawOption.series), function (series) {
        series && series.data && zrUtil.isTypedArray(series.data) && zrUtil.setAsPrimitive(series.data);
    } // Caution: some series modify option data, if do not clone,
    // it should ensure that the repeat modify correctly
    // (create a new object when modify itself).

    rawOption = clone(rawOption, true); // FIXME
    // 如果 timeline options 或者 media 中设置了某个属性,而baseOption中没有设置,则进行警告。

    var oldOptionBackup = this._optionBackup;
    var newParsedOption = parseRawOption.call(this, rawOption, optionPreprocessorFuncs, !oldOptionBackup);
    this._newBaseOption = newParsedOption.baseOption; // For setOption at second time (using merge mode);

    if (oldOptionBackup) {
      // Only baseOption can be merged.
      mergeOption(oldOptionBackup.baseOption, newParsedOption.baseOption); // For simplicity, timeline options and media options do not support merge,
      // that is, if you `setOption` twice and both has timeline options, the latter
      // timeline opitons will not be merged to the formers, but just substitude them.

      if (newParsedOption.timelineOptions.length) {
        oldOptionBackup.timelineOptions = newParsedOption.timelineOptions;

      if (newParsedOption.mediaList.length) {
        oldOptionBackup.mediaList = newParsedOption.mediaList;

      if (newParsedOption.mediaDefault) {
        oldOptionBackup.mediaDefault = newParsedOption.mediaDefault;
    } else {
      this._optionBackup = newParsedOption;

   * @param {boolean} isRecreate
   * @return {Object}
  mountOption: function (isRecreate) {
    var optionBackup = this._optionBackup; // TODO
    // 如果没有reset功能则不clone。

    this._timelineOptions = map(optionBackup.timelineOptions, clone);
    this._mediaList = map(optionBackup.mediaList, clone);
    this._mediaDefault = clone(optionBackup.mediaDefault);
    this._currentMediaIndices = [];
    return clone(isRecreate // this._optionBackup.baseOption, which is created at the first `setOption`
    // called, and is merged into every new option by inner method `mergeOption`
    // each time `setOption` called, can be only used in `isRecreate`, because
    // its reliability is under suspicion. In other cases option merge is
    // performed by `model.mergeOption`.
    ? optionBackup.baseOption : this._newBaseOption);

   * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel
   * @return {Object}
  getTimelineOption: function (ecModel) {
    var option;
    var timelineOptions = this._timelineOptions;

    if (timelineOptions.length) {
      // getTimelineOption can only be called after ecModel inited,
      // so we can get currentIndex from timelineModel.
      var timelineModel = ecModel.getComponent('timeline');

      if (timelineModel) {
        option = clone(timelineOptions[timelineModel.getCurrentIndex()], true);

    return option;

   * @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel
   * @return {Array.<Object>}
  getMediaOption: function (ecModel) {
    var ecWidth = this._api.getWidth();

    var ecHeight = this._api.getHeight();

    var mediaList = this._mediaList;
    var mediaDefault = this._mediaDefault;
    var indices = [];
    var result = []; // No media defined.

    if (!mediaList.length && !mediaDefault) {
      return result;
    } // Multi media may be applied, the latter defined media has higher priority.

    for (var i = 0, len = mediaList.length; i < len; i++) {
      if (applyMediaQuery(mediaList[i].query, ecWidth, ecHeight)) {
    } // FIXME
    // 是否mediaDefault应该强制用户设置,否则可能修改不能回归。

    if (!indices.length && mediaDefault) {
      indices = [-1];

    if (indices.length && !indicesEquals(indices, this._currentMediaIndices)) {
      result = map(indices, function (index) {
        return clone(index === -1 ? mediaDefault.option : mediaList[index].option);
    } // Otherwise return nothing.

    this._currentMediaIndices = indices;
    return result;

function parseRawOption(rawOption, optionPreprocessorFuncs, isNew) {
  var timelineOptions = [];
  var mediaList = [];
  var mediaDefault;
  var baseOption; // Compatible with ec2.

  var timelineOpt = rawOption.timeline;

  if (rawOption.baseOption) {
    baseOption = rawOption.baseOption;
  } // For timeline

  if (timelineOpt || rawOption.options) {
    baseOption = baseOption || {};
    timelineOptions = (rawOption.options || []).slice();
  } // For media query

  if (rawOption.media) {
    baseOption = baseOption || {};
    var media = rawOption.media;
    each(media, function (singleMedia) {
      if (singleMedia && singleMedia.option) {
        if (singleMedia.query) {
        } else if (!mediaDefault) {
          // Use the first media default.
          mediaDefault = singleMedia;
  } // For normal option

  if (!baseOption) {
    baseOption = rawOption;
  } // Set timelineOpt to baseOption in ec3,
  // which is convenient for merge option.

  if (!baseOption.timeline) {
    baseOption.timeline = timelineOpt;
  } // Preprocess.

  each([baseOption].concat(timelineOptions).concat(zrUtil.map(mediaList, function (media) {
    return media.option;
  })), function (option) {
    each(optionPreprocessorFuncs, function (preProcess) {
      preProcess(option, isNew);
  return {
    baseOption: baseOption,
    timelineOptions: timelineOptions,
    mediaDefault: mediaDefault,
    mediaList: mediaList
 * @see <http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/#media1>
 * Support: width, height, aspectRatio
 * Can use max or min as prefix.

function applyMediaQuery(query, ecWidth, ecHeight) {
  var realMap = {
    width: ecWidth,
    height: ecHeight,
    aspectratio: ecWidth / ecHeight // lowser case for convenientce.

  var applicatable = true;
  zrUtil.each(query, function (value, attr) {
    var matched = attr.match(QUERY_REG);

    if (!matched || !matched[1] || !matched[2]) {

    var operator = matched[1];
    var realAttr = matched[2].toLowerCase();

    if (!compare(realMap[realAttr], value, operator)) {
      applicatable = false;
  return applicatable;

function compare(real, expect, operator) {
  if (operator === 'min') {
    return real >= expect;
  } else if (operator === 'max') {
    return real <= expect;
  } else {
    // Equals
    return real === expect;

function indicesEquals(indices1, indices2) {
  // indices is always order by asc and has only finite number.
  return indices1.join(',') === indices2.join(',');
 * Consider case:
 * `chart.setOption(opt1);`
 * Then user do some interaction like dataZoom, dataView changing.
 * `chart.setOption(opt2);`
 * Then user press 'reset button' in toolbox.
 * After doing that all of the interaction effects should be reset, the
 * chart should be the same as the result of invoke
 * `chart.setOption(opt1); chart.setOption(opt2);`.
 * Although it is not able ensure that
 * `chart.setOption(opt1); chart.setOption(opt2);` is equivalents to
 * `chart.setOption(merge(opt1, opt2));` exactly,
 * this might be the only simple way to implement that feature.
 * MEMO: We've considered some other approaches:
 * 1. Each model handle its self restoration but not uniform treatment.
 *     (Too complex in logic and error-prone)
 * 2. Use a shadow ecModel. (Performace expensive)

function mergeOption(oldOption, newOption) {
  newOption = newOption || {};
  each(newOption, function (newCptOpt, mainType) {
    if (newCptOpt == null) {

    var oldCptOpt = oldOption[mainType];

    if (!ComponentModel.hasClass(mainType)) {
      oldOption[mainType] = merge(oldCptOpt, newCptOpt, true);
    } else {
      newCptOpt = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(newCptOpt);
      oldCptOpt = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(oldCptOpt);
      var mapResult = modelUtil.mappingToExists(oldCptOpt, newCptOpt);
      oldOption[mainType] = map(mapResult, function (item) {
        return item.option && item.exist ? merge(item.exist, item.option, true) : item.exist || item.option;

var _default = OptionManager;
module.exports = _default;