LegendView.js 11.7 KB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

var _config = require("../../config");

var __DEV__ = _config.__DEV__;

var echarts = require("../../echarts");

var zrUtil = require("zrender/lib/core/util");

var _symbol = require("../../util/symbol");

var createSymbol = _symbol.createSymbol;

var graphic = require("../../util/graphic");

var _listComponent = require("../helper/listComponent");

var makeBackground = _listComponent.makeBackground;

var layoutUtil = require("../../util/layout");

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var curry = zrUtil.curry;
var each = zrUtil.each;
var Group = graphic.Group;

var _default = echarts.extendComponentView({
  type: 'legend.plain',
  newlineDisabled: false,

   * @override
  init: function () {
     * @private
     * @type {module:zrender/container/Group}
    this.group.add(this._contentGroup = new Group());
     * @private
     * @type {module:zrender/Element}

     * If first rendering, `contentGroup.position` is [0, 0], which
     * does not make sense and may cause unexepcted animation if adopted.
     * @private
     * @type {boolean}

    this._isFirstRender = true;

   * @protected
  getContentGroup: function () {
    return this._contentGroup;

   * @override
  render: function (legendModel, ecModel, api) {
    var isFirstRender = this._isFirstRender;
    this._isFirstRender = false;

    if (!legendModel.get('show', true)) {

    var itemAlign = legendModel.get('align');

    if (!itemAlign || itemAlign === 'auto') {
      itemAlign = legendModel.get('left') === 'right' && legendModel.get('orient') === 'vertical' ? 'right' : 'left';

    this.renderInner(itemAlign, legendModel, ecModel, api); // Perform layout.

    var positionInfo = legendModel.getBoxLayoutParams();
    var viewportSize = {
      width: api.getWidth(),
      height: api.getHeight()
    var padding = legendModel.get('padding');
    var maxSize = layoutUtil.getLayoutRect(positionInfo, viewportSize, padding);
    var mainRect = this.layoutInner(legendModel, itemAlign, maxSize, isFirstRender); // Place mainGroup, based on the calculated `mainRect`.

    var layoutRect = layoutUtil.getLayoutRect(zrUtil.defaults({
      width: mainRect.width,
      height: mainRect.height
    }, positionInfo), viewportSize, padding);
    this.group.attr('position', [layoutRect.x - mainRect.x, layoutRect.y - mainRect.y]); // Render background after group is layout.

    this.group.add(this._backgroundEl = makeBackground(mainRect, legendModel));

   * @protected
  resetInner: function () {
    this._backgroundEl && this.group.remove(this._backgroundEl);

   * @protected
  renderInner: function (itemAlign, legendModel, ecModel, api) {
    var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup();
    var legendDrawnMap = zrUtil.createHashMap();
    var selectMode = legendModel.get('selectedMode');
    var excludeSeriesId = [];
    ecModel.eachRawSeries(function (seriesModel) {
      !seriesModel.get('legendHoverLink') && excludeSeriesId.push(seriesModel.id);
    each(legendModel.getData(), function (itemModel, dataIndex) {
      var name = itemModel.get('name'); // Use empty string or \n as a newline string

      if (!this.newlineDisabled && (name === '' || name === '\n')) {
        contentGroup.add(new Group({
          newline: true
      } // Representitive series.

      var seriesModel = ecModel.getSeriesByName(name)[0];

      if (legendDrawnMap.get(name)) {
        // Have been drawed
      } // Series legend

      if (seriesModel) {
        var data = seriesModel.getData();
        var color = data.getVisual('color'); // If color is a callback function

        if (typeof color === 'function') {
          // Use the first data
          color = color(seriesModel.getDataParams(0));
        } // Using rect symbol defaultly

        var legendSymbolType = data.getVisual('legendSymbol') || 'roundRect';
        var symbolType = data.getVisual('symbol');

        var itemGroup = this._createItem(name, dataIndex, itemModel, legendModel, legendSymbolType, symbolType, itemAlign, color, selectMode);

        itemGroup.on('click', curry(dispatchSelectAction, name, api)).on('mouseover', curry(dispatchHighlightAction, seriesModel.name, null, api, excludeSeriesId)).on('mouseout', curry(dispatchDownplayAction, seriesModel.name, null, api, excludeSeriesId));
        legendDrawnMap.set(name, true);
      } else {
        // Data legend of pie, funnel
        ecModel.eachRawSeries(function (seriesModel) {
          // In case multiple series has same data name
          if (legendDrawnMap.get(name)) {

          if (seriesModel.legendDataProvider) {
            var data = seriesModel.legendDataProvider();
            var idx = data.indexOfName(name);

            if (idx < 0) {

            var color = data.getItemVisual(idx, 'color');
            var legendSymbolType = 'roundRect';

            var itemGroup = this._createItem(name, dataIndex, itemModel, legendModel, legendSymbolType, null, itemAlign, color, selectMode); // FIXME: consider different series has items with the same name.

            itemGroup.on('click', curry(dispatchSelectAction, name, api)) // Should not specify the series name, consider legend controls
            // more than one pie series.
            .on('mouseover', curry(dispatchHighlightAction, null, name, api, excludeSeriesId)).on('mouseout', curry(dispatchDownplayAction, null, name, api, excludeSeriesId));
            legendDrawnMap.set(name, true);
        }, this);
    }, this);
  _createItem: function (name, dataIndex, itemModel, legendModel, legendSymbolType, symbolType, itemAlign, color, selectMode) {
    var itemWidth = legendModel.get('itemWidth');
    var itemHeight = legendModel.get('itemHeight');
    var inactiveColor = legendModel.get('inactiveColor');
    var symbolKeepAspect = legendModel.get('symbolKeepAspect');
    var isSelected = legendModel.isSelected(name);
    var itemGroup = new Group();
    var textStyleModel = itemModel.getModel('textStyle');
    var itemIcon = itemModel.get('icon');
    var tooltipModel = itemModel.getModel('tooltip');
    var legendGlobalTooltipModel = tooltipModel.parentModel; // Use user given icon first

    legendSymbolType = itemIcon || legendSymbolType;
    itemGroup.add(createSymbol(legendSymbolType, 0, 0, itemWidth, itemHeight, isSelected ? color : inactiveColor, // symbolKeepAspect default true for legend
    symbolKeepAspect == null ? true : symbolKeepAspect)); // Compose symbols
    // PENDING

    if (!itemIcon && symbolType // At least show one symbol, can't be all none
    && (symbolType !== legendSymbolType || symbolType === 'none')) {
      var size = itemHeight * 0.8;

      if (symbolType === 'none') {
        symbolType = 'circle';
      } // Put symbol in the center

      itemGroup.add(createSymbol(symbolType, (itemWidth - size) / 2, (itemHeight - size) / 2, size, size, isSelected ? color : inactiveColor, // symbolKeepAspect default true for legend
      symbolKeepAspect == null ? true : symbolKeepAspect));

    var textX = itemAlign === 'left' ? itemWidth + 5 : -5;
    var textAlign = itemAlign;
    var formatter = legendModel.get('formatter');
    var content = name;

    if (typeof formatter === 'string' && formatter) {
      content = formatter.replace('{name}', name != null ? name : '');
    } else if (typeof formatter === 'function') {
      content = formatter(name);

    itemGroup.add(new graphic.Text({
      style: graphic.setTextStyle({}, textStyleModel, {
        text: content,
        x: textX,
        y: itemHeight / 2,
        textFill: isSelected ? textStyleModel.getTextColor() : inactiveColor,
        textAlign: textAlign,
        textVerticalAlign: 'middle'
    })); // Add a invisible rect to increase the area of mouse hover

    var hitRect = new graphic.Rect({
      shape: itemGroup.getBoundingRect(),
      invisible: true,
      tooltip: tooltipModel.get('show') ? zrUtil.extend({
        content: name,
        // Defaul formatter
        formatter: legendGlobalTooltipModel.get('formatter', true) || function () {
          return name;
        formatterParams: {
          componentType: 'legend',
          legendIndex: legendModel.componentIndex,
          name: name,
          $vars: ['name']
      }, tooltipModel.option) : null
    itemGroup.eachChild(function (child) {
      child.silent = true;
    hitRect.silent = !selectMode;
    itemGroup.__legendDataIndex = dataIndex;
    return itemGroup;

   * @protected
  layoutInner: function (legendModel, itemAlign, maxSize) {
    var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup(); // Place items in contentGroup.

    layoutUtil.box(legendModel.get('orient'), contentGroup, legendModel.get('itemGap'), maxSize.width, maxSize.height);
    var contentRect = contentGroup.getBoundingRect();
    contentGroup.attr('position', [-contentRect.x, -contentRect.y]);
    return this.group.getBoundingRect();

   * @protected
  remove: function () {
    this._isFirstRender = true;

function dispatchSelectAction(name, api) {
    type: 'legendToggleSelect',
    name: name

function dispatchHighlightAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId) {
  // If element hover will move to a hoverLayer.
  var el = api.getZr().storage.getDisplayList()[0];

  if (!(el && el.useHoverLayer)) {
      type: 'highlight',
      seriesName: seriesName,
      name: dataName,
      excludeSeriesId: excludeSeriesId

function dispatchDownplayAction(seriesName, dataName, api, excludeSeriesId) {
  // If element hover will move to a hoverLayer.
  var el = api.getZr().storage.getDisplayList()[0];

  if (!(el && el.useHoverLayer)) {
      type: 'downplay',
      seriesName: seriesName,
      name: dataName,
      excludeSeriesId: excludeSeriesId

module.exports = _default;