css-animation.json 7 KB
  "title":"CSS Animation",
  "description":"Complex method of animating certain properties of an element",
      "title":"Blog post on usage"
      "title":"WebPlatform Docs"
      "description":"'animation-fill-mode' property is not supported in Android browser below 2.3."
      "description":"iOS 6.1 and below do not support animation on pseudo-elements. iOS 7 and higher are reported to have buggy behavior with animating pseudo-elements."
      "description":"@keyframes not supported in an inline or scoped stylesheet in Firefox ([bug 830056](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=830056))"
      "description":"In Chrome `animation-fill-mode backwards` is wrong if `steps(x, start)` is used [see example](https://codepen.io/Fyrd/pen/jPPKpX)."
      "description":"IE10 and IE11 do not support CSS keyframe blocks inside media queries. Must be defined outside of media query definitions. [example](https://codepen.io/anon/pen/ZOodVd)"
      "description":"IE10 and IE11 on Windows 7 have a bug where translate transform values are always interpreted as pixels when used in animations [test case](https://codepen.io/flxsource/pen/jPYWoE)"
      "description":"IE10 and IE11 will not fire Animation events for pseudo element animations. See [example here](https://codepen.io/dogoku/pen/JRwbmL)"
      "5":"y x",
      "6":"y x",
      "7":"y x",
      "8":"y x",
      "9":"y x",
      "10":"y x",
      "11":"y x",
      "12":"y x",
      "13":"y x",
      "14":"y x",
      "15":"y x",
      "4":"y x",
      "5":"y x",
      "6":"y x",
      "7":"y x",
      "8":"y x",
      "9":"y x",
      "10":"y x",
      "11":"y x",
      "12":"y x",
      "13":"y x",
      "14":"y x",
      "15":"y x",
      "16":"y x",
      "17":"y x",
      "18":"y x",
      "19":"y x",
      "20":"y x",
      "21":"y x",
      "22":"y x",
      "23":"y x",
      "24":"y x",
      "25":"y x",
      "26":"y x",
      "27":"y x",
      "28":"y x",
      "29":"y x",
      "30":"y x",
      "31":"y x",
      "32":"y x",
      "33":"y x",
      "34":"y x",
      "35":"y x",
      "36":"y x",
      "37":"y x",
      "38":"y x",
      "39":"y x",
      "40":"y x",
      "41":"y x",
      "42":"y x",
      "4":"a x #2",
      "5":"a x #2",
      "5.1":"y x",
      "6":"y x",
      "6.1":"y x",
      "7":"y x",
      "7.1":"y x",
      "8":"y x",
      "12":"y x",
      "15":"y x",
      "16":"y x",
      "17":"y x",
      "18":"y x",
      "19":"y x",
      "20":"y x",
      "21":"y x",
      "22":"y x",
      "23":"y x",
      "24":"y x",
      "25":"y x",
      "26":"y x",
      "27":"y x",
      "28":"y x",
      "29":"y x",
      "3.2":"a x #1",
      "4.0-4.1":"a x #1",
      "4.2-4.3":"a x #1",
      "5.0-5.1":"a x #1",
      "6.0-6.1":"y x",
      "7.0-7.1":"y x",
      "8":"y x",
      "8.1-8.4":"y x",
      "2.1":"a x #1",
      "2.2":"a x #1",
      "2.3":"a x #1",
      "3":"a x #1",
      "4":"y x",
      "4.1":"y x",
      "4.2-4.3":"y x",
      "4.4":"y x",
      "4.4.3-4.4.4":"y x",
      "7":"y x",
      "10":"y x"
      "1.2":"y x"
    "1":"Partial support in Android browser refers to buggy behavior in different scenarios.",
    "2":"Does not support the `steps()`, `step-start` & `step-end` timing functions"
  "keywords":"animations,css-animations,animation-name,animation-duration,animation-delay,animation-timing-function,@keyframes,animationstart,animationend,animationiteration,css3 animation,steps,step-start,step-end,cubic-bezier",