  "title":"CSS touch-action level 2 values",
  "description":"touch-action is a CSS property that controls filtering of gesture events. Level 2 provides developers with a declarative mechanism to selectively disable direction-specific touch scrolling and pinch-zooming.",
      "title":"WHATWG Compatibility Specification extensions"
      "title":"Pull to refresh demo using touch-action"
      "title":"MSDN Docs"
      "title":"MDN Web Docs - CSS touch-action"
      "description":"Chrome 58 and below treats two parallel finger swipes as `pan` instead of `pinch-zoom`."
      "10":"a x #1",
      "11":"a #1"
      "12":"a #1",
      "13":"a #1",
      "14":"a #1",
      "15":"a #1",
      "16":"a #1",
      "17":"a #1",
      "18":"a #1"
      "55":"a #2",
      "42":"a #2",
      "10":"a x #1",
      "11":"a #1"
  "notes":"Due to scoping issues of the W3C Pointer Events Working Group, `pinch-zoom` appears in the WHATWG Compatibility Standard instead of W3C Pointer Events Level 2.",
    "1":"IE and Edge only support `pinch-zoom`.",
    "2":"Chromium 55 derived browsers implement direction-specific panning but do not support `pinch-zoom`."
  "keywords":"touch action,level 2",