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# loud-rejection [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](](

> Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default [silent fail](

By default, promises fail silently if you don't attach a `.catch()` handler to them.

Use this in top-level things like tests, CLI tools, apps, etc, **but not in reusable modules.**<br>
Not needed in the browser as unhandled promises are shown in the console.

## Install

$ npm install --save loud-rejection

## Usage

const loudRejection = require('loud-rejection');
const promiseFn = require('promise-fn');

// Install the unhandledRejection listeners


Without this module it's more verbose and you might even miss some that will fail silently:

const promiseFn = require('promise-fn');

function error(err) {


### Register script

Alternatively to the above, you may simply require `loud-rejection/register` and the unhandledRejection listener will be automagically installed for you.

This is handy for ES2015 imports:

import 'loud-rejection/register';

## API

### loudRejection([log])

#### log

Type: `Function`<br>
Default: `console.error`

Custom logging function to print the rejected promise. Receives the error stack.

## License

MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](