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code/finance_web/node_modules/growly/example/bakery.js 695 Bytes
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var growly = require('../lib/growly.js');

var notifications = [
        { label: 'muffin', dispname: 'Muffin' },
        { label: 'cake', dispname: 'Cake' }
    muffinopts = { label: 'muffin', icon: 'muffin.png' },
    cakeopts = { label: 'cake', title: 'Cake is ready!', icon: 'cake.png', sticky: true };

growly.register('Bakery', 'muffin.png', notifications, function(err) {
    if (err) { 

    growly.notify('Looks like it is half past muffin time!', muffinopts);

    growly.notify('Click to deliver', cakeopts, function(err, action) {
        console.log('You', action, 'the notification, so the cake is on its way!');