css-display-contents.json 6.07 KB
  "title":"CSS display: contents",
  "description":"`display: contents` causes an element's children to appear as if they were direct children of the element's parent, ignoring the element itself. This can be useful when a wrapper element should be ignored when using CSS grid or similar layout techniques.",
      "title":"Vanishing boxes with display contents"
      "title":"Chrome support bug"
      "title":"WebKit support bug"
      "title":"Edge UserVoice support request"
      "description":"iOS Safari 10 and 11, and Safari 11 renders `display:contents` as `display:inline`. @supports will also report as true."
      "58":"n d #1",
      "59":"n d #1",
      "60":"n d #1",
      "61":"n d #1",
      "62":"n d #1",
      "63":"n d #1",
      "64":"n d #1",
    "1":"Enabled in Chrome through the \"experimental Web Platform features\" flag in chrome://flags"