Commit 40914323 by 李金轩


1 parent 0223808e
Showing 91 changed files with 3582 additions and 705 deletions
.DS_Store .DS_Store
node_modules/ node_modules
/dist /dist
# local env files # local env files
.env.local .env.local
# label-cloud
## Project setup
npm install
### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
### Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
### Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
### Customize configuration
See [Configuration Reference](
module.exports = {
presets: [
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
"name": "label-cloud",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
"build": "vue-cli-service build",
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
"dev": "vue-cli-service serve"
"dependencies": {
"ant-design-vue": "^2.2.0-beta.5",
"axios": "^0.21.1",
"core-js": "^3.6.5",
"element-plus": "^1.0.2-beta.28",
"jquery": "^3.6.0",
"js-cookie": "^2.2.1",
"less": "^4.1.1",
"less-loader": "^7.3.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"moment": "^2.29.1",
"vue": "^3.2.22",
"vue-router": "^4.0.8",
"vuex": "^4.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-plugin-router": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-plugin-vuex": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-service": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.0.0",
"babel-eslint": "^10.1.0",
"eslint": "^6.7.2",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.0.0-0",
"sass": "^1.26.5",
"sass-loader": "^8.0.2",
"vue-cli-plugin-element-plus": "~0.0.13"
"eslintConfig": {
"root": true,
"env": {
"node": true
"extends": [
"parserOptions": {
"parser": "babel-eslint"
"rules": {}
"browserslist": [
"> 1%",
"last 2 versions",
"not dead"
// window._serverHost = ''
window._serverHost = '' // 正式
// window._serverHost = '' // 测试
window._baseUrl = `http://${window._serverHost}`
window._serverHost2 = ''
// window._serverHost2 =''
window._baseUrl2 = `http://${window._serverHost2}`
const log = console.log.bind(console)
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="icon" href="<%= BASE_URL %>logo.png">
<script src="<%= BASE_URL %>config.js"></script>
<strong>We're sorry but <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %> doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>
<div id="app"></div>
<!-- built files will be auto injected -->
git status
git add *
git commit -m %1%
git pull
git push
git status
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
<div id="app">
<style lang="less">
html, body, #app, .el-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 9px;
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border-radius: 2em;
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-moz-border-radius: 2em;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background-color: #bbb;
.flex-vertical-center {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.flex-horizontal-center {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
import _ from 'lodash'
export const isEmptyValue = function(o) {
return [undefined, null].includes(o)
export const isNotEmptyValue = function(o) {
return !isEmptyValue(o)
export const isArray = function(o) {
return Array.isArray(o)
export const isNotArray = function(o) {
return !isArray(o)
export const isEmptyArray = function(o) {
return isArray(o) && o.length === 0
export const isNotEmptyArray = function(o) {
return !isEmptyArray(o)
export const isObject = function(o) {
return === '[object Object]'
export const isNotObject = function(o) {
return !isObject(o)
export const isEmptyObject = function(o) {
return isObject(o) && Object.keys(o).length === 0
export const isNotEmptyObject = function(o) {
return !isEmptyObject(o)
export const isDate = function(o) {
return === '[object Date]'
export const isNotDate = function(o) {
return !isDate(o)
export const isEqual = (value, other) => {
return _.isEqual(value, other)
export const isNotEqual = (value, other) => {
return !isEqual(value, other)
export const isOneOfTheseValues = function(value, expectedValueList) {
for (let expectedValue of expectedValueList)
if (isEqual(value, expectedValue))
return true
return false
export const isNoneOfTheseValues = function(value, unexpectedValueList) {
for (let unexpectedValue of unexpectedValueList)
if (isEqual(value, unexpectedValue))
return false
return true
import {isDate, isEmptyValue, isNoneOfTheseValues, isObject, isOneOfTheseValues} from "@/PublicUtil/Judgment"
import moment from "moment"
import _ from "lodash"
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
export const getFolderColor = function(status) {
switch (status)
case 1:
return '#44D7B6'
case 2:
return '#F7B500'
case 3:
return '#6DD400'
case -1:
return '#6495ED'
case 4:
return '#FF69B4'
case 7:
return '#8B4513'
return ''
export const getFolderTitle = function(status) {
switch (status)
case 1:
return '待标注'
case 2:
return '标注中'
case 3:
return '完成标注'
case -1:
return '被标注'
case 4:
return '优质'
case 7:
return '低质'
return ''
export const getImageUrl = function(imageId) {
return `${window._baseUrl}/pics/image/${imageId}?token=${Cookies.get('token')}`
export const previewImage = function(imageUrl) {
export const goBack = function() {
export const getFormDataByObject = function(object) {
const formData = new FormData()
for (const key in object)
const value = object[key]
formData.append(key, value)
return formData
export const getCountGte = function() {
if (isEmptyValue(localStorage.getItem('countGTE')))
return 1
return localStorage.getItem('countGTE')
export const getCountLte = function() {
if (isEmptyValue(localStorage.getItem('countLTE')))
return 100
return localStorage.getItem('countLTE')
export const getFolderNum = function() {
if (isEmptyValue(localStorage.getItem('folderNum')))
return 10
return localStorage.getItem('folderNum')
export const getMinuteNum = function() {
if (isEmptyValue(localStorage.getItem('minuteNum')))
return 60
return localStorage.getItem('minuteNum')
export const getPagedList = function(list, columnNum) {
const baseArray = list
const len = baseArray.length
const lineNum = len % columnNum === 0 ? len / columnNum : Math.floor((len / columnNum) + 1)
let result = []
for (let i = 0; i < lineNum; i++)
// slice() 方法返回一个从开始到结束(不包括结束)选择的数组的一部分浅拷贝到一个新数组对象。且原始数组不会被修改。
const temp = baseArray.slice(i * columnNum, i * columnNum + columnNum)
return result
export const getKeyByValueInObject = function(object, value) {
return Object.keys(object).find(
(key) => {
return object[key] === value
export const filterEmptyValueInObject = function(object) {
if (isObject(object))
for (let key in object)
let value = object[key]
if (isOneOfTheseValues(value, ['', NaN, undefined, null]))
delete object[key]
return object
export const getTodayDate = function() {
return moment().startOf("day").format("yyyy-MM-DD")
export const setAccessedMenu = function(menu) {
localStorage.setItem('accessedMenu', encryptString(JSON.stringify(menu)))
export const getAccessedMenu = function() {
return JSON.parse(decryptString(localStorage.getItem('accessedMenu')))
* encrypto 加密程序
* @param {Strng} str 待加密字符串
* @param {Number} xor 异或值
* @param {Number} hex 加密后的进制数
* @return {Strng} 加密后的字符串
const encryptString = function(str, xor = 123, hex = 25) {
if (typeof str !== 'string' || typeof xor !== 'number' || typeof hex !== 'number')
let resultList = []
hex = hex <= 25 ? hex : hex % 25
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
// 提取字符串每个字符的ascll码
let charCode = str.charCodeAt(i)
// 进行异或加密
charCode = (charCode * 1) ^ xor
// 异或加密后的字符转成 hex 位数的字符串
charCode = charCode.toString(hex)
let splitStr = String.fromCharCode(hex + 97)
let resultStr = resultList.join(splitStr)
return resultStr
* decrypto 解密程序
* @param {Strng} str 待加密字符串
* @param {Number} xor 异或值
* @param {Number} hex 加密后的进制数
* @return {Strng} 加密后的字符串
const decryptString = function(str, xor = 123, hex = 25) {
if (typeof str !== 'string' || typeof xor !== 'number' || typeof hex !== 'number')
let strCharList = []
let resultList = []
hex = hex <= 25 ? hex : hex % 25
// 解析出分割字符
let splitStr = String.fromCharCode(hex + 97)
// 分割出加密字符串的加密后的每个字符
strCharList = str.split(splitStr)
for (let i = 0; i < strCharList.length; i++)
// 将加密后的每个字符转成加密后的ascll码
let charCode = parseInt(strCharList[i], hex)
// 异或解密出原字符的ascll码
charCode = (charCode * 1) ^ xor
let strChar = String.fromCharCode(charCode)
let resultStr = resultList.join('')
return resultStr
export const resetForm = function(form) {
for (let key in form)
form[key] = ""
export const emptyList = function(list) {
list.splice(0, list.length)
export const getTimestampString = function() {
return new Date().getTime().toString()
export const emptyObject = function(object) {
for (let key in object)
delete object[key]
export const cloneObject = function(targetObject, sourceObject) {
for (const key in sourceObject)
const value = sourceObject[key]
targetObject[key] = value
export const createFormData = function(object, fileName, file) {
let formData = new FormData()
if (isObject(object))
for (let key in object)
let value = object[key]
// if (![undefined, null].includes(value))
if (isNoneOfTheseValues(value, [undefined, null]))
formData.append(key, value)
if (file !== undefined)
formData.append(fileName, file)
return formData
export const copyDataList = function(targetDataList, sourceDataList) {
targetDataList.value.splice(0, targetDataList.value.length)
export const formatPaginatedTableData = function(targetData, sourceData, total) {
const list = sourceData.list
// 添加序号
if (list !== undefined)
let start = (sourceData.pageNum - 1) * sourceData.pageSize
let end = start + list.length
for (let i = start; i < end; i++)
let item = list[i - start]
item["serialNumber"] = i + 1
copyDataList(targetData, list)
total.value =
export const addSerialNumber = function(sourceData) {
if (sourceData !== undefined)
for (let i = 0; i < sourceData.length; i++)
let item = sourceData[i]
item["serialNumber"] = i + 1
// 把 date 对象转换为 0000-00-00 这种日期形式
export const formatDate = function(date) {
if (isDate(date))
return moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
import {axiosInstance} from "@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance"
import {} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
import imagePackageApi from '@/views/DataLabel/ImagePackage/ImagePackageApi'
export const getUserNameIdMap = function(targetData) {
method: 'GET',
url: `/users`,
(r) => {
const list =
for (const item of list)
targetData[] =
export const getCompanyMap = function(targetData) {
method: 'GET',
url: `/accounts`,
(r) => {
const list =
for (const item of list)
targetData[] =
export const getImagePackageMap = function(targetData) {
(r) => {
const list =
for (const item of list)
targetData[] =
export const getCanCreateUsernameIdMap = function() {
const currentUserType = localStorage.getItem('currentUserType')
switch (currentUserType)
case '0': // 超级管理员
return {
"超级管理员": 0,
"项目经理": 1,
"内部质检员": 2,
"外部管理员": 3,
"外部质检员": 4,
"外部标注员": 5,
"兼职标注员": 6,
"数据清洗员": 7,
case '1': // 项目经理
return {
"内部质检员": 2,
"外部管理员": 3,
"外部质检员": 4,
"外部标注员": 5,
"兼职标注员": 6,
case '3': // 外部管理员
return {
"外部质检员": 4,
"外部标注员": 5,
"兼职标注员": 6,
return {}
import axios from 'axios'
import router from '@/router/index'
import Cookies from "js-cookie"
import {getTimestampString} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
// 创建 axios 的一个实例
const axiosInstance = axios.create(
baseURL: window._baseUrl
const axiosInstance2 = axios.create(
baseURL: window._baseUrl2,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// 请求拦截器
config => {
config.headers.token = Cookies.get('token')
return config
// 响应拦截器
(r) => {
const responseData =
const message = responseData.msg
if (message === '当前会话未登录')
return responseData
(e) => {
const responseData = e.response
return responseData
(r) => {
const responseData =
return responseData
(e) => {
const responseData = e.response
return responseData
export {axiosInstance, axiosInstance2}
import {createApp} from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import Antd from 'ant-design-vue'
import 'ant-design-vue/dist/antd.css'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
import installElementPlus from './plugins/element'
const app = createApp(App)
import ElementPlus from 'element-plus'
import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
import locale from 'element-plus/lib/locale/lang/zh-cn'
export default (app) => {
app.use(ElementPlus, {locale})
import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router'
const menuRoute = [
path: '/DataLabel',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: 'ImagePackage',
component: () => import("@/views/DataLabel/ImagePackage/ImagePackage.vue"),
path: 'PeopleLabel',
component: () => import("@/views/DataLabel/PeopleLabel/PeopleLabel.vue"),
path: 'Labeling',
component: () => import("@/views/DataLabel/Labeling/Labeling.vue"),
path: 'SubmitQualityInspect',
component: () => import("@/views/DataLabel/SubmitQualityInspect/SubmitQualityInspect.vue"),
path: 'LabelWorkbook',
component: () => import("@/views/DataLabel/LabelWorkbook/LabelWorkbook.vue"),
path: '/QualityInspect',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: 'QualityInspectExamine',
component: () => import("@/views/QualityInspect/QualityInspectExamine/QualityInspectExamine.vue"),
path: '/Project',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: 'ProjectManagement',
component: () => import("@/views/Project/ProjectManagement/ProjectManagement.vue"),
path: '/BackgroundManagement',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: 'OutsourceCompany',
component: () => import("@/views/BackgroundManagement/OutsourceCompany/OutsourceCompany.vue"),
path: 'UserManagement',
component: () => import("@/views/BackgroundManagement/UserManagement/UserManagement.vue"),
path: '/DataClean',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: 'DataClean',
component: () => import("@/views/DataClean/DataClean/DataClean.vue"),
path: 'CleanManagement',
component: () => import("@/views/DataClean/CleanManagement/CleanManagement.vue"),
const route = [
path: '/',
redirect: '/Login',
path: '/Test',
component: () => import("@/views/Test/Test.vue"),
path: '/Login',
component: () => import("@/views/Login/Login.vue"),
path: '/ClassAmongClean',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: '',
component: () => import("@/views/ClassAmongClean/ClassAmongClean.vue"),
path: '/ClassInsideClean',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: '',
component: () => import("@/views/ClassInsideClean/ClassInsideClean.vue"),
path: '/JudgePeople',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: '',
component: () => import("@/views/JudgePeople/JudgePeople.vue"),
path: '/ClassInsideJudgePerson',
component: () => import("@/views/Main/Main.vue"),
children: [
path: '',
component: () => import("@/views/ClassInsideJudgePerson/ClassInsideJudgePerson.vue"),
export const getUrlByTitle = function(title) {
const map = {
"标注": '/DataLabel/ImagePackage',
"提交质检": '/DataLabel/SubmitQualityInspect',
"标注工作薄": '/DataLabel/LabelWorkbook',
"质检审核": '/QualityInspect/QualityInspectExamine',
"项目管理": '/Project/ProjectManagement',
"外包公司": '/BackgroundManagement/OutsourceCompany',
"用户管理": '/BackgroundManagement/UserManagement',
"数据清洗": '/DataClean/DataClean',
"清洗管理": '/DataClean/CleanManagement',
return map[title]
const router = createRouter(
history: createWebHashHistory(),
routes: route
export default router
import {createStore} from 'vuex'
export default createStore(
state: {
accessedRouteList: [],
mutations: {
setAccessedRouteList(state, accessedRouteList) {
state.accessedRouteList = accessedRouteList
<a-layout-sider v-model:collapsed="collapsed" :trigger="null" collapsible>
<div class="logo"/>
<a-menu theme="dark" mode="inline" v-model:selectedKeys="selectedKeys">
<a-menu-item key="1">
<span>nav 1</span>
<a-menu-item key="2">
<span>nav 2</span>
<a-menu-item key="3">
<span>nav 3</span>
<a-layout-header style="background: #fff; padding: 0">
@click="() => (collapsed = !collapsed)"
<menu-fold-outlined v-else class="trigger" @click="() => (collapsed = !collapsed)"/>
:style="{ margin: '24px 16px', padding: '24px', background: '#fff', minHeight: '280px' }"
import {
} from '@ant-design/icons-vue'
import {defineComponent, ref} from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
return {
selectedKeys: ref(['1']),
collapsed: ref(false),
import {axiosInstance} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class OutsourceCompanyApi {
getOutsourceCompanyList() {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/accounts',
addOutsourceCompany(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/accounts',
data: filterEmptyValueInObject(
managerId: data.managerId,
description: data.description,
createUser: localStorage.getItem('currentUserId'),
editOutsourceCompany(id, data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/accounts/${id}`,
data: data
deleteOutsourceCompany(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'DELETE',
url: `/accounts/${id}`,
prohibitOutsourceCompany(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/accounts/${id}`,
data: {
status: 0
resumeOutsourceCompany(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/accounts/${id}`,
data: {
status: 1
getUserList() {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/users`,
const outsourceCompanyApi = new OutsourceCompanyApi()
export default outsourceCompanyApi
import {axiosInstance} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, } from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class UserApi {
getUserList() {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/users',
addUser(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/users',
data: filterEmptyValueInObject(
username: data.username,
password: data.password,
accountId: data.accountId,
type: data.type,
createUser: localStorage.getItem('currentUserId'),
editUser(id, data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/users/${id}`,
data: data
deleteUser(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'DELETE',
url: `/users/${id}`,
const userApi = new UserApi()
export default userApi
import {axiosInstance2} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject,} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class DataCleanApi {
getDataCleanList(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/clean2/list',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packId: data.packId,
status: data.status,
pageNum: data.pageNum,
pageSize: data.pageSize,
getCleanAmongResult(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/clean2/getClean2',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packId: data.packId,
const dataCleanApi = new DataCleanApi()
export default dataCleanApi
import {axiosInstance2} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, getFormDataByObject} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class ClassInsideCleanApi {
getClassInsideCleanList(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/clean1-person/list',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packId: data.packId,
status: data.status,
pageNum: data.pageNum,
pageSize: data.pageSize,
getCleanInsideResult(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/clean1-person/getClean1',
params: {
personId: data.personId,
packId: data.packId,
split(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/clean1-person/split',
data: getFormDataByObject(
personId: data.personId,
packId: data.packId,
picIds: data.picIds,
const classInsideCleanApi = new ClassInsideCleanApi()
export default classInsideCleanApi
.Labeling {
background: white;
.el-main {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.el-header {
padding: 0;
.isSelected {
border: 2px solid #4487f7 !important;
.isFolderSelected {
background: aquamarine;
.isSelected:after {
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 42px solid #4487f7;
border-left: 42px solid transparent;
.isSelected:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 14px;
height: 8px;
background: transparent;
bottom: 12px;
right: 5px;
border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
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-ms-transform: rotate(-55deg);
transform: rotate(-55deg);
z-index: 9;
.single-image-parent {
//display: inline-block;
position: relative;
border: 2px solid white;
text-align: center;
.single-image {
height: 300px;
width: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.right-image-folder-list {
//border-radius: 10px;
margin: 10px 0;
.container {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: auto;
.clearfix::after {
content: '';
display: block;
clear: both;
.empty {
float: left;
.single-image-parent {
position: relative;
border: 2px solid white;
text-align: center;
.single-image {
height: 300px;
width: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.el-row {
height: 326px !important;
.isSelected {
border: 2px solid #4487f7 !important;
.isSelected:after {
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 42px solid #4487f7;
border-left: 42px solid transparent;
.isSelected:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 14px;
height: 8px;
background: transparent;
bottom: 12px;
right: 5px;
border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-55deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-55deg);
transform: rotate(-55deg);
z-index: 9;
<div class="container clearfix" ref="containerRef" style="height: 100%">
<div class="empty" :style="{ height: emptyHeight }"></div>
<div :style="{ transform: `translateY(${translateY})` }">
<el-row v-for="row in showedList">
<el-col :span="8" v-for="item in row" @click="selectImage(item.unid)">
<div v-bind:class="{ 'isSelected': item.isSelected}"
class="single-image-parent flex-vertical-center"
<el-image :src="getImageUrl(item.picId)"
{{ item.createTime }} {{ getDirectionTitle(item.direction) }}
import {computed, onMounted, ref} from 'vue'
import {getImageUrl, getPagedList, previewImage} from '@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil'
export default {
props: {
dataList: {
default: []
setup(props, {emit}) {
const dataList = props.dataList
const containerRef = ref()
const itemHeight = 326
const start = ref(0)
const translateY = ref(0)
const showedList = computed(
() => {
return dataList.slice(start.value, start.value + 3)
const emptyHeight = itemHeight * (dataList.length + 1)
const getDirectionTitle = function(v) {
switch (v)
case 1:
return '进'
case -1:
return '出'
const selectImage = function(unid) {
emit('imageClick', unid)
() => {
(event) => {
const {scrollTop} =
start.value = Math.floor(scrollTop / itemHeight)
translateY.value = scrollTop + 'px'
return {
itemHeight: itemHeight + 'px',
emptyHeight: emptyHeight + 'px',
// sequence
// function
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./VirtualList";
import {axiosInstance2} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, getFormDataByObject,} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
import {getImagePackageMap} from '@/Request/DictionaryRequest'
class DataCleanApi {
getDataCleanList(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/pack-clean/list',
params: {
pageNum: data.pageNum,
pageSize: data.pageSize,
addDataClean(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/pack-clean',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packId: data.packId,
cleanInsideClean(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/cleaning/clean1`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
taskId: data.taskId,
score: data.score,
percent: data.percent,
cleanAmongClean(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/cleaning/clean2`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
taskId: data.taskId,
score: data.score,
percent: data.percent,
maxNum: data.maxNum,
completeClean(taskId) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/cleaning/completeClean`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
taskId: taskId
getImagePackageMap() {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/pack-clean/listPacks`,
const dataCleanApi = new DataCleanApi()
export default dataCleanApi
import {axiosInstance2} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, getFormDataByObject} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
import {getImagePackageMap} from '@/Request/DictionaryRequest'
class DataCleanApi {
getDataCleanList(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/pack-clean/list',
params: {
pageNum: data.pageNum,
pageSize: data.pageSize,
addDataClean(data) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/pack-clean',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packId: data.packId,
clean(cleanType, taskId) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/cleaning/clean${cleanType}`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
taskId: taskId
completeClean(taskId) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/cleaning/completeClean`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
taskId: taskId
getImagePackageMap() {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/pack-clean/listPacks`,
const dataCleanApi = new DataCleanApi()
export default dataCleanApi
.ImagePackage {
background: white;
.image-package {
background: white;
.name {
height: 100%;
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: PingFangSC-Medium, PingFang SC;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
<a-layout class="ImagePackage">
<el-form :model="queryImagePackageForm" :inline="true" size="small">
<el-form-item label="公司:">
<el-select v-model="queryImagePackageForm.companyId" @change="onSelectCompanyInQuery" style="width: 100%">
<el-option v-for="(name, value) in companyMap" :label="name" :value="value"></el-option>
<el-form-item label="项目:">
<el-select v-model="queryImagePackageForm.projectId" style="width: 100%">
<el-option v-for="(value, name) in projectMapInQuery" :label="name" :value="value"></el-option>
<!-- <el-form-item label="图包:">-->
<!-- <el-select v-model="queryImagePackageForm.imagePackageId" style="width: 100%">-->
<!-- <el-option v-for="(value, key) in imagePackageMapInQuery" :label="value" :value="key"></el-option>-->
<!-- </el-select>-->
<!-- </el-form-item>-->
<el-button @click="confirmQueryImagePackage" type="primary">查询</el-button>
<el-button @click="reset">重置</el-button>
<el-row v-for="(row, index) in pagedTableData" v-loading="isLoading">
<el-col :span="6" v-for="(item, index) in row" style="cursor: pointer;">
<div class="image-package">
<el-row @click="gotoPeopleLabel(">
<el-col :span="4">
<img :src="require('./image/imagePackage.svg')"/>
<el-col :span="20">
<div class="name">
<div class="flex-vertical-center flex-horizontal-center">
图包: {{ item?.name }}
<div class="flex-vertical-center flex-horizontal-center">
公司: {{ companyMap[item?.task?.accountId] }}
<div class="flex-vertical-center flex-horizontal-center">
项目: {{ item?.task?.name }}
<a-button v-if="isDownloadShowed" @click="downloadCompletedImages(" type="link">下载</a-button>
import {computed, defineComponent, reactive, ref, toRaw, toRefs, watch} from 'vue'
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import peopleLabelApi from '@/views/DataLabel/PeopleLabel/PeopleLabelApi'
import {cloneObject, getKeyByValueInObject} from '@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil'
import imagePackageApi from '@/views/DataLabel/ImagePackage/ImagePackageApi'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import {getCompanyMap} from '@/Request/DictionaryRequest'
import projectApi from '@/views/Project/ProjectManagement/ProjectManagementApi'
export default defineComponent(
setup() {
const router = useRouter()
const peopleFolderList = ref([])
const imagePackageList = ref([])
const isLoading = ref(false)
const isDownloadShowed = ref(localStorage.getItem('currentUserType') === '0')
const pagedTableData = computed(
() => {
let baseArray = imagePackageList.value
let len = baseArray.length
let n = 4 //每行显示4个
let lineNum = len % n === 0 ? len / n : Math.floor((len / n) + 1)
let result = []
for (let i = 0; i < lineNum; i++)
// slice() 方法返回一个从开始到结束(不包括结束)选择的数组的一部分浅拷贝到一个新数组对象。且原始数组不会被修改。
let temp = baseArray.slice(i * n, i * n + n)
return result
// mapping
const queryImagePackageForm = reactive(
companyId: '',
projectId: '',
imagePackageId: '',
const companyMap = reactive({})
const projectMapInQuery = reactive({})
const imagePackageMapInQuery = reactive({})
const downloadCompletedImages = function(packId) {
` ${window._baseUrl}/reid/downloadLabeledPicAsZip`
const gotoPeopleLabel = function(packId) {
path: '/DataLabel/PeopleLabel',
query: {
packId: packId,
pageNum: 1,
const reset = function() {
for (let key in queryImagePackageForm)
queryImagePackageForm[key] = ''
const getProjectMapByCompanyId = async function(companyId) {
const {data} = await projectApi.getProjectList(companyId)
let map = {}
for (const project of data)
map[] =
return map
// const getFloorMapByprojectId = function(projectId) {
// }
const onSelectCompanyInQuery = async function(companyId) {
queryImagePackageForm.projectId = ''
queryImagePackageForm.imagePackageId = ''
const map = await getProjectMapByCompanyId(parseInt(companyId))
cloneObject(projectMapInQuery, map)
// const onSelectProjectInQuery = function(projectId) {
// queryImagePackageForm.imagePackageId = ''
// cloneObject(imagePackageMapInQuery, getFloorMapByprojectId(parseInt(projectId)))
// }
const confirmQueryImagePackage = function() {
isLoading.value = true
const rawData = toRaw(queryImagePackageForm)
const data = {
companyId: rawData.companyId,
projectId: rawData.projectId,
(r) => {
isLoading.value = false
imagePackageList.value =
const initialize = function() {
return {
// scalar
// sequence
// mapping
// function
// onSelectProjectInQuery,
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./ImagePackage.less";
import {axiosInstance} from "@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance"
import {filterEmptyValueInObject} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class ImagePackageApi {
getImagePackageList(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/packs`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
accountId: data?.companyId,
taskId: data?.projectId,
type: 1,
const imagePackageApi = new ImagePackageApi()
export default imagePackageApi
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<g id="页面-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="1.1数据标注_人行标注" transform="translate(-336.000000, -259.000000)" fill-rule="nonzero">
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<g id="wenjianjia" transform="translate(24.000000, 41.000000)">
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\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
<el-form :model="exportDataForm" :inline="true" size="small">
<el-form-item label="公司:">
<el-select v-model="exportDataForm.companyId" @change="onSelectCompanyInQuery">
<el-option v-for="(name, value) in companyMap" :label="name" :value="value"></el-option>
<el-form-item label="项目:">
<el-select v-model="exportDataForm.projectId" @change="onSelectProjectInQuery">
<el-option v-for="(value, name) in projectMapInQuery" :label="name" :value="value"></el-option>
<el-form-item label="图包:">
<el-select v-model="exportDataForm.imagePackageId">
<el-option v-for="(value, name) in imagePackageMapInQuery" :label="name" :value="value"></el-option>
<el-form-item label="日期:">
<el-date-picker v-model="exportDataForm.time" type="daterange"></el-date-picker>
<el-button @click="exportData" :loading="isLoading" type="primary">导出数据</el-button>
import {computed, defineComponent, reactive, ref, toRaw, toRefs, watch} from 'vue'
import imagePackageApi from '@/views/DataLabel/ImagePackage/ImagePackageApi'
import {cloneObject, filterEmptyValueInObject, formatDate} from '@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import projectApi from '@/views/Project/ProjectManagement/ProjectManagementApi'
import {getCompanyMap} from '@/Request/DictionaryRequest'
export default defineComponent(
setup() {
// scalar
const isLoading = ref()
// sequence
const imagePackageList = ref([])
// mapping
const exportDataForm = reactive(
companyId: '',
projectId: '',
imagePackageId: '',
start: '',
end: '',
time: '',
const companyMap = reactive({})
const projectMapInQuery = reactive({})
const imagePackageMapInQuery = reactive({})
// function
const exportData = function() {
const rawData = toRaw(exportDataForm)
const data = filterEmptyValueInObject(
accountId: rawData.companyId,
taskId: rawData.projectId,
packId: rawData.imagePackageId,
start: formatDate(rawData.time[0]),
end: formatDate(rawData.time[1]),
let url = ''
for (const key in data)
const value = data[key]
const t = `${key}` + '=' + value
url += '&' + t
` ${window._baseUrl}/reid/export`
`?token=${Cookies.get('token') + url}`
const getProjectMapByCompanyId = async function(companyId) {
const {data} = await projectApi.getProjectList(companyId)
let map = {}
for (const project of data)
map[] =
return map
const getImagePackageMapByProjectId = async function(projectId) {
const {data} = await imagePackageApi.getImagePackageList(
projectId: projectId
let map = {}
for (const imagePackage of data)
map[] =
return map
const onSelectCompanyInQuery = async function(companyId) {
exportDataForm.projectId = ''
exportDataForm.imagePackageId = ''
const map = await getProjectMapByCompanyId(parseInt(companyId))
cloneObject(projectMapInQuery, map)
const onSelectProjectInQuery = async function(projectId) {
exportDataForm.imagePackageId = ''
const map = await getImagePackageMapByProjectId(parseInt(projectId))
cloneObject(imagePackageMapInQuery, map)
const initialize = function() {
return {
// scalar
// sequence
// mapping
// function
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./LabelWorkbook.less";
.Labeling {
background: white;
.el-main {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.el-header {
padding: 0;
.isFolderSelected {
background: aquamarine;
.isSelected {
border: 2px solid #4487f7 !important;
.isSelected:after {
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 42px solid #4487f7;
border-left: 42px solid transparent;
.isSelected:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 14px;
height: 8px;
background: transparent;
bottom: 12px;
right: 5px;
border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-55deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-55deg);
transform: rotate(-55deg);
z-index: 9;
.single-image-parent {
position: relative;
border: 2px solid white;
text-align: center;
.single-image {
height: 300px;
width: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.right-image-folder-list {
//border-radius: 10px;
margin: 10px 0;
import {axiosInstance} from "@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance"
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, getCountGte, getCountLte} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class LabelingApi {
getPeopleImageList(packId, personUnid) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/subTasks`,
params: {
packId: packId,
personUnid: personUnid,
sortName: 'create_time'
getSimilarPeopleImageFolderList(picIdArr, folderNum, packId, minutes, currentPersonUnid) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/getSimilarPerson`,
params: {
picIdArr: picIdArr,
size: folderNum,
packId: packId,
timeInterval: minutes,
currentPerson: currentPersonUnid,
completeLabel(personUnid, packId) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/setPure`,
params: {
personUnid: personUnid,
packId: packId,
mergeImagesAsNewPerson(picIdArr, packId) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/mergeAsNewPerson`,
params: {
picIdArr: picIdArr,
packId: packId,
mergeMultiplePersonsAsNewPerson(personUnidArr, packId, currentPersonUnid) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/mergePerson`,
params: {
personUnidArr: personUnidArr,
packId: packId,
currentPerson: currentPersonUnid,
mergeMultipleImagesToOnePerson(picIdArr, personUnid, packId, currentPersonUnid) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/mergeTo`,
params: {
picIdArr: picIdArr,
personUnid: personUnid,
packId: packId,
currentPerson: currentPersonUnid,
deleteImages(picIdArr, packId) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'DELETE',
url: `/reid/deletePic`,
params: {
picIdArr: picIdArr,
packId: packId,
recycle(personUnid, subTaskIdArr, packId) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/recovery`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnid: personUnid,
subTaskIdArr: subTaskIdArr,
packId: packId,
highQualityExtract(personUnid, subTaskIdArr, packId, currentPersonUnid) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/mergeAndTodo`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnidArr: personUnid,
subTaskIdArr: subTaskIdArr,
packId: packId,
currentPerson: currentPersonUnid,
lowQualityExtract(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/mergeAndLowQuality`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnidArr: data.personUnidArr,
subTaskIdArr: data.subTaskIdArr,
packId: data.packId,
currentPerson: data.currentPerson,
exitLabeling(personUnid, packId) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/exitLabeling`,
params: {
personUnid: personUnid,
packId: packId,
getPreviousPerson(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/getOtherPeople`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnid: data.personUnid,
packId: data.packId,
type: 1,
status: data.status,
countGTE: getCountGte(),
countLTE: getCountLte(),
getNextPerson(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/getOtherPeople`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnid: data.personUnid,
packId: data.packId,
type: 0,
status: data.status,
countGTE: getCountGte(),
countLTE: getCountLte(),
const labelingApi = new LabelingApi()
export default labelingApi
.container {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: auto;
.clearfix::after {
content: '';
display: block;
clear: both;
.empty {
float: left;
.single-image-parent {
position: relative;
border: 2px solid white;
text-align: center;
.single-image {
height: 300px;
width: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.el-row {
height: 326px !important;
.isSelected {
border: 2px solid #4487f7 !important;
.isSelected:after {
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 42px solid #4487f7;
border-left: 42px solid transparent;
.isSelected:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 14px;
height: 8px;
background: transparent;
bottom: 12px;
right: 5px;
border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-55deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-55deg);
transform: rotate(-55deg);
z-index: 9;
<div class="container clearfix" ref="containerRef" style="height: 100%">
<div class="empty" :style="{ height: emptyHeight }"></div>
<div :style="{ transform: `translateY(${translateY})` }">
<el-row v-for="row in showedList">
<el-col :span="8" v-for="item in row" @click="selectImage(">
<div v-bind:class="{ 'isSelected': item.isSelected}"
class="single-image-parent flex-vertical-center"
<el-image :src="getImageUrl(item.picId)"
{{ item.createTime }} {{ getDirectionTitle(item.direction) }}
import {computed, onMounted, ref} from 'vue'
import {getImageUrl, getPagedList, previewImage} from '@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil'
export default {
props: {
dataList: {
default: []
setup(props, {emit}) {
const dataList = props.dataList
const containerRef = ref()
const itemHeight = 326
const start = ref(0)
const translateY = ref(0)
const showedList = computed(
() => {
return dataList.slice(start.value, start.value + 3)
const emptyHeight = itemHeight * (dataList.length + 1)
const getDirectionTitle = function(v) {
switch (v)
case 1:
return '进'
case -1:
return '出'
const selectImage = function(id) {
emit('imageClick', id)
() => {
(event) => {
const {scrollTop} =
start.value = Math.floor(scrollTop / itemHeight)
translateY.value = scrollTop + 'px'
return {
itemHeight: itemHeight + 'px',
emptyHeight: emptyHeight + 'px',
// sequence
// function
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./VirtualList";
.PeopleLabel {
background: white;
.folder {
width: 400px;
cursor: pointer;
.folder-title {
color: white;
padding: 0 0 0 20px;
.folder-body {
//padding: 0 0 0 20px;
margin: 0 auto;
.folder-cover-image {
//width: 200px;
text-align: center
//padding: 0 0 0 20px;
.column-title-font {
padding: 0 0 0 18px
import {axiosInstance} from "@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance"
import {filterEmptyValueInObject} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class PeopleLabelApi {
getPeopleImageFolderList(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/getPeople`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packId: data.packId,
status: data.status,
annotatorId: data.annotatorId,
page: data.pageNum,
size: data.pageSize,
countGTE: data.countGTE,
countLTE: data.countLTE,
enterLabeling(personUnid, packId) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/reid/labeling`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnid: personUnid,
packId: packId,
searchFolder(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/subTasks`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnid_like: '%' + data.personUnid_like + '%',
packId: data.packId,
group: 'true',
sortName: 'create_time'
submitReview(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/reid/verify`,
data: filterEmptyValueInObject(
personUnidArr: data.personUnidArr,
status: data.status,
const peopleLabelApi = new PeopleLabelApi()
export default peopleLabelApi
.ProjectManagement {
.el-header {
display: flex;
margin: 0 20px;
align-items: center;
background: #FFFFFF;
.el-main {
margin: 20px;
padding: 20px;
background: #FFFFFF;
.project-form {
padding: 40px 40px 0 20px
<el-container class="QualityInspectManagement">
<el-header height="50px">
<span class="title-text">提交质检</span>
<el-menu mode="horizontal" @select="handleMenuSelect" :default-active="'1'">
<el-menu-item :index="'1'">
<el-menu-item :index="'5'">
<el-menu-item :index="'6'">
<el-table :data="qualityInspectList" v-loading="isLoading">
<el-table-column prop="taskName" label="taskName" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="packName" label="packName" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="accountId" label="所属公司" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
{{ companyMap[scope.row.accountId] }}
<el-table-column prop="count" label="count" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="finishCount" label="finishCount" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="toBeLabeledCount" label="toBeLabeledCount" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="operation" label="操作" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
<el-button @click="submitInspect(scope.row.packId)" type="text">提交审核</el-button>
<el-button @click="viewDetails(scope.row.packId)" type="text">查看详情</el-button>
import {reactive, ref, toRaw,} from "vue"
import {
filterEmptyValueInObject, getKeyByValueInObject,
} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
import qualityInspectApi from './SubmitQualityInspectApi'
import {ElMessageBox} from 'element-plus'
import {ElMessage} from 'element-plus'
import {getCompanyMap} from '@/Request/DictionaryRequest'
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
export default {
setup() {
// scalar
const pageNum = ref(1)
const pageSize = ref(10)
const total = ref()
const isLoading = ref(false)
const router = useRouter()
let selectedMenuIndex = '1'
const qualityInspectList = ref([])
// computed
// mapping
const companyMap = reactive({})
// function
const handlePageNumChange = function(num) {
pageNum.value = num
const handlePageSizeChange = function(size) {
pageNum.value = 1
pageSize.value = size
const handleMenuSelect = function(index) {
selectedMenuIndex = index
const viewDetails = function(packId) {
path: '/DataLabel/PeopleLabel',
query: {
packId: packId,
pageNum: 1,
const submitInspect = function(id) {
(r) => {
const message = r.msg
message: `${message}`,
const getQualityInspectList = function() {
isLoading.value = true
({data}) => {
isLoading.value = false
qualityInspectList.value = data
// formatPaginatedTableData(
// qualityInspectList,
// data,
// total,
// )
const initialize = function() {
return {
// scalar
// mapping
// function
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./SubmitQualityInspect.less";
import {axiosInstance} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject,} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class QualityInspectApi {
getQualityInspectList(status) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/packs/info',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
accountId: localStorage.getItem('currentAccountId'),
status: status,
submitInspect(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/packs/${id}`,
data: {
status: 1
const qualityInspectApi = new QualityInspectApi()
export default qualityInspectApi
import {axiosInstance2} from "@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance"
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, getFormDataByObject, } from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class JudgePeopleApi {
notSamePerson(id) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/clean2/${id}`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
same: 0
samePerson(id) {
return axiosInstance2.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/clean2/${id}`,
data: getFormDataByObject(
same: 1
const judgePeopleApi = new JudgePeopleApi()
export default judgePeopleApi
.Labeling {
background: white;
.el-main {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.el-header {
padding: 0;
.isSelected {
border: 2px solid #4487f7 !important;
.isFolderSelected {
background: aquamarine;
.isSelected:after {
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 42px solid #4487f7;
border-left: 42px solid transparent;
.isSelected:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 14px;
height: 8px;
background: transparent;
bottom: 12px;
right: 5px;
border: 2px solid white;
border-top: none;
border-right: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-55deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-55deg);
transform: rotate(-55deg);
z-index: 9;
.single-image-parent {
//display: inline-block;
position: relative;
border: 2px solid white;
text-align: center;
.single-image {
height: 300px;
width: 100%;
.right-image-folder-list {
//border-radius: 10px;
margin: 10px 0;
<a-form :model="loginForm">
<a-form-item label="用户名">
<a-input v-model:value="loginForm.username"/>
<a-form-item label="密码">
<a-input v-model:value="loginForm.password"/>
<a-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">登录</a-button>
import {defineComponent, reactive, toRaw} from 'vue'
import {getAccessedMenu, setAccessedMenu} from '@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil'
import loginApi from '@/views/Login/LoginApi'
import Cookies from "js-cookie"
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {getUrlByTitle} from '@/router'
import {ElMessage} from 'element-plus'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const router = useRouter()
const loginForm = reactive(
username: window.location.hostname === "localhost" ? 'vion' : '',
password: window.location.hostname === "localhost" ? 'VION20050620' : '',
const onSubmit = () => {
const data = {
username: loginForm.username,
password: loginForm.password
(r) => {
const message = r.msg
if (message === 'success')
const data =
const token = data.tokenInfo.tokenValue
Cookies.set("token", token)
// store.commit("setAccessedRouteList", getAccessedRouteList(
localStorage.setItem('currentUserType', data.type)
localStorage.setItem('currentAccountId', data.accountId)
const accessedMenu = getAccessedMenu()
const firstTitle = accessedMenu[Object.keys(accessedMenu)[0]][0]
message: `${message}`,
type: 'error'
return {
<style scoped>
import {axiosInstance} from "@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance"
import {filterEmptyValueInObject} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class LoginApi {
login(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/users/login`,
data: data,
logout() {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/users/logout`,
const loginApi = new LoginApi()
export default loginApi
File mode changed
<el-aside width="200px">
<div class="logo"/>
<el-menu :router="true" :default-openeds="getOpeneds()">
<el-submenu v-for="(list, name ,index) in accessedMenu" :index="index" :key="index">
<template #title>
<span>{{ name }}</span>
<el-menu-item v-for="(title, i) in list" :index="getUrlByTitle(title)" :key="i">
<!-- <el-submenu :index="100">-->
<!-- <template #title>-->
<!-- <span> 数据清洗 </span>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- <el-menu-item-group>-->
<!-- <el-menu-item :index="'/DataClean/DataClean'">-->
<!-- 数据清洗-->
<!-- </el-menu-item>-->
<!-- </el-menu-item-group>-->
<!-- </el-submenu>-->
<el-header style="background: #fff; padding: 0;height: 35px">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: flex-end;">
<el-button @click="logout">退出登录</el-button>
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>
import {defineComponent, ref} from 'vue'
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {getAccessedMenu,} from '@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil'
import {getUrlByTitle} from '@/router'
import loginApi from '@/views/Login/LoginApi'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const accessedMenu = getAccessedMenu()
const router = useRouter()
const goto = function(path) {
const getOpeneds = function() {
let result = []
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
return result
const logout = function() {
() => {
const initialize = function() {
// log(accessedMenu)
return {
// scalar
// sequence
// mapping
// function
import {axiosInstance} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject, } from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class ProjectApi {
getProjectList(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/tasks',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
accountId: id
addProject(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/tasks',
data: filterEmptyValueInObject(
description: data.description,
type: 1,
labelType: 0,
createUser: localStorage.getItem('currentUserId'),
editProject(id, data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/tasks/${id}`,
data: data
finishProject(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/tasks/${id}`,
data: {
status: 0
startProject(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/tasks/${id}`,
data: {
status: 1
getUsedBatchList(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/packs`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
taskId: id
getUnusedBatchList() {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/packs`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
taskId_null: 'true'
distributeBatch(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/packs/assignTo`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
taskId: data.taskId,
packIds: data.packIds,
cancelDistributeBatch(data) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: `/packs/assignTo`,
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
packIds: data.packIds,
const projectApi = new ProjectApi()
export default projectApi
<el-container class="QualityInspectManagement">
<el-header height="50px">
<span class="title-text">质检审核</span>
<el-menu mode="horizontal" @select="handleMenuSelect" :default-active="'1'">
<el-menu-item :index="'1'">
<el-table :data="qualityInspectList" v-loading="isLoading">
<el-table-column prop="taskName" label="taskName" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="packName" label="packName" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="accountId" label="所属公司" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
{{ companyMap[scope.row.accountId] }}
<el-table-column prop="count" label="count" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="finishCount" label="finishCount" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="toBeLabeledCount" label="toBeLabeledCount" align="center"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="operation" label="操作" align="center">
<template #default="scope">
<el-button @click="viewDetails(scope.row.packId)" type="text">查看详情</el-button>
import {reactive, ref, toRaw,} from "vue"
import {
filterEmptyValueInObject, getKeyByValueInObject,
} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
import qualityInspectApi from './QualityInspectExamineApi'
import {ElMessageBox} from 'element-plus'
import {ElMessage} from 'element-plus'
import {getCompanyMap} from '@/Request/DictionaryRequest'
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
export default {
setup() {
// scalar
const pageNum = ref(1)
const pageSize = ref(10)
const total = ref()
const isLoading = ref(false)
const router = useRouter()
let selectedMenuIndex = '1'
const qualityInspectList = ref([])
// computed
// mapping
const companyMap = reactive({})
// function
const handlePageNumChange = function(num) {
pageNum.value = num
const handlePageSizeChange = function(size) {
pageNum.value = 1
pageSize.value = size
const handleMenuSelect = function(index) {
selectedMenuIndex = index
const viewDetails = function(packId) {
path: '/DataLabel/PeopleLabel',
query: {
packId: packId,
isReviewAccessed: true,
pageNum: 1,
const submitInspect = function(id) {
(r) => {
const message = r.msg
message: `${message}`,
const getQualityInspectList = function() {
isLoading.value = true
({data}) => {
isLoading.value = false
qualityInspectList.value = data
// formatPaginatedTableData(
// qualityInspectList,
// data,
// total,
// )
const initialize = function() {
return {
// scalar
// mapping
// function
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import "./QualityInspectExamine.less";
import {axiosInstance} from '@/Request/PublicAxiosInstance'
import {filterEmptyValueInObject,} from "@/PublicUtil/PublicUtil"
class QualityInspectApi {
getQualityInspectList(status) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'GET',
url: '/packs/info',
params: filterEmptyValueInObject(
accountId: localStorage.getItem('currentAccountId'),
status: status,
submitInspect(id) {
return axiosInstance.request(
method: 'POST',
url: `/packs/${id}`,
data: {
status: 1
const qualityInspectApi = new QualityInspectApi()
export default qualityInspectApi
<div class="container" ref="container" :style="{ height: containerHeight }">
<div class="empty" :style="{ height: emptyHeight }"></div>
<ul class="list" :style="{ transform: `translateY(${translateY})` }">
<li v-for="item in listData" :key="item" class="item" :style="{ height: itemHeight }">{{ item }}</li>
import {computed, onMounted, ref} from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
const oriData = Array.from({length: 100}, (v, k) => k)
const itemHeight = 20
const emptyHeight = itemHeight * oriData.length
const containerHeight = window.innerHeight
const itemCount = Math.ceil(containerHeight / itemHeight)
const container = ref(null)
const start = ref(0)
const translateY = ref(0)
const listData = computed(() => {
return oriData.slice(start.value, start.value + itemCount + 1)
() => {
e => {
const {scrollTop} =
start.value = Math.floor(scrollTop / itemHeight)
translateY.value = scrollTop + 'px'
return {
containerHeight: containerHeight + 'px',
itemHeight: itemHeight + 'px',
emptyHeight: emptyHeight + 'px'
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.container {
overflow: auto;
display: flex;
text-align: center;
padding-bottom: 10px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
height: 70px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
margin-top: 0.5%;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
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box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.37);
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/* left: 50%;
margin-left: -25%; */
overflow: auto;
margin-left: 10px;
text-align: center;
padding: 10px 0 10px 0;
height: 30px;
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height: 30px !important;
line-height: 30px !important;
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line-height: 30px !important;
.date-time .el-input__inner {
height: 30px !important;
line-height: 30px !important;
.date-time .el-input__icon {
line-height: 30px !important;
.el-button {
padding: 6px 20px !important;
.input-class {
width: 200px
.date-select {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
padding: 5px;
/* 全選 */
.mall-sel-box {
/* display: block; */
height: 22px;
font-size: 13px;
width: 150px;
height: 100%;
.sel-all-box {
height: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
font-size: 14px;
padding: 0 20px;
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white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
color: #606266;
box-sizing: border-box;
cursor: pointer;
.sel-all-box.selected {
color: #409EFF;
font-weight: 700;
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.sel-all-box.selected .custom-checkbox__inner {
background-color: #409eff;
border-color: #409eff;
.sel-all-box.selected .custom-checkbox__inner:after {
transform: rotate(45deg) scaleY(1);
.custom-checkbox__input {
white-space: nowrap;
cursor: pointer;
outline: none;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 1;
position: relative;
vertical-align: middle;
.custom-checkbox__inner {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #dcdfe6;
border-radius: 2px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 14px;
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transition: border-color .05s cubic-bezier(.71, -.46, .29, 1.46), background-color .05s cubic-bezier(.71, -.46, .29, 1.46);
.custom-checkbox__inner:after {
box-sizing: content-box;
content: "";
border: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 0;
border-top: 0;
height: 7px;
left: 4px;
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top: 1px;
transform: rotate(45deg) scaleY(0);
width: 3px;
transition: transform .05s cubic-bezier(.71, -.46, .88, .6) .05s;
transform-origin: center;
} .el-select-dropdown__item.selected::after {
content: none;
} .el-select-dropdown__item.selected .custom-checkbox__inner {
background-color: #409eff;
border-color: #409eff;
} .el-select-dropdown__item.selected .custom-checkbox__inner:after {
transform: rotate(45deg) scaleY(1);
.center-div {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -12%;
.center-progress {
display: inline-block;
margin-left: 38%;
.center-repairprogress {
display: inline-block;
.check-box {
.top-box {
.el-checkbox-group {
padding-top: 1px;
.el-checkbox:first-child {
margin-left: 55px
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margin-left: 75px
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padding: 1px 0 1px 0;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
.el-checkbox__label {
font-size: 16px
.level-div {
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 30px;
.level-box :first-child{
padding-top: 22px;
.bloc-mall-box {
text-align: center;
width: 50%;
float: left;
.line-progress {
display: block;
width: 405px;
background-color: #ebeef5;
height: 18px;
border-radius: 20px;
margin-left: 50px;
margin-top: -20px;
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height: 18px;
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margin-top: -18px;
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.check-box .websocket-line:nth-of-type(1) {
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border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
.check-box .websocket-line:nth-of-type(2) {
border-top-left-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
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border-top-right-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
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border:2px solid black;
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No preview for this file type
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
html, body, #app {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
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height: 100%;
.container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding-top: 10px;
max-width: 1200px;
margin: 0 auto;
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.query-box {
width: 100%;
display: table;
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width: 50%;
height: 460px;
min-width: 600px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.37);
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min-width: 600px;
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font-size: 16px;
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box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2);
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padding: 0 20px 20px;
.result-item {
padding-right: 8px;
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.result-item + .result-item {
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margin: 20px 0 10px;
} */
.result-progress-wrapper::before {
content: '';
display: table;
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clear: both;
.result-progress-left {
float: left;
.result-progress-right {
width: 100%;
padding-left: 88px;
box-sizing: border-box;
.result-progress {
height: 26px;
margin-bottom: 4px;
position: relative;
border-radius: 100px;
/* box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,1); */
background-color: #ebeef5;
overflow: hidden;
.result-progress__inner {
width: 0;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
color: #fff;
background: #409EFF;
/* background-image: linear-gradient(#86bef7, #409eff); */
border-radius: inherit;
text-align: right;
transition: width 0.1s linear;
.result-progress__text {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 5px;
vertical-align: middle;
.result-progress-right span {
padding-left: 10px;
.pagination-page {
float: right;
padding-right: 10px;
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padding: 12px 20px;
font-size: 16px;
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.result-footer::before {
content: '';
display: table;
.result-footer::after {
clear: both;
.result-intro {
float: left;
.result-clear-btn {
float: right;
border-radius: 20px;
/* login */
#loginApp {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.login-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: url(../image/login_bg.png) no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
text-align: right;
.login-form {
display: inline-block;
width: 20%;
padding-top: 30vh;
margin-right: 10%;
color: #fff;
box-sizing: border-box;
.login-title {
text-align: left;
input::-webkit-autofill {
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100% {
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/* cover elementui stylesheet*/
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height: 100%;
height: 376px;
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right: 0px;
.el-scrollbar {
height: 100%;
const API = {
Login: '/users/login',
Accounts: '/accounts',
Malls: '/malls',
Gates: '/gates',
Devices: '/devices',
Channels: '/channels',
Mall: '/mall/',
FaceRecognitionsCount: '/faceRecognitions/count',
SimulationFaceRecognition: '/simulation/faceRecognition',
SimulationCountData: '/simulation/countData',
PreviewCountData: '/preview/countData',
mallStaffFeature: '/mall/staffFeature',
MallFeature: '/mall/feature',
MallStaffPool: '/mall/staffPool',
MallCustomPool: '/mall/customPool',
MallStaff: '/mall/staff',
MallCustom: '/mall/custom'
const WSAPI = {
RecalSchedule: '/recal/schedule/'
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
window._serverHost = window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ? '' :
window._baseUrl = `http://${window._serverHost}`
window._CONF_ = {
reportApiUrl: '',
apiUrl: window._baseUrl,
webSockUrl: ''
const log = console.log.bind(console)
* [MDN](
const Cookies = {
get: function (sKey) {
return decodeURIComponent(
new RegExp(
"(?:(?:^|.*;)\\s*" +
encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[-.+*]/g, "\\$&") +
), "$1"
) || null
* 写入
* @param {string} sKey necessary
* @param {string} sValue necessary
* @param {number|null|date|object|Infinity|string} vEnd optional
* @param {string|null} sPath optional
* @param {string|null} sDomain optional
* @param {boolean|null} bSecure optional
set: function (sKey, sValue, vEnd, sPath, sDomain, bSecure) {
if (!sKey ||
) {
return false
let sExpires = ''
if (vEnd) {
switch (vEnd.constructor) {
case Number:
sExpires = vEnd === Infinity
? '; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT'
: '; max-age=' + vEnd
case String:
sExpires = '; expires=' + vEnd
case Date:
sExpires = '; expires=' + vEnd.toUTCString()
document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + '=' +
encodeURIComponent(sValue) + sExpires +
(sDomain ? '; domain=' + sDomain : '') +
(sPath ? '; path=' + sPath : '') +
(bSecure ? '; secure' : '')
return true
remove: function (sKey, sPath, sDomain) {
if (!sKey || !this.has(sKey)) return false
document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) +
'=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT' +
(sDomain ? '; domain=' + sDomain : '') +
(sPath ? '; path=' + sPath : '')
return true
has: function (sKey) {
return (
new RegExp('(?:^|;\\s*)' +
encodeURIComponent(sKey).replace(/[-.+*]/g, '\\$&') +
keys: function () {
let aKeys = document.cookie.replace(
for (let nIdx = 0;nIdx < aKeys.length;nIdx++) {
aKeys[nIdx] = decodeURIComponent(aKeys[nIdx])
return aKeys
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
(function() {
console.log('location', location, Cookies.get('atoken'))
if (!Cookies.get('atoken')) {
window.location.replace(window.location.href + 'login.html')
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
const Axios = axios.create({
baseURL: window._CONF_.apiUrl,
timeout: 0,
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
config => {
// const atoken = Cookies.get('atoken')
// console.log('atoken', atoken)
// atoken && (config.headers.Authorization = atoken)
return config
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
res => {
// if ( || === 401) {
// ELEMENT.MessageBox.alert('授权到期, 请重新登录', '提示', {
// confirmButtonText: '确定',
// callback: action => {
// console.log('action', action)
// window.location.replace(window.location.href + 'login.html')
// }
// });
// } else {
return Promise.resolve(
// }
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
function get(url, params = {}, config = {}) {
params['s'] = +new Date()
return Axios.get(url, {...config, params})
function post(url, params, config = {}) {
return, params, config)
function deletes(url, params, config = {}) {
return Axios.delete(url, params, config)
function put(url, params, config = {}) {
return Axios.put(url, params, config)
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
const path = require('path')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const resolve = dir => {
return path.join(__dirname, dir)
// 项目部署基础
// 默认情况下,我们假设你的应用将被部署在域的根目录下,
// 例如:
// 默认:'/'
// 如果您的应用程序部署在子路径中,则需要在这指定子路径
// 例如:
// 需要将它改为'/my-app/'
const BASE_URL = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? './'
: '/'
console.log('process.env.NODE_ENV', process.env.NODE_ENV)
module.exports = {
// Project deployment base
// By default we assume your app will be deployed at the root of a domain,
// e.g.
// If your app is deployed at a sub-path, you will need to specify that
// sub-path here. For example, if your app is deployed at
// then change this to '/my-app/'
publicPath: BASE_URL,
lintOnSave: false,
// tweak internal webpack configuration.
// see
chainWebpack: config => {
config.plugin('provide').use(webpack.ProvidePlugin, [
$: 'jquery',
jquery: 'jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery',
'window.jQuery': 'jquery'
// config.resolve.alias
// .set('@', resolve('src')) // key,value自行定义,比如.set('@@', resolve('src/components'))
// .set('_c', resolve('src/components'))
// .set('_conf', resolve('config'))
// config.module
// .rule('view-design')
// .test(/view-design.src.*?js$/)
// .use('babel')
// .loader('babel-loader')
// .end()
// configureWebpack: config => {
// = ["@babel/polyfill", "./src/main.js"];
// },
// 打包时不生成.map文件
productionSourceMap: false,
// 这里写你调用接口的基础路径,来解决跨域,如果设置了代理,那你本地开发环境的axios的baseUrl要写为 '' ,即空字符串
devServer: {
proxy: {
'/malls': {
target: '',
// changeOrigin: true
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