autocomplete.d.ts 1.98 KB
import { ElementUIComponent } from './component'

export type SuggestionPlacement = 'top' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end'

export interface FetchSuggestionsCallback {
   * Callback function used in fetch-suggestions function
   * @param data Suggestions to use
  (data: any[]): void

export interface FetchSuggestions {
   * The function passed into the fetch-suggestions property
   * @param queryString Current value of the text input
   * @param callback Callback function used to indicate that suggestions have completely fetched
  (queryString: string, callback: FetchSuggestionsCallback): void

/** Autocomplete Component */
export declare class ElAutocomplete extends ElementUIComponent {
  /** The placeholder of Autocomplete */
  placeholder: string

  /** Whether to show clear button */
  clearable: boolean

  /** Whether Autocomplete is disabled */
  disabled: boolean

  /** Binding value */
  value: string

  /** Debounce delay when typing */
  debounce: number

  /** Placement of the popup menu */
  placement: SuggestionPlacement

  /** Name for the inner native input */
  name: string

  /** Key name of the input suggestion object for display */
  valueKey: string

  /** Whether to emit select event on enter when there is no autocomplete match */
  selectWhenUnmatched: boolean

  /** A method to fetch input suggestions. When suggestions are ready, invoke callback(data:[]) to return them to Autocomplete */
  fetchSuggestions: FetchSuggestions

  /** Custom class name for autocomplete's dropdown */
  popperClass: string

  /** Whether show suggestions when input focus */
  triggerOnFocus: boolean

  /** Prefix icon class */
  prefixIcon: string

  /** Suffix icon class */
  suffixIcon: string

  /** Whether to hide the loading icon in remote search */
  hideLoading: boolean

  /** Whether to append the dropdown to body */
  popperAppendToBody: boolean

   * Focus the Input component
  focus (): void