# interpret > A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders. [](https://nodei.co/npm/interpret/) ## What is it This is used by [Liftoff](http://github.com/tkellen/node-liftoff) to automatically require dependencies for configuration files, and by [rechoir](http://github.com/tkellen/node-rechoir) for registering module loaders. ## API ### extensions Map file types to modules which provide a [require.extensions] loader. ```js { '.babel.js': [ { module: '@babel/register', register: function (module) { module({ // register on .js extension due to https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/v0.12.0/lib/module.js#L353 // which only captures the final extension (.babel.js -> .js) extensions: '.js' }); } }, { module: 'babel-register', register: function (module) { module({ // register on .js extension due to https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/v0.12.0/lib/module.js#L353 // which only captures the final extension (.babel.js -> .js) extensions: '.js' }); } }, { module: 'babel-core/register', register: function (module) { module({ extensions: '.js' }); } }, { module: 'babel/register', register: function (module) { module({ extensions: '.js' }); } } ], '.buble.js': 'buble/register', '.cirru': 'cirru-script/lib/register', '.cjsx': 'node-cjsx/register', '.co': 'coco', '.coffee': ['coffeescript/register', 'coffee-script/register', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script'], '.coffee.md': ['coffeescript/register', 'coffee-script/register', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script'], '.csv': 'require-csv', '.eg': 'earlgrey/register', '.iced': ['iced-coffee-script/register', 'iced-coffee-script'], '.iced.md': 'iced-coffee-script/register', '.ini': 'require-ini', '.js': null, '.json': null, '.json5': 'json5/lib/require', '.jsx': [ { module: '@babel/register', register: function (module) { module({ extensions: '.jsx' }); } }, { module: 'babel-register', register: function (module) { module({ extensions: '.jsx' }); } }, { module: 'babel-core/register', register: function (module) { module({ extensions: '.jsx' }); } }, { module: 'babel/register', register: function (module) { module({ extensions: '.jsx' }); }, }, { module: 'node-jsx', register: function (module) { module.install({ extension: '.jsx', harmony: true }); } } ], '.litcoffee': ['coffeescript/register', 'coffee-script/register', 'coffeescript', 'coffee-script'], '.liticed': 'iced-coffee-script/register', '.ls': ['livescript', 'LiveScript'], '.node': null, '.toml': { module: 'toml-require', register: function (module) { module.install(); } }, '.ts': ['ts-node/register', 'typescript-node/register', 'typescript-register', 'typescript-require'], '.tsx': ['ts-node/register', 'typescript-node/register'], '.wisp': 'wisp/engine/node', '.xml': 'require-xml', '.yaml': 'require-yaml', '.yml': 'require-yaml' }; ``` ### jsVariants Same as above, but only include the extensions which are javascript variants. ## How to use it Consumers should use the exported `extensions` or `jsVariants` object to determine which module should be loaded for a given extension. If a matching extension is found, consumers should do the following: 1. If the value is null, do nothing. 2. If the value is a string, try to require it. 3. If the value is an object, try to require the `module` property. If successful, the `register` property (a function) should be called with the module passed as the first argument. 4. If the value is an array, iterate over it, attempting step #2 or #3 until one of the attempts does not throw. [require.extensions]: http://nodejs.org/api/globals.html#globals_require_extensions