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yargs.js Loading commit data...


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Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings.

Yargs helps you build interactive command line tools, by parsing arguments and generating an elegant user interface. It gives you:

  • commands and (grouped) options (my-program.js serve --port=5000).
  • a dynamically generated help menu based on your arguments.

  • bash-completion shortcuts for commands and options.
  • and tons more.


npm i yargs --save

Simple Example

#!/usr/bin/env node
const argv = require('yargs').argv

if (argv.ships > 3 && argv.distance < 53.5) {
  console.log('Plunder more riffiwobbles!')
} else {
  console.log('Retreat from the xupptumblers!')
$ ./plunder.js --ships=4 --distance=22
Plunder more riffiwobbles!

$ ./plunder.js --ships 12 --distance 98.7
Retreat from the xupptumblers!

Complex Example

#!/usr/bin/env node
const yargs = require('yargs') // eslint-disable-line
  .command('serve', 'start the server', (yargs) => {
    yargs.option('port', {
      describe: 'port to bind on',
      default: 5000
  }, (argv) => {
    if (argv.verbose)`start server on :${argv.port}`)
  .option('verbose', {
    alias: 'v',
    default: false

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