JS-YAML - YAML 1.2 parser / writer for JavaScript

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__[Online Demo](http://nodeca.github.com/js-yaml/)__

This is an implementation of [YAML](http://yaml.org/), a human friendly data
serialization language. Started as [PyYAML](http://pyyaml.org/) port, it was
completely rewritten from scratch. Now it's very fast, and supports 1.2 spec.


### YAML module for node.js

npm install js-yaml

### CLI executable

If you want to inspect your YAML files from CLI, install js-yaml globally:

npm install -g js-yaml

#### Usage

usage: js-yaml [-h] [-v] [-c] [-t] file

Positional arguments:
  file           File with YAML document(s)

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help     Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version  Show program's version number and exit.
  -c, --compact  Display errors in compact mode
  -t, --trace    Show stack trace on error

### Bundled YAML library for browsers

``` html
<!-- esprima required only for !!js/function -->
<script src="esprima.js"></script>
<script src="js-yaml.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var doc = jsyaml.load('greeting: hello\nname: world');

Browser support was done mostly for online demo. If you find any errors - feel
free to send pull requests with fixes. Also note, that IE and other old browsers
needs [es5-shims](https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim) to operate.


1. We have no resources to support browserified version. Don't expect it to be
   well tested. Don't expect fast fixes if something goes wrong there.
2. `!!js/function` in browser bundle will not work by default. If you really need
   it - load `esprima` parser first (via amd or directly).
3. `!!bin` in browser will return `Array`, because browsers do not support
   node.js `Buffer` and adding Buffer shims is completely useless on practice.


Here we cover the most 'useful' methods. If you need advanced details (creating
your own tags), see [wiki](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml/wiki) and
[examples](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml/tree/master/examples) for more

``` javascript
yaml = require('js-yaml');
fs   = require('fs');

// Get document, or throw exception on error
try {
  var doc = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync('/home/ixti/example.yml', 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {

### safeLoad (string [ , options ])

**Recommended loading way.** Parses `string` as single YAML document. Returns a JavaScript
object or throws `YAMLException` on error. By default, does not support regexps,
functions and undefined. This method is safe for untrusted data.


- `filename` _(default: null)_ - string to be used as a file path in
  error/warning messages.
- `onWarning` _(default: null)_ - function to call on warning messages.
  Loader will throw on warnings if this function is not provided.
- `schema` _(default: `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`)_ - specifies a schema to use.
  - `FAILSAFE_SCHEMA` - only strings, arrays and plain objects:
  - `JSON_SCHEMA` - all JSON-supported types:
  - `CORE_SCHEMA` - same as `JSON_SCHEMA`:
  - `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA` - all supported YAML types, without unsafe ones
    (`!!js/undefined`, `!!js/regexp` and `!!js/function`):
  - `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` - all supported YAML types.
- `json` _(default: false)_ - compatibility with JSON.parse behaviour. If true, then duplicate keys in a mapping will override values rather than throwing an error.

NOTE: This function **does not** understand multi-document sources, it throws
exception on those.

NOTE: JS-YAML **does not** support schema-specific tag resolution restrictions.
So, JSON schema is not as strict as defined in the YAML specification.
It allows numbers in any notation, use `Null` and `NULL` as `null`, etc.
Core schema also has no such restrictions. It allows binary notation for integers.

### load (string [ , options ])

**Use with care with untrusted sources**. The same as `safeLoad()` but uses
`DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default - adds some JavaScript-specific types:
`!!js/function`, `!!js/regexp` and `!!js/undefined`. For untrusted sources you
must additionally validate object structure, to avoid injections:

``` javascript
var untrusted_code = '"toString": !<tag:yaml.org,2002:js/function> "function (){very_evil_thing();}"';

// I'm just converting that string, what could possibly go wrong?
require('js-yaml').load(untrusted_code) + ''

### safeLoadAll (string, iterator [ , options ])

Same as `safeLoad()`, but understands multi-document sources and apply
`iterator` to each document.

``` javascript
var yaml = require('js-yaml');

yaml.safeLoadAll(data, function (doc) {

### loadAll (string, iterator [ , options ])

Same as `safeLoadAll()` but uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default.

### safeDump (object [ , options ])

Serializes `object` as YAML document. Uses `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`, so it will
throw exception if you try to dump regexps or functions. However, you can
disable exceptions by `skipInvalid` option.


- `indent` _(default: 2)_ - indentation width to use (in spaces).
- `skipInvalid` _(default: false)_ - do not throw on invalid types (like function
  in the safe schema) and skip pairs and single values with such types.
- `flowLevel` (default: -1) - specifies level of nesting, when to switch from
  block to flow style for collections. -1 means block style everwhere
- `styles` - "tag" => "style" map. Each tag may have own set of styles.
- `schema` _(default: `DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA`)_ specifies a schema to use.
- `sortKeys` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true`, sort keys when dumping YAML. If a
  function, use the function to sort the keys.
- `lineWidth` _(default: `80`)_ - set max line width.
- `noRefs` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true`, don't convert duplicate objects into references
- `noCompatMode` _(default: `false`)_ - if `true` don't try to be compatible with older
  yaml versions. Currently: don't quote "yes", "no" and so on, as required for YAML 1.1


``` none
  "canonical"   => "~"

  "binary"      => "0b1", "0b101010", "0b1110001111010"
  "octal"       => "01", "052", "016172"
  "decimal"     => "1", "42", "7290"
  "hexadecimal" => "0x1", "0x2A", "0x1C7A"

!!null, !!bool, !!float
  "lowercase"   => "null", "true", "false", ".nan", '.inf'
  "uppercase"   => "NULL", "TRUE", "FALSE", ".NAN", '.INF'
  "camelcase"   => "Null", "True", "False", ".NaN", '.Inf'

By default, !!int uses `decimal`, and !!null, !!bool, !!float use `lowercase`.

### dump (object [ , options ])

Same as `safeDump()` but without limits (uses `DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA` by default).

Supported YAML types

The list of standard YAML tags and corresponding JavaScipt types. See also
[YAML tag discussion](http://pyyaml.org/wiki/YAMLTagDiscussion) and
[YAML types repository](http://yaml.org/type/).

!!null ''                   # null
!!bool 'yes'                # bool
!!int '3...'                # number
!!float '3.14...'           # number
!!binary '...base64...'     # buffer
!!timestamp 'YYYY-...'      # date
!!omap [ ... ]              # array of key-value pairs
!!pairs [ ... ]             # array or array pairs
!!set { ... }               # array of objects with given keys and null values
!!str '...'                 # string
!!seq [ ... ]               # array
!!map { ... }               # object

**JavaScript-specific tags**

!!js/regexp /pattern/gim            # RegExp
!!js/undefined ''                   # Undefined
!!js/function 'function () {...}'   # Function


Note, that you use arrays or objects as key in JS-YAML. JS does not allow objects
or array as keys, and stringifies (by calling .toString method) them at the
moment of adding them.

``` yaml
? [ foo, bar ]
: - baz
? { foo: bar }
: - baz
  - baz

``` javascript
{ "foo,bar": ["baz"], "[object Object]": ["baz", "baz"] }

Also, reading of properties on implicit block mapping keys is not supported yet.
So, the following YAML document cannot be loaded.

``` yaml
&anchor foo:
  foo: bar
  *anchor: duplicate key
  baz: bat
  *anchor: duplicate key

Breaking changes in 2.x.x -> 3.x.x

If you have not used __custom__ tags or loader classes and not loaded yaml
files via `require()` - no changes needed. Just upgrade library.

Otherwise, you should:

1. Replace all occurences of `require('xxxx.yml')` by `fs.readFileSync()` +
2. rewrite your custom tags constructors and custom loader
  classes, to conform new API. See
  [examples](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml/tree/master/examples) and
  [wiki](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml/wiki) for details.


View the [LICENSE](https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml/blob/master/LICENSE) file