select.d.ts 2.1 KB
import { ElementUIComponent, ElementUIComponentSize } from './component'

export interface QueryChangeHandler {
   * @param queryString Current value of the text input
  (queryString: string): void

/** Dropdown Select Component */
export declare class ElSelect extends ElementUIComponent {
  /** The form input value */
  value: any

  /** Whether multiple-select is activated */
  multiple: boolean

  /** Whether Select is disabled */
  disabled: boolean

  /** Unique identity key name for value, required when value is an object */
  valueKey: string

  /** Size of Input */
  size: ElementUIComponentSize

  /** Whether single select can be cleared */
  clearable: boolean

  /** Maximum number of options user can select when multiple is true. No limit when set to 0 */
  multipleLimit: number

  /** @Deprecated in next major version */
  autoComplete: string

  /** Same as autocomplete in native input */
  autocomplete: string

  /** The name attribute of select input */
  name: string

  /** Placeholder */
  placeholder: string

  /** Whether Select is filterable */
  filterable: boolean

  /** Whether creating new items is allowed. To use this, filterable must be true */
  allowCreate: boolean

  /** Custom filter method */
  filterMethod: QueryChangeHandler

  /** Whether options are loaded from server */
  remote: boolean

  /** Custom remote search method */
  remoteMethod: QueryChangeHandler

  /** Whether Select is loading data from server */
  loading: boolean

  /** Displayed text while loading data from server */
  loadingText: string

  /** Displayed text when no data matches the filtering query */
  noMatchText: string

  /** Displayed text when there is no options */
  noDataText: string

  /** Custom class name for Select's dropdown */
  popperClass: string

  /** Select first matching option on enter key. Use with filterable or remote */
  defaultFirstOption: boolean

  /** Whether to append the popper menu to body */
  popperAppendToBody: boolean

   * Focus the Input component
  focus (): void

   * Blur the Input component, and hide the dropdown
  blur (): void