979 Bytes

Explanation of Build Files

  • UMD: vue-i18n.js
  • CommonJS: vue-i18n.common.js
  • ES Module: vue-i18n.esm.js


  • UMD: UMD builds can be used directly in the browser via a <script> tag. The default file from Unpkg CDN at is the UMD build (vue-i18n.js).

  • CommonJS: CommonJS builds are intended for use with older bundlers like browserify or webpack 1. The default file for these bundlers (pkg.main) is the Runtime only CommonJS build (vue-i18n.common.js).

  • ES Module: ES module builds are intended for use with modern bundlers like webpack 2 or rollup. The default file for these bundlers (pkg.module) is the Runtime only ES Module build (vue-i18n.esm.js).