  "title":"Page Visibility",
  "description":"JavaScript API for determining whether a document is visible on the display",
      "title":"MDN Web Docs - Page Visibility"
      "title":"WebPlatform Docs"
      "title":"SitePoint article"
      "description":"In Chrome 38 desktop the `visibilitychange` event is fired twice [Chrome bug](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=422163)"
    "JS API"
      "10":"y x",
      "11":"y x",
      "12":"y x",
      "13":"y x",
      "14":"y x",
      "15":"y x",
      "16":"y x",
      "17":"y x",
      "14":"y x",
      "15":"y x",
      "16":"y x",
      "17":"y x",
      "18":"y x",
      "19":"y x",
      "20":"y x",
      "21":"y x",
      "22":"y x",
      "23":"y x",
      "24":"y x",
      "25":"y x",
      "26":"y x",
      "27":"y x",
      "28":"y x",
      "29":"y x",
      "30":"y x",
      "31":"y x",
      "32":"y x",
      "15":"y x",
      "16":"y x",
      "17":"y x",
      "18":"y x",
      "19":"y x",
      "4.4":"y x",
      "4.4.3-4.4.4":"y x",
      "4":"y x",