en.js 37.3 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709
module.exports = {
    web: {
        title: "Third photo"
    placeholder: {
        enter: "Please type in your favorite brand"
    brands: {
        nike: "Nike",
        adi: "Adidas",
        nb: "New Banlance",
        ln: "LI Ning"
    menu: {
        algorithmSetting: "Algorithm settings",
        systemSetting: "System settings",
        systemInfo: "System information",
        systemTool: "System tools",
        systemLog: "System logs",
        systemTable: "Statistical reports",
    login: {
        remember: "Remember password",
        login: "Sign in",
        userError: "User name wrong",
        passwordError: "Password wrong",
        videoPreview: "Video preview",
        alertTip: "Please select IE9 and above IE browser to watch videos."
    algorithm: {
        modelDrawing: "Please complete the model frame drawing.",
        leastThree: "Please select at least three segments for the entry mode.",
        a0: "Region  of  interest refers to the detection area that the image analysis focuses on. Delineating such area for human body detection and facial recognition can reduce the processing time and increase the recognition accuracy. The recognition area can be drawn into polygons or rectangles. Rectangles are recommended for simple recognition areas.",
        a1: "The entrance direction means to determine the direction of people’s entrance and exit. The direction may be drawn at any part of the video area as needed.",
        a2: "Irregular shape starting point selection: the left mouse button click, select the starting point (note: there is no display in the figure), move the mouse, click again, both points into line; if the starting point selection fails, the right mouse button multiple times, delete the starting point, and then re-select the starting point;",
        a3: "Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to use a simple channel strict mode, and a straight line as the cross line.",
        a4: "Rectangular type",
        a5: "When the recognition area is relatively simple and can be directly covered by a rectangle, the mouse selects the 'rectangle' radio button to draw:",
        a6: "Click the mouse button to hold and drag to draw the rectangle recognition area.",
        a7: "Right click and delete all.",
        a8: "Entry direction",
        a9: "According to the actual scene in and out of the direction of the mouse click on the left button, select the starting point, there will be blue dots in the picture is the starting point;",
        a10: "The mouse clicks the left key again, completes the terminal arrow direction drawing, completes the customer to enter the door direction drawing.",
        a11: "Right click, you can delete edge by side operation.",
        a12: "Entrance line",
        a13: "Passage mode",
        a14: "In actual scenarios, the passage mode is recommended when the customers generally walk in the same direction along the passage.",
        a15: "Click the left mouse button, select the starting point, move the mouse, click again, both points into line; if the starting point selection failed, the right mouse button multiple times, delete the starting point, and then re-select the starting point;",
        a16: "Entry mode",
        a17: "In actual scenarios, the entrance mode is recommended when the customers will enter an open space after going through the door, and their walking directions will be complicated with larger changes.",
        a18: "Loose / Strict",
        a19: "In the strict mode, people will be counted only when their track crosses this line; while in the loose one, people will also be counted even if they walk near the line,and the system intelligently judges whether the trajectory is counted according to the entry line mode.",
        a20: "Calibration information",
        a21: "Calibration information refers to the information of the area within the region  of  interest where the imaging and focus are the clearest and the image quality is the best, i.e. calibration area. Such information can be used to achieve the best face recognition effect.",
        a22: "At the same time, three options for default zones are provided: F08P15, F12P12, F16P10;",
        a23: "The method of mouse operation is the same as the rectangle type drawing method of recognition area.",
        a24: "Head size",
        a25: "Drag to select the appropriate head size.",
        a26: "Head size information is composed of three boxes. Given the far-to-near movement of customers after entering the door, the box at the far end should be the smallest and slightly smaller than the head size; the one in the middle should be approximately equal to the head size; and the one at the near end should be the biggest and slightly larger than the head size.",
        tooBig: "The area drawed is too large. Please select",
        Repainting: "Re-draw",
        keepAccuracy: "Maintain accuracy (using standard area)",
        keepArea: "Keep area (possibly reduce accuracy)",
        calibrationInformation: "Calibration information",
        entranceMode: "Entry mode",
        channelMode: "Passage mode",
        needInstall: "This website needs to install video plug-ins before it can be used properly. Please reboot your browser manually after installation.",
        needUpdate: "The video plug-in of this website is not the latest version, which may lead to some incomplete functions. Please update to the latest version.",
        needUpdate1: 'The current version of the video plug-in is',
        needUpdate2: ',some functions may be incomplete, please update to the latest version',
        displayModel: "Display modes",
        video: "Video recording",
        classic: "Standard",
        commisson: "Commissioning",
        diagnosis: "Diagnosis",
        algorithm: "Algorithm",
        set: "Advanced",
        Sensibility: "Sensibility",
        Sensibility2: "Back body sensitivity",
        Sensibility3: "Front body sensitivity",
        inputParameter: "Input parameter",
        outputParameter: "Output parameter",
        headSize: "Head size",
        trajectorySensitivity: "Trajectory sensitivity",
        movingDistance: "Moving distance",
        installHeight: "Height of installation",
        isCalculateChild: "Calculation of children",
        minimumDetection: "Minimum detection",
        maximumDetection: "Maximum detection",
        maximumPrediction: "Maximum prediction",
        detectionCycle: "Detection cycle",
        detectionFrame: "Detection frame",
        defaultValue: "Default",
        refresh: "Refresh",
        allDefault: "All default",
        selectModel: "Select model:",
        closeOrOpen: "Algorithm close/open:",
        recognitionArea: "Recognition area:",
        roiSetting: "ROI setting",
        inputPsw: "If there is no special requirement, please do not modify these parameters, so as to avoid any unexpected results.",
        advancedParameter: "Advanced parameter",
        recoveryDefault: "Restore to default",
        passwordError: "Passowrd error",
        videos: "Video",
        realVideo: "Real time video",
        algorithmStatus: "Algorithm state",
        algorithmSetting: "Algorithm parameter settings",
        sensitivity: "Sensitivity",
        modelSelect1: "Detection model",
        modelSelect2: "Recognition model",
        standard: "Standard",
        compatibility: "Compatibility",
        userDefind: "Custom mode",
        threeDimensional: "3D filtering",
        intensify: "Intensify",
        validCustomer: "Valid customer",
        display: "Demonstration",
        videoSetting: "Video setting",
        whiteBalance: "White balance mode",
        automaticMode: "Automatic mode",
        manualMode: "Manual mode",
        sunnyDay: "Sunny day",
        incandescentLamp: "Incandescent lamp",
        fluorescentLamp: "Fluorescent lamp",
        dusk: "Dusk",
        shadow: "Shadow",
        warmFluorescentLamp: "Warm fluorescent lamp",
        imageBrightness: "Image brightness",
        brightness: "Brightness",
        redGain: "Red gain",
        blueGain: "Blue gain",
        restoreDefault: "Restore to default",
        titleFont1: "Current height ",
        titleFont2: " meters,entry line with ",
        titleFont3: " mode",
        titleFont4: "Entrance line is ",
        regulationSetting: "Rule settings",
        heightTip: "(*Please install the device at the height of 2.5-4 meters and set a proper height, or the accuracy rate will be lower)",
        installationHeight: "Height",
        recognizeZone: "Region of interest",
        polygon: "Polygon",
        rectangle: "Rectangle",
        rectangleTip: "Selecting polygon rendering can arbitrarily select anchor points according to the actual scene by mouse, and finally realize polygon region  of  interest rendering by closing.",
        directTip: "Entrance direction: Please use mouse to complete the setting of the arrow, and the direction of  arrow indicates the direction of people's entry.",
        entryDirection: "Entry direction",
        entryDoor: "Entrance line",
        modeTip: "Please mark the position of the door with mouse. If you choose the strict mode, only the trajectory of a person crosses the line will be counted. If you choose the loose mode, the person will be counted when he walks near the line.",
        senTip: "More higher sensitivity makes human easier to detect, at the same time, it is prone to cause mistake.",
        detectTip: "This model can be configured and applied to detect faces.",
        recTip: "This model can be configured and applied to identify human faces, including genders, ages and expressions.",
        threeDimenTip: "Please select the exact height of the scene in the rule setting before considering the change of this option. In Enhancement mode,  test results of overheight and insufficient-height are filtered out. In the valid customer mode,  children whose heights are insufficient will be filtered out.",
        displayTip1: "Standard mode: The standard mode displays the statistics of the number of people entering and leaving, detection areas and pictures captured.",
        displayTip2: "Commissioning mode:The commissioning mode displays the statistics of the number of people entering and leaving, pictures captured, detection areas, head sizes, tracking lines, chip temperature, CPU usage and other values.",
        displayTip3: "Demonstration mode: The demonstration mode displays the numbers of people entering and exiting, pictures captured, detection areas, tracking lines, etc.",
        displayTip4: "Video recording mode: In the video recording mode, there is no display of any parameters on the screen",
        checkIeVersion: "Please watch the video with IE 9 or latest versions",
        maxPredictionFrame: "Maximum prediction frame",
        handoverModel: "If the handover model is successfully saved, manual restart is required. Do you want to switch?",
        selectStep: "Please select to revoke step.",
        areaBigTip: "The area you selected exceeds the upper limit set under this height, and the system automatically selects the appropriate area size for you. Click OK to continue your settings.",
        endDraw: "End to draw",
        headSize: "Head size",
        imageSet: "Image settings",
        customSetting: "Advanced",
        wideDynamic: "WDR",
        preset: "Scenario modes",
        chroma: "Chroma",
        contrastRatio: "Contrast",
        saturationLevel: "Saturation",
        acuity: "Sharpness",
        exposureTime: "Time of exposure",
        faceBrightness: "Face brightness",
        trackingThreshold: "Trajectory tracking threshold",
        minimumMovingDistance: "Min. moving distance",
        trajectoryShape: "Trajectory morphology threshold",
        similarityOfRemoveRepetition: "De-repeat similarity",
        timeOfRemoveRepetition: "De-repeat time",
        predictionFrame: "Track prediction frame number",
        movingDistance: "Track movement distance",
        maxAge: "Maximum age",
        minimumAge: "Minimum age",
        minimumHeadFrame: "Minimum head frame",
        maximumHeadFrame: "Maximum head frame",
        addIn: "Gain",
        strongLightSuppression: "Strong light suppression",
        noiseReductionGrade: "Noise reduction grade",
        fogPenetrationGrade: "Fog grade",
        exposureRatio: 'WDR exposure ratio',
        microsecond: 'Microsecond',
        Amode: "Standard mode",
        Bmode: "Dim light mode",
        Cmode: "Backlight mode",
        Dmode: "Mode D",
        drawingTwoTheMaximum: "Drawing two the max.",
        faceQuality: "Face quality threshold",
        faceGrab: "Person capture limit",
        grabTip: "The maximum number of images each person can capture for transmission",
        genderThreshold: "Gender threshold",
        faceGrabbingInterval: "Face capture frequency",
        inOfCoefficient: "In of coefficient",
        outOfCoefficient: "Out of coefficient",
        widthTip: "The wide dynamic mode allows the image to be more clearly imaged in complex light, which in turn may be slightly blurred under ideal conditions.",
        restart: "Restart",
        restartTip: "Model changes need to be rebooted immediately. Do you want to continue modifying and rebooting the system?",
        restartTip2: "Preset changes need to be rebooted immediately. Do you want to continue modifying and rebooting the system?",
        kind1: "The parameters of the group will affect face detection, that is the 'box' on the face.",
        kind2: "The parameters of the group will affect the trajectory of face tracking, that is, the 'line' behind the  face.",
        kind3: "The parameters of the grouping will affect face recognition, that is, gender, age, de-repeat.",
        senData2Tip: "Raise the item to make it easier to detect the back of the person",
        senData3Tip: "Raise the item to make it easier to detect a face that is partially obscured.",
        zoomscaleminTip: "Faces smaller than this value (pixel) will not be detected.",
        zoomscalemaxTip: "Face whose size is higher than the value (pixel) will not be detected.",
        trackDataTip: "If this item is raised, the face trajectory will be harder to be captured (the trajectory is coarse blue, indicating that the trajectory is invalid, accordingly, the capturing will not work)",
        previewDataTip: "When the item is raised, the trajectory of the same person will not easy to break.",
        minMoveDataTip: "Rise the value will cause miss count, appear green line when it removed.",
        shapeDataTip: "Corresponding to the smoothness of the trajectory, the higher the requirement for smoothness, the less smoothness of the trajectory will not be captured (the trajectory is green, indicating that the trajectory is invalid, corresponding, the capture is not effective)",
        similarityDataTip: "The similarity between two people, too similar people will be judged to be the same person (snapshot box information is shown in blue)",
        removalTimeDataTip: "To judge the time of a similar person (SEC).",
        faceLightDataTip: "Whether the corresponding face is right or not, the face that is not positive enough is only captured and not recognized.",
        faceDataTip: "The face quality can not reach this threshold, and it only snapshots do not recognize.",
        maxAgeDataTip: "The maximum age of a person.",
        minAgeDataTip: "The minimum age of a person.",
        sexDataTip: "The higher the value, the more inclined to identify gender as female",
        faceTimeDataTip: "Value more higher, more chance to capture face, and the amount of calculation more bigger.",
        kindname1: "Detection parameters",
        kindname2: "Tracking parameters",
        kindname3: "Identification parameters",
        ageWarning: "The minimum age can not exceed the maximum age. Please reset it.",
        headsizeWarning: "The minimum headframe can not exceed the maximum headframe. Please reset it."
    roi: {
        crowdMode1: 'crowding mode1',
        crowdMode2: 'crowding mode2',
        crowdMode3: 'crowding mode3',
        intelligentMode: 'Intelligent mode',
        snapshotMode: 'snapshot mode',
        roiRegion: "Region rendering:",
        roiline: "Line drawing",
        wireframe: "Wire-frame rendering",
        roidir: "Drawing in and out direction:",
        dirdescribe: "Click two point of video image to confirm in and out direction",
        roidoorline: "Drawing entrance line:",
        doorlinedescribe: "Click two points of video image to confirm entrance line",
        ruleset: "Model and angel setting:",
        roiangle: "Angle setting:",
        selectModel: "Select Model:",
        ruleeasy: "loose mode",
        rulestrict: "strict mode",
        height: "Height:",
        restoreDefault: "Restore the default settings",
        completealert: "Please complete the drawing then do other operations.",
        roizonealert: "Please empty the ROI area then draw again.",
        comregion: "Please draw the region  of  interest!",
        comdir: "Please draw the enter direction area!",
        comdoor: "Please end the door line drawing!",
        checkFrame: "Each frame is checked",
        checkFour: "Check 4 frames per 5 frames",
        checkThree: "Check 3 frames per 4 frames",
        checkTwo: "Check 2 frames per 3 frames",
        checkOne: "Check 1 frames per 2 frames",
        roiLarge: "The ROI is too large, if not redraw the reduced accuracy, confirm the save?",
        currentSize: "The current actual detection area size is",
        cpnsuming: "Single frame time consuming",
        currentHeight: "ms,Current installation height",
        setHeadSize: "m,The head size will be set to",
        setFrame: "The framing policy will be set to",
        setBox: "The maximum header box and the minimum header box will be set to"
    setting: {
        setAlert: 'RTSP port and RTMP port are forbidden to be the same, please reset',
        seconds: 'Seconds',
        heartInterval: 'Heartbeat interval:',
        heartbeat: 'Upload heartbeat:',
        faceImg: 'Send face images:',
        faceImgNum: 'Send face image number:',
        bodyImg: 'Send body images:',
        faceFeature: 'Send face features:',
        bodyFeature: 'Send body features:',
        sendTrail: 'Send trail:',
        picInterval: 'Snapshot interval:',
        screenPic: 'Upload snapshot:',
        sendimgTip: 'How many photos per person are sent(if available photos are not enough,then actual number will be less than this value),and this value is less than the value of "Person capture limit" in “Advanced algorithm parameter settings”。',
        maximg: 'Photo sent limit:',
        sendimgSet: 'Photo Settings',
        tooLong: "Length is too long. Please re-enter.",
        modeSelect: "Protocol select:",
        networkSetting: "Network settings",
        ipAddr: "IP Address:",
        subnetMask: "Subnet mask:",
        gateway: "Gateway:",
        macAddr: "Mac address:",
        centerServerSetting: "Center settings",
        serverIp: "Center address:",
        port: "Center port:",
        videoServerIp: "Video server IP:",
        paramSetting: "Storage settings",
        dataTransmissionInterval: "Data transmission interval:",
        second: "S",
        minute: "Minute",
        dataTransmissionOption: "Data storage:",
        trafficSpeed: "Traffic speed",
        saveData: "Local storage",
        videoStreamSetting: "Video stream setting:",
        workingTimeSetting: "Working time",
        noExposureModeSetting: "Exposure mode setting",
        exposureModeSetting: "Exposure mode setting:",
        common: "Common",
        foregroundExposure: "Foreground exposure",
        backgroundExposure: "Background exposure",
        saveSet: "Save set",
        noWhetherRestartAutomatically: "Automatic reboot",
        whetherRestartAutomatically: "Automatic reboot:",
        restartTime: "Reboot time:",
        acquisitionSettings: "Acquisition settings",
        collectionFrequency: "Collection frequency:",
        openWifi: "Open wifi:",
        collectionThreshold: "Collection threshold:",
        notNull: "Can not empty",
        mustNumber: "Must be a number",
        collectionSetting: "Collection setting",
        serialNumber: "Serial number",
        time: "time",
        videoSetting: "Video setting",
        videoName: "Video name:",
        fontSize: "Font size:",
        fontColor: "Font color:",
        coordinateX: "Coordinate X:",
        coordinateY: "Coordinate Y:",
        selectFontSize: "Please select font size",
        selectFontColor: "Please select font color",
        yellow: "Yellow",
        green: "Green",
        blue: "Blue",
        white: "White",
        black: "Black",
        red: "Red",
        play: "Play",
        noVideoName: "Video name",
        noFontSize: "Font size",
        noFontColor: "Font color",
        noCoordinateX: "Coordinate X",
        noCoordinateY: "Coordinate Y",
        enterIp: "IP address can not empty",
        correctIp: "Please input correct IP address",
        contentNotEmpty: "Content can not empty",
        correctFormat: "Please input correct format",
        enterMac: "Mac address can not empty",
        enterPost: "Port can not empty",
        workMode: "Work mode",
        modeSelection: "Mode selection:",
        runMode: "Operation mode",
        inspectionMode: "Self-checking mode",
        videoProtocol: "Video agreement",
        DNSsettings: "DNS settings",
        PORTsettings: "Web port settings",
        ports: "Port",
        new: "+Add",
        enterDns: "Please input DNS address",
        enterPort: "Please input port",
        enterCorrectDNS: "Please input correct DNS address",
        tcpOrHttpTip: "Default is tcp mode. When we need our private protocol, choose http  mode.",
        portTip: "This port is the data receive port of the center server. The default port is 9595. If there is no special requirement, please do not modify it.",
        saveTip: "Check this option will store people counting data in the device, for intermittent transmission. If not, the data may be lost during disconnection.",
        workTimeTip: "You can choose the starting and ending time of the algorithm work every day. People counting data will not be generated outside the working time. If you choose both the starting time and the ending time to 0 clock, the algorithm will work all day.",
        workModeTip: "Self-checking code is only used for produce and test, please do not select",
        rebootTip: "Choose automatic reboot every day can improve the stability of the equipment.",
        wifiTip: "If enabled, MAC of the periphery device will be automatically detected.",
        serverAddress: "Http address:",
        resetDataAfterRestart: "Reset the data after restarting",
        autoClear: "Auto clear:",
        setNumber: "Setting a number for display",
        enterNumber: "Enter number:",
        leaveNumber: "Exit number:",
        recovery: "Recovery results",
        tooBig: "Value is out of range",
        videoProtocol: "Video protocols",
        rtspProtocolSelection: "Rtsp protocol select:",
        rtmpProtocolSelection: "Rtmp port settings:",
        savePath: "Save location settings",
        screenPath: "Screenshot path:",
        videoPath: "Record video path:",
        loginManagement: "Login management",
        openLogin: "Open login:",
        reset: "Reset",
        changePassword: "Changing password",
        oldPassword: "Old password:",
        newPassword: "New password:",
        repeatPassword: "Repeat new password:",
        passwordNotMatch: "New password not same",
        resetPassword: "Reset to original password?",
        cantSpace: "Path cannot contain spaces",
        cantChinese: "Path cannot contain Chinese",
        autoClearTip: "After the device is restarted, the input and output numbers displayed in the video start from zero, but in any case, the number before restart does not affect the actual number of people counted by the device. (equipment is automatically cleared at 0 per day).",
        setNumberTip: "Set up the number of people in and out of the video display for easy statistics in the test without affecting the actual number of people counted by the equipment.",
        recoveryTip: "Restore the number of people in and out of the video, the result is today's 0:00 to the current time statistics",
        protocolTip: "This option is only used to meet special video docking requirements.",
        urlTip: "Algorithm configuration interface video playback plug-in video recording or screenshot save path.",
        port2Tip: "This device WEB client is divided into port settings, default 8080 and 80",
        loginTip: "Set up this device. Does web client need account password to login?",
        dataSend: "Data transmission",
        routineSet: "General settings",
        screenNum: "Count results in the video",
        screenShowSet: "Screen display number settings",
        showTip: "The setting does not affect the number of people actually counted by the device. The device automatically resets at 0:00 every day.",
        restartShowTit: "Value displayed after the reboot",
        fromZero: "Start from zero",
        fromDayData: "Start from the cumulative value of the day",
        setScreenNum: "Screen value settings",
        takeEffect: "Take effect",
        setCurrentData: "Confirm as the cumulative value for the day"
    systemInfo: {
        sysTime: "System time",
        systemCurrent: "Device time:",
        systemRunning: "Running time:",
        networkInfo: "Network information",
        ipAddr: "IP address:",
        serverIp: "Center server IP:",
        videoServerIp: "Video server IP:",
        gateway: "Gateway address:",
        cPort: "Center port:",
        vPort: "Video server IP:",
        subnetMask: "Subnet mask:",
        macAddr: "MAC address:",
        networkState: "Network connection:",
        centerConnectionState: "Center state:",
        parameterInformation: "Parameter information",
        videoChannelAmount: "Video channel amount:",
        saveTemporaryDataOrNot: "Save temporary data or not:",
        trafficFlowAndSpeed: "Traffic flow and speed:",
        videoStreamSize: "Video stream Size:",
        videoTransmissionInterval: "Video transmission interval:",
        allDataSave: "Local data:",
        videoCaptureFormats: "Video size:",
        versionInformation: "Version information",
        algorithmVersion: "Algorithm version:",
        webVersion: "Web version:",
        softwareVersion: "Software version:",
        hardwareVersion: "Hardware version:",
        resourceRate: "Resource occupancy",
        cpuRate: "CPU occupancy:",
        memorySize: "Memory occupancy rate:",
        softwarename: 'Software name',
        gpuRate: "GPU utilization rate:",
        freeMemorySize: "Free memory size:",
        flashVacant: "Residual storage space:",
        videoChannel: "Video channel",
        channelName: "Channel name",
        videoName: "Video name",
        operationMode: "Operation mode",
        operationState: "Operation state",
        cameraId: "Camera ID",
        rtmpState: "RTMP connecting state",
        softwarePeriod: "Software validity period",
        dateOfExpiry: "Valid until:",
        cpuNumber: "Serial number:",
        connect: "Connect",
        disconnect: "Disconnect",
        onLine: "Online",
        offLine: "Offline",
        operation: "Operation",
        debugging: "Debugging",
        serverAddress: "Center address:",
        permanentValidity: "Permanent"
    sysTool: {
        fillIn: 'Please fill in the blanks before proceeding with the operation.',
        videoRecording: "Video recording",
        videoMode: "Video mode:",
        selectVideoMode: "Please select video mode",
        originalVideo: "Original video",
        algorithmVideo: "Algorithm video",
        recordAll: "Record all",
        videoLength: "Video length(minute):",
        videoAmount: "Video amount:",
        length: "Length",
        channel: "Channel",
        videoMode: "Video mode",
        status: "Status",
        operation: "Operation",
        completedVideo: "Completed video",
        fileTitle: "File title",
        fileSize: "File size",
        dataManipulation: "Data operations",
        redata: "Re-transmit historical data",
        to: "to",
        dataRetransmission: "Re-Transmit Data",
        wipeData: "Empty data",
        cleardata: "Delete data",
        resettPeople: "Resetting the result of people counting",
        backupOperation: "Backup operations",
        noParameterBackup: "Parameter backup",
        parameterBackup: "Parameter backup:",
        algorithmParameter: "Algorithm parameters",
        roiCode: "Rule settings",
        modelParameter: "Model parameter",
        videoTitle: "Video title",
        networkParameter: "Network parameters",
        runningParameter: "Operating parameters",
        ispParameter: "ISP parameters",
        backupParameter: "Parameter backup",
        restoreBackup: "Parameter restoration",
        uploadFiles: "Select file",
        upload: "Upload",
        autoupdate: 'Auto update',
        update: 'Update',
        systemOperation: "System operations",
        systemAdjusting: "System time calibration",
        cComputerTime: "Current computer time:",
        cDeviceTime: "Current device time:",
        cTime: "Correction time",
        modelupload: "Model uploading",
        face1: 'Please upload business_3100_',
        face2: 'Please upload business_2200_',
        cm3: "Please select the file with suffix cm3!",
        onlyGz: "Please select the file with suffix tar.gz!",
        gz: "Please select the file with suffix tar.gz or lic!",
        mvcmd: "Please select the file with suffix mvcmd!",
        restartDevice: "Device reboot",
        factoryReset:"Factory Reset",
        clickRestart: "Click to restart device",
        reboot: "Reboot",
        softwareUpdate: "Firmware update",
        Note: "Note:During the firmware upgrading process, please do not turn off the device, otherwise, the system files will be damaged.",
        cAlgorithmV: "Current algorithm version:",
        cSoftwareV: "Current software version:",
        cWebV: "Current web version:",
        cHardwareV: "Current hardware version:",
        systemReset: "System reset",
        clickResetV: "Click the buttom to reset the device to original version",
        currentVersion: "Current version",
        rVersion: "Reset version",
        rAlgorithmV: "Reset algorithm version:",
        rSoftwareV: "Reset software version:",
        rWebV: "Reset Web version:",
        rHardwareV: "Reset hardware version:",
        Note2: "Note:Current configuration information will lost and restore to original setting after reset",
        dAlgorithmConfig: "Delete algorithm configuration",
        dAlgorithmFile: "Delete algorithm configuration file",
        deletNote: "Be Cautious,algorithm configuration cannot be recovered after this action",
        selectDelModel: "Select the algorithm configuration file to be deleted:",
        allAlgorithm: "All algorithm configuration",
        algorithmConfig: "Algorithm parameter configuration",
        roiConfig: "ROI configuration",
        modelConfig: "Model configuration",
        enterInt: "Please enter a positive integer",
        selectVideoMode: "Please select the video mode",
        selectDate: "Please select the date",
        vSizeNotNull: "Video size cannot be empty",
        vSizeIsNum: "The video size must be a number",
        vCountNotNull: "The number of video cannot be empty",
        vCountIsNum: "The number of video must be numeral",
        selectTime: "Please select the time",
        uploadSuccess: "Upload successed!",
        uploadError: "Upload failed!",
        recordNow: "Recording now",
        waitExecution: "Wait for execution",
        wantDelPlan: "Are you sure you want to delete the plan?",
        delSuccess: "Delete success!",
        delFailed: "Delete failed",
        cancelDelet: "Canceled deleting",
        wantDelVideo: "Are you sure you want to delete the video?",
        selectVideo: "Please select a video",
        sureDel: "Is it sure to delete?",
        downloadFailed: "Download failed",
        sureRestart: "Are you sure to reboot?",
        factoryreset:"Are you sure to factory reset?",

        cancelled: "Canceled",
        resetIt: "Are you sure to reset?",
        timeWidthComputer: "Time synchronization with PC",
        huashengke: 'phddns',
        huashengke1: 'Successfully logged in to jump to peanut shell',
        timeZone: "Time zone:",
        NTPTime: "NTP time calibration",
        serverAddr: "Server address:",
        NTPport: "NTP port:",
        timeInterval: "Checkout time interval:",
        manualTime: "Manual time calibration",
        equipmentTime: "Device time:",
        settingTime: "Set time:",
        redataTip: "Re-transmit the historical data stored in the device (select the time period).",
        clearDataTip: "Delete all historical data stored in the device.",
        timeBtn: "Effective immediately",
        test: 'Test',
        centerTime: 'Center time calibration',
        linkSuccess: 'Connection successed',
        linkError: 'Connection failed',
        testTool: 'Testing tools',
        testMode: 'Running modes',
        testMode2: 'Running modes:',
        common: 'Normal use',
        netCamera: 'As network camera',
        videoTest: 'Built-in video test',
        sendData: 'Sending test data',
        timeTip1: 'If you select this option, the system will calibrate the time with the data center at any time of network initialization (including the reboot of the camera and re-connection to the network after disconnection). Please confirm that the data center is connected. Otherwise, the time calibration will be invalid. You can also click “Effective Immediately” to immediately perform the center time calibration.',
        timeTip2: 'If you select this option, the system will regularly calibrate the time with the NTP server. Please confirm that the NTP server is connected, or otherwise the NTP time calibration will be invalid. You can also click “Effective Immediately” to immediately perform the NTP time calibration. You can fill in the NTP port number and click “Test” to check whether NTP is connected.',
        timeTip3: 'If you select this option, the system will perform a calibration at the moment you click “Effective Immediately”. '
    sysLog: {
        sysLog: "System log",
        sysLog2: "System logs",
        note: "Note:Recommended to select a time interval within one month. Tips: 0-debug information, 1-normal information, 2-warning information, 3-error information, 4-fatal error",
        date: "Date:",
        dogLog: "Thread logs",
        serialNumber: "Id",
        logContent: "Log content",
        operationLog: "Operation logs"
    sysTable: {
        personTime: "",
        recognizableNumber: "Front capture",
        accumulativeEntry: "Cumulative enter",
        accumulativeLeave: "Cumulative leave",
        annualReport: "Annual",
        monthlyReport: "Monthly report",
        dailyReport: "Daily report",
        weeklyReport: "Weekly report",
        reportHour: "Hourly",
        queryCriteria: "Query criteria",
        selectYear: "Select year",
        date: "Date",
        enterTraffic: "Enter number",
        outTraffic: "Leave number",
        selectMonth: "Select month",
        selectDay: "Select day",
        exportTable: "Export table",
        isSend: "Send?",
        graphic: "graphic",
        dataReport: "Data reports",
        week1: "",
        week2: "",
        sexRatio: "Gender radio",
        man: "Man",
        lady: "Lady",
        number: "Number",
        time: "Time",
        type: "Type",
        gender: "Gender",
        age: "Age",
        mood: "Expression",
        headPortrait: "Head portrait",
        sendStatus:"Send Status",
        people: "",
        tip1: "< 18",
        tip2: "18-25",
        tip3: "26-35",
        tip4: "36-45",
        tip5: "46-55",
        tip6: "> 55",
        ageDistribution: "Age distribution",
        numberOfPeople: "Number of people",
        leave: "Leave",
        enter: "Enter",
        male: "Male",
        female: "Female",
        unknown: "Unknown",
        peace: "Peace",
        smile: "Smile",
        happy: "Happy",
        other: "Other",
        passengerFlow: "Customer flow",
        hours: "Hour",
        passengerStatic: "People counting trend",
        realTime: "Real-time data",
        timeTip: "Display present day's data"
    common: {
        returnLogin: 'Return login',
        inputContent: "Please input content",
        beginTime: "Start time:",
        endTime: "End time:",
        selectTime: "Select time:",
        noSelectTime: "Select time",
        yes: "Yes",
        no: "No",
        cancel: "Cancel",
        close: "Close",
        open: "Open",
        starttime: "Start time",
        endtime: "End time",
        startDate: "Start date",
        endDate: "End date",
        del: "Deleted",
        download: "Download",
        opeationRestart: "Warning: Please manually reboot the device after changing the settings.",
        Prompt: "Tips",
        check: "View",
        title: "Smart customer counting and analysis camera",
        exit: "Exit"
    message: {
        success: "Operation success",
        error: "Operation fail",
        restartTip: "This operation needs to be manually rebooted. Do you want to continue?"
    button: {
        save: "Save",
        Return: "Return",
        confirm: "OK",
        cancel: "Cancel",
        apply: "Apply",
        add: "Add",
        nosave: "Not save"
