Commit 813092f8 by 王军业


1 parent 95f50612
......@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@
where contract_unid=#{contract_unid}
<delete id="deleteOne" parameterType="java.lang.String">
update tb_contract set is_delete = true where contract_unid = #{contract_unid}
<!-- delete from tb_contract where contract_unid = #{contract_unid} -->
<!-- update tb_contract set is_delete = true where contract_unid = #{contract_unid} -->
delete from tb_contract where contract_unid = #{contract_unid}
<select id="count" parameterType="" resultType="int">
......@@ -565,7 +565,14 @@
<select id="exportContracts" parameterType="" resultType="">
select (
<if test="columns == null">
<foreach collection="columns" index="index" item="column" open=" " separator="," close=" ">
) from (select
contract_unid, salesperson_unid, province, city, county, province_name,city_name,county_name,
guarantee_period, sign_date, product_line_type, contract_state,
contract_type, cast(contract_amount as decimal(18,2)), cast(deduct_amount as decimal(18,2)), contract_amount_note,
......@@ -709,7 +716,8 @@
and is_delete=false
and project_unid is not null
and customer_unid is not null
and customer_unid is not null
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