  "title":"Date and time input types",
  "description":"Form field widgets to easily allow users to enter a date, time or both, generally by using a calendar/time input widget. Refers to supporting the following input types: `date`, `time`, `datetime-local`, `month` & `week`.",
      "title":"Datepicker tutorial w/polyfill"
      "title":"Polyfill for HTML5 forms"
      "title":"has.js test"
      "title":"WebPlatform Docs"
      "title":"Bug on Firefox support"
      "12":"a #1",
      "53":"n d #4",
      "54":"n d #4",
      "55":"n d #4",
      "56":"n d #4",
      "57":"a #5",
      "58":"a #5",
      "59":"a #5",
      "60":"a #5",
      "61":"a #5",
      "62":"a #5",
      "63":"a #5"
      "20":"a #5",
      "21":"a #5",
      "22":"a #5",
      "23":"a #5",
      "24":"a #5",
      "5.0-5.1":"a #2",
      "6.0-6.1":"a #2",
      "7.0-7.1":"a #2",
      "8":"a #2",
      "8.1-8.4":"a #2",
      "9.0-9.2":"a #2",
      "9.3":"a #2",
      "10.0-10.2":"a #2",
      "10.3":"a #2",
      "11.0-11.2":"a #2",
      "11.3-11.4":"a #2",
      "12":"a #2"
      "4":"n #3",
      "4.1":"n #3",
      "4.2-4.3":"n #3",
  "notes":"There used to also be a `datetime` type, but it was [dropped from the HTML spec](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/336).",
    "1":"Partial support in Microsoft Edge refers to supporting `date`, `week`, and `month` input types, and not `time` and `datetime-local`.",
    "2":"Partial support in iOS Safari refers to not supporting the `week` input type, nor the `min`, `max` or `step` attributes",
    "3":"Some modified versions of the Android 4.x browser do have support for date/time fields.",
    "4":"Can be enabled in Firefox using the `dom.forms.datetime` flag.",
    "5":"Partial support refers to supporting `date` and `time` input types, but not `datetime-local`, `month` or `week`."
  "keywords":"datepicker,timepicker,input type=\"date\",input type=\"time\",input date,datetime-local",