css-grid.json 7.65 KB
  "title":"CSS Grid Layout",
  "description":"Method of using a grid concept to lay out content, providing a mechanism for authors to divide available space for layout into columns and rows using a set of predictable sizing behaviors. Includes support for all `grid-*` properties and the `fr` unit.",
      "title":"IE Blog post"
      "title":"WebKit (Chrome, Safari, etc.) feature request"
      "title":"Mozilla (Firefox) feature request"
      "title":"Polyfill based on old spec"
      "title":"Polyfill based on new spec"
      "title":"WebKit Blog post"
      "title":"Css Grid By Example: Everything you need to learn CSS Grid Layout"
      "title":"Mozilla: Introduction to CSS Grid Layout"
      "description":"[GridBugs](https://github.com/rachelandrew/gridbugs): aims to be a community curated list of CSS Grid Layout bugs"
      "description":"Safari does not yet support intrinsic and extrinsic sizing with grid properties such as `grid-template-rows`"
      "10":"a x #2",
      "11":"a x #2"
      "12":"a x #2",
      "13":"a x #2",
      "14":"a x #2",
      "15":"a x #2",
      "40":"p d #3",
      "41":"p d #3",
      "42":"p d #3",
      "43":"p d #3",
      "44":"p d #3",
      "45":"p d #3",
      "46":"p d #3",
      "47":"p d #3",
      "48":"p d #3",
      "49":"p d #3",
      "50":"p d #3",
      "51":"p d #3",
      "52":"y #4",
      "53":"y #4",
      "29":"p d #1",
      "30":"p d #1",
      "31":"p d #1",
      "32":"p d #1",
      "33":"p d #1",
      "34":"p d #1",
      "35":"p d #1",
      "36":"p d #1",
      "37":"p d #1",
      "38":"p d #1",
      "39":"p d #1",
      "40":"p d #1",
      "41":"p d #1",
      "42":"p d #1",
      "43":"p d #1",
      "44":"p d #1",
      "45":"p d #1",
      "46":"p d #1",
      "47":"p d #1",
      "48":"p d #1",
      "49":"p d #1",
      "50":"p d #1",
      "51":"p d #1",
      "52":"p d #1",
      "53":"p d #1",
      "54":"p d #1",
      "55":"p d #1",
      "56":"p d #1",
      "57":"y #4",
      "28":"p d #1",
      "29":"p d #1",
      "30":"p d #1",
      "31":"p d #1",
      "32":"p d #1",
      "33":"p d #1",
      "34":"p d #1",
      "35":"p d #1",
      "36":"p d #1",
      "37":"p d #1",
      "38":"p d #1",
      "39":"p d #1",
      "40":"p d #1",
      "41":"p d #1",
      "42":"p d #1",
      "43":"p d #1",
      "10":"a x #2",
      "11":"a x #2"
      "1.2":"p d #1"
    "1":"Enabled in Chrome through the \"experimental Web Platform features\" flag in chrome://flags",
    "2":"Partial support in IE refers to supporting an [older version](https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-grid-layout-20110407/) of the specification.",
    "3":"Enabled in Firefox through the `layout.css.grid.enabled ` flag",
    "4":"There are some bugs with overflow ([1356820](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1356820), [1348857](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348857), [1350925](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1350925))",
    "5":"Enabled in Edge through the \"Enable Unprefixed CSS Grid Layout\" flag in about:flags"
  "keywords":"grids,grid-row,grid-column,grid-template,display:grid,inline-grid,fr unit,fractional unit",