lang.js 3.63 KB
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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export default {
    toolbox: {
        brush: {
            title: {
                rect: '矩形选择',
                polygon: '圈选',
                lineX: '横向选择',
                lineY: '纵向选择',
                keep: '保持选择',
                clear: '清除选择'
        dataView: {
            title: '数据视图',
            lang: ['数据视图', '关闭', '刷新']
        dataZoom: {
            title: {
                zoom: '区域缩放',
                back: '区域缩放还原'
        magicType: {
            title: {
                line: '切换为折线图',
                bar: '切换为柱状图',
                stack: '切换为堆叠',
                tiled: '切换为平铺'
        restore: {
            title: '还原'
        saveAsImage: {
            title: '保存为图片',
            lang: ['右键另存为图片']
    series: {
        typeNames: {
            pie: '饼图',
            bar: '柱状图',
            line: '折线图',
            scatter: '散点图',
            effectScatter: '涟漪散点图',
            radar: '雷达图',
            tree: '树图',
            treemap: '矩形树图',
            boxplot: '箱型图',
            candlestick: 'K线图',
            k: 'K线图',
            heatmap: '热力图',
            map: '地图',
            parallel: '平行坐标图',
            lines: '线图',
            graph: '关系图',
            sankey: '桑基图',
            funnel: '漏斗图',
            gauge: '仪表盘图',
            pictorialBar: '象形柱图',
            themeRiver: '主题河流图',
            sunburst: '旭日图'
    aria: {
        general: {
            withTitle: '这是一个关于“{title}”的图表。',
            withoutTitle: '这是一个图表,'
        series: {
            single: {
                prefix: '',
                withName: '图表类型是{seriesType},表示{seriesName}。',
                withoutName: '图表类型是{seriesType}。'
            multiple: {
                prefix: '它由{seriesCount}个图表系列组成。',
                withName: '第{seriesId}个系列是一个表示{seriesName}的{seriesType},',
                withoutName: '第{seriesId}个系列是一个{seriesType},',
                separator: {
                    middle: ';',
                    end: '。'
        data: {
            allData: '其数据是——',
            partialData: '其中,前{displayCnt}项是——',
            withName: '{name}的数据是{value}',
            withoutName: '{value}',
            separator: {
                middle: ',',
                end: ''