cryptography.json 7.13 KB
  "title":"Web Cryptography",
  "description":"JavaScript API for performing basic cryptographic operations in web applications",
      "title":"The History and Status of Web Crypto API"
      "title":"Microsoft Research JavaScript Cryptography Library"
      "title":"Cross-browser cryptography library"
      "title":"Support for recommended algorithms in Firefox"
      "title":"Polyfill by Netflix with partial support"
      "title":"PKI.js - another crypto library for Public Key Infrastructure applications"
      "title":"Test suite for various algorithms/methods"
      "title":"Web Cryptography API shim for IE11 and Safari - set of bugfixes and workarounds of prefixed api implementations"
      "title":"MDN Web Docs - Web Crypto API"
    "JS API",
      "11":"a x #1"
      "32":"n d #2",
      "33":"n d #2",
      "7.1":"y x #3",
      "8":"y x #3",
      "9":"y x #3",
      "9.1":"y x #3",
      "10":"y x #3",
      "10.1":"y x #3",
      "8":"y x #3",
      "8.1-8.4":"y x #3",
      "9.0-9.2":"y x #3",
      "9.3":"y x #3",
      "10.0-10.2":"y x #3",
      "10.3":"y x #3",
      "11":"a x #1"
  "notes":"Many browsers support the `[crypto.getRandomValues()](#feat=getrandomvalues)` method, but not actual cryptography functionality under `crypto.subtle`. \r\n\r\nFirefox also has support for [unofficial features]( \r\n\r\nIn Chrome the API is only usable over secure connections. ([corresponding bug](",
    "1":"Support in IE11 is based an older version of the specification.",
    "2":"Supported in Firefox behind the `dom.webcrypto.enabled` flag.",
    "3":"Supported in Safari using the `crypto.webkitSubtle` prefix."