Commit 402c2847 by 李金轩


1 parent f6b11234
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
git status
git add *
git commit -m %1%
git pull
git push
git status
\ No newline at end of file
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
const API = {
Login: '/users/login',
Accounts: '/accounts',
Malls: '/malls',
Gates: '/gates',
Devices: '/devices',
Channels: '/channels',
Mall: '/mall/',
FaceRecognitionsCount: '/faceRecognitions/count',
SimulationFaceRecognition: '/simulation/faceRecognition',
SimulationCountData: '/simulation/countData',
PreviewCountData: '/preview/countData',
mallStaffFeature: '/mall/staffFeature',
MallFeature: '/mall/feature',
MallStaffPool: '/mall/staffPool',
MallCustomPool: '/mall/customPool',
MallStaff: '/mall/staff',
MallCustom: '/mall/custom'
Login: '/users/login',
Accounts: '/accounts',
Malls: '/malls',
Gates: '/gates',
Devices: '/devices',
Channels: '/channels',
Mall: '/mall/',
FaceRecognitionsCount: '/faceRecognitions/count',
SimulationFaceRecognition: '/simulation/faceRecognition',
SimulationCountData: '/simulation/countData',
PreviewCountData: '/preview/countData',
mallStaffFeature: '/mall/staffFeature',
MallFeature: '/mall/feature',
MallStaffPool: '/mall/staffPool',
MallCustomPool: '/mall/customPool',
MallStaff: '/mall/staff',
MallCustom: '/mall/custom'
const WSAPI = {
RecalSchedule: '/recal/schedule/'
RecalSchedule: '/recal/schedule/'
window._serverHost = window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ? '' :
window._baseUrl = `http://${window._serverHost}`
window._CONF_ = {
reportApiUrl: '',
apiUrl: '',
webSockUrl: ''
reportApiUrl: '',
apiUrl: window._baseUrl,
webSockUrl: ''
const log = console.log.bind(console)
const trafficOptions = [
const faceOptions = [
// const TAB_API = {
// featureRevisit: '',
// featureLibRebuild: [],
// }
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
pickerOpts: {
disabledDate(time) {
return Date.parse(time) > Date.parse(new Date());
radio: "mall",
dateFormat: "rerun",
dateLevelList: [
{ label: 'rerun', name: '数据重跑' },
{ label: 'repair', name: '数据修补' },
{ label: 'revisitFeature', name: '特征重提' },
{ label: 'rebuildFeatureLib', name: '特征库重建' },
{ label: 'rematchPerson', name: '人员重新比对' }
UrlType: "trafficRecognition",
compareType: "custom",
count: null,
dateCount: null,
day: "",
hour: "",
min: "",
startDate: "",
endDate: "",
sourceDate: "",
sourceStartTime: "00:00:00",
sourceEndTime: "23:59:59",
aimsDate: "",
aimsStartTime: "00:00:00",
aimsEndTime: "23:59:59",
referenceDate: "",
repairDate: "",
accountVal: [],
mallVal: [],
mallOpts: [],
accountId: [],
accoutOpts: [],
deviceVal: "",
gateVal: "",
channelVal: "",
showDiv: true,
loading: "",
gateOpt: [],
deviceOpt: [],
channelOpt: [],
date: "",
butShow: false,
startShow: false,
tafficShow: false,
startRange: "0.85",
endRange: "1.2",
isMallSelAll: false,
isAccoutSelAll: false,
checkedTraffic: [],
checkAllTraffic: false,
isIndeterminateTraffic: false,
checkedFace: [],
checkAllFace: false,
isIndeterminateFace: false,
checkTraffic: [
name: "",
value: "mall/countData"
name: "",
value: "floor/countData"
name: "",
value: "zone/countData"
name: "",
value: "gate/countData"
checkFace: [
name: "",
value: "mall/faceSta"
name: "",
value: "floor/faceSta"
name: "",
value: "zone/faceSta"
name: "",
value: "gate/faceSta"
progressName: {
mallcountData: "商场客流",
floorcountData: "楼层客流",
zonecountData: "店铺客流",
gatecountData: "监控点客流",
mallfaceSta: "商场人脸",
floorfaceSta: "楼层人脸",
zonefaceSta: "店铺人脸",
gatefaceSta: "监控点人脸"
startTime: "",
endTime: "",
traffStartTime: "00:00:00",
traffEndTime: "23:59:59",
webSocketObj: {},
repairWebSocket: null,
dateTime: [],
progressList: [],
repairProgList: [],
traProgList: [],
tipShow: false,
tipStyle: {},
lineDate: "",
lineMallId: "",
lineMallName: "",
locationHref: false,
/// 特征重提
query: {
accountVal: [],
mallVal: [],
dateVal: null
featureRevisitType: 0,
featureLibRebuildType: 1,
rematchPersonType: 1,
featureRevisitList: [
{ label: '人脸+全身照特征', value: 0 },
{ label: '人脸特征', value: 1 },
{ label: '全身照特征', value: 2 },
{ label: '店员特征', value: 3 }
featureLibRebuildList: [
{ label: '店员库重建', value: 1 },
{ label: '顾客库重建', value: 2 }
rematchPersonList: [
{ label: '店员对比', value: 1 },
{ label: '顾客对比', value: 2 }
socket: null,
results: [],
startTiming: 0,
endTiming: 0,
footerText: ''
filters: {
formatTime(val) {
function autoPrefixZero(num) {
return num > 10 ? num : '0' + num
const day = parseInt(val / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) + 1
const hour = parseInt(val % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / (60 * 60 * 1000))
const minutes = parseInt(val % (60 * 60 * 1000) / (60 * 1000))
const seconds = parseInt(val % (60 * 1000) / 1000)
if (val < 1000 || val < 60 * 1000) {
return `${val % (60 * 1000) / 1000} 秒`
} else if (val < 60 * 60 * 1000) {
return `${autoPrefixZero(minutes)} 分钟 ${autoPrefixZero(seconds)} 秒`
} else if (val < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
return `${autoPrefixZero(hour)} 小时 ${autoPrefixZero(minutes)} 分钟 ${autoPrefixZero(seconds)} 秒`
} else {
return `${autoPrefixZero(day)}${autoPrefixZero(hour)} 小时 ${autoPrefixZero(minutes)} 分钟 ${autoPrefixZero(seconds)} 秒`
computed: {
isResultsShow() {
return this.dateFormat === 'revisitFeature' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rebuildFeatureLib' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rematchPerson'
isSendDateParam() {
if (
(this.dateFormat === 'rebuildFeatureLib'
&& this.featureLibRebuildType === 1
) || (
this.dateFormat === 'revisitFeature'
&& this.featureRevisitType === 3)
) {
return false
return true
totalTime() {
const { startTiming, endTiming } = this
return endTiming - startTiming
// return this.formatDateToStamp(endTiming) - this.formatDateToStamp(startTiming)
watch: {
accountVal: {
handler: function (val) {
if(val && val.length) {
this.query.accountVal = val
deep: true
mallVal: {
handler: function (val) {
if(val && val.length) {
this.query.mallVal = val
deep: true
dateFormat: function(val) {
var typeHandler = {
'revisitFeature': this.featureRevisitType,
'rebuildFeatureLib': this.featureLibRebuildType,
'rematchPerson': this.rematchPersonType
this.footerText = val === 'compare' ? '数据对比' : this.dateLevelList.find(item => item.label === val).name
this.socket && this.socket.close()
this.results.length && (this.results = [])
this.startTiming = this.endTiming = 0
this.query.type = typeof typeHandler[val] === 'undefined'
? null
: typeHandler[val]
featureRevisitType(val) {
this.query.type = val
featureLibRebuildType(val) {
this.query.type = val
rematchPersonType(val) {
this.query.type = val
created: function() {
this.locationHref =
location.href.indexOf("?super") != -1 ? true : false;
mounted: function() {
this.query.dateVal = this.createDate()
this.startTime = this.createDate();
this.endTime = this.createDate();
methods: {
createDate() {
var nowDate = new Date();
var day = nowDate.getDate();
var month = nowDate.getMonth() + 1;
var year = nowDate.getFullYear();
if (month >= 1 && month <= 9) {
month = "0" + month;
if (day >= 0 && day <= 9) {
day = "0" + day;
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
getProgressName(val) {
return this.progressName[val];
getProgressStyle(stepCount, status, oldStepCount) {
if (stepCount == "stepType") {
if (status == "gatecountData" || status == "gatefaceSta") {
return { "margin-left": "448px", "font-size": "18px" };
} else {
return { "margin-left": "465px", "font-size": "18px" };
} else {
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
width: (stepCount - oldStepCount) * 405 + "px",
"background-color": status ? "#409EFF" : "#f56c6c",
"margin-left": oldStepCount * 405 + 50 + "px"
lineOver(tag, dates, mallIds, mallNames) {
let evt = tag || window.event,
_top = window.innerHeight - evt.y;
_left = window.innerWidth - evt.x;
this.tipStyle = {
top: evt.y - 50 + "px",
left: evt.x + "px"
this.lineDate = dates;
this.lineMallId = mallIds.join(",");
this.lineMallName = mallNames;
this.tipShow = true;
lineOut() {
this.tipShow = false;
handleCheckAllChangeTraffic(val) {
// console.log('val',val)
this.checkedTraffic = val ? trafficOptions : [];
// console.log(this.checkedTraffic)
this.isIndeterminateTraffic = false;
handleCheckAllChangeFace(val) {
// console.log('val',val)
this.checkedFace = val ? faceOptions : [];
// console.log(this.checkedFace)
this.isIndeterminateFace = false;
handleCheckedCitiesChangeTraffic(value) {
// console.log(this.checkedTraffic)
let checkedCount = value.length;
this.checkAllTraffic = checkedCount === this.checkTraffic.length;
this.isIndeterminateTraffic =
checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < this.checkTraffic.length;
handleCheckedCitiesChangeFace(value) {
// console.log(this.checkedFace)
let checkedCount = value.length;
this.checkAllFace = checkedCount === this.checkFace.length;
this.isIndeterminateFace =
checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < this.checkFace.length;
accountchange(linkGate) {
this.isAccoutSelAll = this.isAccoutSelAll
? this.accountVal.length < this.accoutOpts.length
? false
: true
: this.accountVal.length < this.accoutOpts.length
? false
: true;
if (this.accountVal.length > 0) {
mallchange(linkGate) {
this.isMallSelAll = this.isMallSelAll
? this.mallVal.length < this.mallOpts.length
? false
: true
: this.mallVal.length < this.mallOpts.length
? false
: true;
if (linkGate) {
selAllHandle(level) {
if (level == "accout") {
if (this.isAccoutSelAll) {
this.accountVal = [];
this.isAccoutSelAll = false;
} else {
this.accountVal = [];
this.accoutOpts.forEach(item => {
this.isAccoutSelAll = true;
} else {
if (this.isMallSelAll) {
this.mallVal = [];
this.isMallSelAll = false;
} else {
this.mallVal = [];
this.mallOpts.forEach(item => {
this.isMallSelAll = true;
getAccount: function() {
var _this = this;
_this.accoutOpts = [];
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Accounts).then(function(data) {
_this.accoutOpts = data;
if (_this.accoutOpts.length > 0) {
_this.accountVal = [_this.accoutOpts[0].id];
}).catch(err => {
console.log('err', err)
getMall: function() {
var _this = this;
_this.mallOpts = [];
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Malls, {
accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(",")
}).then(function(data) {
_this.mallOpts = data;
if (_this.mallOpts.length > 0) {
_this.mallVal = [_this.mallOpts[0].id];
_this.isMallSelAll =
_this.mallVal.length == _this.mallOpts.length ? true : false;
getGate: function() {
var _this = this;
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Gates, {
accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(","),
mallIds: _this.mallVal.join(',')
}).then(function(data) {
_this.gateOpt = data;
_this.gateVal = _this.gateOpt[0].id;
// _this.getDevice()
getDevice: function() {
var _this = this;
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Devices, {
// accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(","),
// mallIds: _this.mallVal.join(','),
gateId: this.gateVal
}).then(function(data) {
_this.deviceOpt = [];
_this.deviceVal = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var temp = {}; = data[i];
temp.value = data[i]; = i;
_this.deviceVal = _this.deviceOpt[0].value;
dateLevel: function() {
if (this.dateFormat == "repair") {
} else {
// this.getMall();
getLevel: function() {},
getNumber() {
this.repairProgList = [];
if (this.UrlType == "trafficRecognition") {
// this.getChannel()
} else {
// this.getChannel()
// this.getDevice()
getChannel() {
var _this = this;
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Channels, {
// accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(","),
// mallIds: _this.mallVal.join(','),
gateId: this.gateVal
}).then(function(data) {
_this.channelOpt = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var temp = {}; = data[i];
temp.value = data[i]; = i;
_this.channelVal =
_this.channelOpt.length > 0 ? _this.channelOpt[0].value : "";
clearDiv() {
startData: function() {
this.progressList = [];
if (this.webSocketObj) {
for (var key in this.webSocketObj) {
pickerOpts: {
disabledDate(time) {
return Date.parse(time) > Date.parse(new Date())
radio: "mall",
dateFormat: "rerun",
dateLevelList: [
{label: 'rerun', name: '数据重跑'},
{label: 'repair', name: '数据修补'},
{label: 'revisitFeature', name: '特征重提'},
{label: 'rebuildFeatureLib', name: '特征库重建'},
{label: 'rematchPerson', name: '人员重新比对'},
{label: 'snapGatherClass', name: '抓拍聚类'},
UrlType: "trafficRecognition",
compareType: "custom",
count: null,
dateCount: null,
day: "",
hour: "",
min: "",
startDate: "",
endDate: "",
sourceDate: "",
sourceStartTime: "00:00:00",
sourceEndTime: "23:59:59",
aimsDate: "",
aimsStartTime: "00:00:00",
aimsEndTime: "23:59:59",
referenceDate: "",
repairDate: "",
accountVal: [],
mallVal: [],
mallOpts: [],
accountId: [],
accoutOpts: [],
deviceVal: "",
gateVal: "",
channelVal: "",
showDiv: true,
loading: "",
gateOpt: [],
deviceOpt: [],
channelOpt: [],
date: "",
butShow: false,
startShow: false,
tafficShow: false,
startRange: "0.85",
endRange: "1.2",
isMallSelAll: false,
isAccoutSelAll: false,
checkedTraffic: [],
checkAllTraffic: false,
isIndeterminateTraffic: false,
checkedFace: [],
checkAllFace: false,
isIndeterminateFace: false,
checkTraffic: [
name: "",
value: "mall/countData"
name: "",
value: "floor/countData"
name: "",
value: "zone/countData"
name: "",
value: "gate/countData"
checkFace: [
name: "",
value: "mall/faceSta"
name: "",
value: "floor/faceSta"
name: "",
value: "zone/faceSta"
name: "",
value: "gate/faceSta"
progressName: {
mallcountData: "商场客流",
floorcountData: "楼层客流",
zonecountData: "店铺客流",
gatecountData: "监控点客流",
mallfaceSta: "商场人脸",
floorfaceSta: "楼层人脸",
zonefaceSta: "店铺人脸",
gatefaceSta: "监控点人脸"
startTime: "",
endTime: "",
traffStartTime: "00:00:00",
traffEndTime: "23:59:59",
webSocketObj: {},
repairWebSocket: null,
dateTime: [],
progressList: [],
repairProgList: [],
traProgList: [],
tipShow: false,
tipStyle: {},
lineDate: "",
lineMallId: "",
lineMallName: "",
locationHref: false,
/// 特征重提
query: {
accountVal: [],
mallVal: [],
dateVal: null
featureRevisitType: 0,
featureLibRebuildType: 1,
rematchPersonType: 1,
featureRevisitList: [
{label: '人脸+全身照特征', value: 0},
{label: '人脸特征', value: 1},
{label: '全身照特征', value: 2},
{label: '店员特征', value: 3}
featureLibRebuildList: [
{label: '店员库重建', value: 1},
{label: '顾客库重建', value: 2}
rematchPersonList: [
{label: '店员对比', value: 1},
{label: '顾客对比', value: 2}
socket: null,
results: [],
startTiming: 0,
endTiming: 0,
footerText: ''
let params = {},
startDate = "",
endDate = "";
params = {
startDate: this.startTime + " 00:00:00",
endDate: this.endTime + " 00:00:00",
mallIds: this.mallVal,
scheduleType: "",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
this.checkedTraffic.forEach((item, index) => {
let _scheduleType = "";
let websocket = item.split("/");
websocket.forEach(item1 => {
_scheduleType += item1;
params.scheduleType = _scheduleType;
this.openWebSock(_scheduleType, item, params);
this.checkedFace.forEach((item, index) => {
let _scheduleType = "";
let websocket = item.split("/");
websocket.forEach(item1 => {
_scheduleType += item1;
params.scheduleType = _scheduleType;
this.openWebSock(_scheduleType, item, params);
openWebSock(wsUrl, url, params, processKey = 'progressList') {
// browser 兼容
// var wsHost =;
var socketUrl = "";
var webSock_Url = window._CONF_.webSockUrl ||;
var obj = {
stepList: []
obj.stepType = wsUrl;
obj.mark = params.mark;
if (!webSockUrl) {
webSock =;
socketUrl = "ws://" + webSock_Url + WSAPI.WSAPI + wsUrl;
var _this = this;
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl] = new WebSocket(socketUrl);
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl] = new MozWebSocket(socketUrl);
} else {
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl] = new SockJS(socketUrl);
var param = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params));
try {
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onopen = function(event) {
_this.returnData(url, param);
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onclosed = function() {
filters: {
formatTime(val) {
function autoPrefixZero(num) {
return num > 10 ? num : '0' + num
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onmessage = function(evt) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
_this[processKey].forEach((item, index) => {
if (
item.stepType == msg.scheduleType &&
item.mark == msg.mark
) {
var stepObj = {};
stepObj.dates = msg.dates;
stepObj.mallIds = msg.mallIds;
stepObj.mallNames = msg.mallNames;
stepObj.status = msg.status;
stepObj.stepCount = msg.stepCount;
item.precentsucess = msg.stepCount
? Math.floor(msg.stepCount * 100)
: 0;
// console.log('list',_this[processKey])
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onerror = function(event) {
console.log("设备WebSocket:发生错误 ");
} catch (error) {}
returnData: function(urls, params) {
// console.log(urls,params)
var _this = this;
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + urls, JSON.stringify(params)).then(function(data) {
if (data) {
_this.loading = "";
_this.showDiv = true;
const day = parseInt(val / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) + 1
const hour = parseInt(val % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / (60 * 60 * 1000))
const minutes = parseInt(val % (60 * 60 * 1000) / (60 * 1000))
const seconds = parseInt(val % (60 * 1000) / 1000)
if (val < 1000 || val < 60 * 1000)
return `${val % (60 * 1000) / 1000} 秒`
else if (val < 60 * 60 * 1000)
return `${autoPrefixZero(minutes)} 分钟 ${autoPrefixZero(seconds)} 秒`
else if (val < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
return `${autoPrefixZero(hour)} 小时 ${autoPrefixZero(minutes)} 分钟 ${autoPrefixZero(seconds)} 秒`
return `${autoPrefixZero(day)}${autoPrefixZero(hour)} 小时 ${autoPrefixZero(minutes)} 分钟 ${autoPrefixZero(seconds)} 秒`
}).catch(function(err) {
_this.loading = "";
alert("Sorry, The requested property could not be found.");
getDateCount: function() {
var _this = this;
this.butShow = true;
var params = {
startTime: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceStartTime,
endTime: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.FaceRecognitionsCount, params).then(function(data) {
_this.butShow = false;
_this.dateCount = data;
}).catch(function(err) {
_this.butShow = false;
// $.ajax({
// type: "get",
// dataType: "json",
// async: true,
// url: window._CONF_.apiUrl + urls,
// headers: {
// Authorization: Cookies.get('atoken')
// },
// data: params,
// success: function(data) {
// _this.butShow = false;
// _this.dateCount = data;
// },
// error: function(res) {
// _this.butShow = false;
// console.log(res);
// }
// });
repairParams: function(type) {
this.repairProgList = [];
if (this.repairWebSocket) {
var url = "",
params = {};
if (type == "face") {
this.startShow = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.startShow = false;
}, 3000);
var url = API.SimulationFaceRecognition;
var params = {
sourceStartDate: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceStartTime,
sourceEndDate: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceEndTime,
targetStartDate: this.aimsDate + " " + this.aimsStartTime,
targetEndDate: this.aimsDate + " " + this.aimsEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal,
count: Number(this.count),
scheduleType: "simulationfaceRecognition",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
} else {
this.tafficShow = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.tafficShow = false;
}, 3000);
url = API.SimulationCountData;
params = {
sourceStartDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
sourceEndDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
targetStartDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
targetEndDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal,
minFactor: this.startRange,
maxFactor: this.endRange,
scheduleType: "simulationcountData",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
this.openFaceTraffWebSock(url, params);
compareParams: function(type) {
params = {
startDate: this.startTime + " 00:00:00",
endDate: this.endTime + " 00:00:00",
mallIds: this.mallVal,
scheduleType: "",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
var url = API.Mall + this.compareType;
this.returnData(url, params);
openFaceTraffWebSock(url, params) {
// browser 兼容
// var wsHost =;
var socketUrl = "";
var webSock_Url = window._CONF_.webSockUrl ||;
var obj = {
stepList: []
obj.stepType = params.scheduleType;
obj.mark = params.mark;
socketUrl =
"ws://" + webSock_Url + WSAPI.RecalSchedule + params.scheduleType;
var _this = this;
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
_this.repairWebSocket = new WebSocket(socketUrl);
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {
_this.repairWebSocket = new MozWebSocket(socketUrl);
} else {
_this.repairWebSocket = new SockJS(socketUrl);
var param = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params));
try {
_this.repairWebSocket.onopen = function(event) {
_this.repairData(url, params);
_this.repairWebSocket.onclosed = function() {
_this.repairWebSocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
var msg = JSON.parse(;
_this.repairProgList.forEach((item, index) => {
computed: {
isResultsShow() {
return this.dateFormat === 'revisitFeature' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rebuildFeatureLib' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rematchPerson'
isSendDateParam() {
if (
item.stepType == msg.scheduleType &&
item.mark == msg.mark
) {
var stepObj = {};
stepObj.counttime = msg.counttime;
stepObj.serialnum = msg.serialnum;
stepObj.status = msg.status;
stepObj.stepCount = msg.stepCount;
item.precentsucess = msg.stepCount
? Math.floor(msg.stepCount * 100)
: 0;
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onerror = function(event) {
console.log("设备WebSocket:发生错误 ");
} catch (error) {}
repairData(url, params) {
let that = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + url, JSON.stringify(params)).then(function(data) {
if (data) {
(this.dateFormat === 'rebuildFeatureLib'
&& this.featureLibRebuildType === 1
) || (
this.dateFormat === 'revisitFeature'
&& this.featureRevisitType === 3)
return false
return true
totalTime() {
const {startTiming, endTiming} = this
return endTiming - startTiming
// return this.formatDateToStamp(endTiming) - this.formatDateToStamp(startTiming)
repairPreview: function() {
var params = {
sourceStartDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
sourceEndDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
targetStartDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
targetEndDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal,
minFactor: this.startRange,
maxFactor: this.endRange,
scheduleType: "simulationcountData",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
let that = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.PreviewCountData, JSON.stringify(params)).then(function(data) {
if (data) {
that.renderResultToHtml(data, true)
watch: {
accountVal: {
handler: function(val) {
if (val && val.length)
this.query.accountVal = val
deep: true
mallVal: {
handler: function(val) {
if (val && val.length)
this.query.mallVal = val
deep: true
dateFormat: function(val) {
var typeHandler = {
'revisitFeature': this.featureRevisitType,
'rebuildFeatureLib': this.featureLibRebuildType,
'rematchPerson': this.rematchPersonType
this.footerText = val === 'compare' ? '数据对比' : this.dateLevelList.find(item => item.label === val).name
this.socket && this.socket.close()
this.results.length && (this.results = [])
this.startTiming = this.endTiming = 0
this.query.type = typeof typeHandler[val] === 'undefined'
? null
: typeHandler[val]
featureRevisitType(val) {
this.query.type = val
featureLibRebuildType(val) {
this.query.type = val
rematchPersonType(val) {
this.query.type = val
renderResultToHtml(data, hasSccessDetail) {
let text = "本次共执行job " + +
" 个,成功 " +
data.success +
" 个,失败 " +
data.failed +
" 个.</br>";
if (data.failedJob && data.failedJob.length > 0) {
text += "-----失败job详情-----</br>";
text += data.failedJob.join("</br>");
if ( {
text += "</br>" +;
if (data.successJob && data.successJob.length > 0) {
text += "-----成功job详情-----</br>";
text += data.successJob.join("</br>");
if (hasSccessDetail) {
if ( {
console.log(; => {
text +=
"</br>" +
" 设备序列号: " +
item.deviceSerialnum +
" 时间: " +
item.counttime +
" 进客流: " +
item.innum +
" 出客流: " +
text += "</br>-----------------------------------------------";
text += "</br>";
text += "</br>";
text += "</br>";
created: function() {
this.locationHref =
location.href.indexOf("?super") != -1 ? true : false
onSearchClick: function() {
// '/mall/feature'
// startDate,endDate,mallIds,scheduleType,featureType
// featureType==0 提取人体+人脸;featureType==1 提取人脸特征;featureType==2提取人体特征
// 重新建立顾客池 /mall/customPool
// 参数 mallIds,startDate,endDate,scheduleType
// 重建建立店员特征池 /mall/staffPool
// 参数 mallIds,scheduleType
// 重新匹配顾客 /mall/custom
// 参数 mallIds,startDate,endDate,scheduleType
// 店员重新比对 /mall/staff
// 参数 mallIds,startDate,endDate,scheduleType
if (this.socket) {
this.socket = null
this.results = []
this.startTiming = 0
this.endTiming = 0
const TAB_API = {
revisitFeature: (val) => {
return val === 3 ? API.mallStaffFeature : API.MallFeature
rebuildFeatureLib: (val) => {
return val === 1 ? API.MallStaffPool : API.MallCustomPool
rematchPerson: (val) => {
return val === 1 ? API.MallStaff : API.MallCustom
const { dateFormat, query, isSendDateParam } = this
const {
dateVal, mallVal, type
} = query
var urlPath = TAB_API[dateFormat](type)
var scheduleType = dateFormat + type
var parameter = {
// startDate: dateVal ? dateVal + ' 00:00:00' : null,
// endDate: dateVal ? dateVal + ' 23:59:59' : null,
mallIds: mallVal || null,
scheduleType: scheduleType,
// featureType: dateFormat === 'revisitFeature' ? type : null
if (isSendDateParam) {
parameter.startDate = dateVal + ' 00:00:00'
parameter.endDate = dateVal + ' 23:59:59'
if (dateFormat === 'revisitFeature') {
parameter.featureType = type
var socketParameter = {
scheduleType: scheduleType,
// callback: 'fetchApi',
callbackUrlPath: urlPath,
callbackParam: parameter
mounted: function() {
this.query.dateVal = this.createDate()
this.startTime = this.createDate()
this.endTime = this.createDate()
* websocket 连接
* @param {string} scheduleType
* @param {string} wsUrl
* @param {string} callbackUrlPath
* @param {object} callbackParam
onSocketConnect({ scheduleType, callbackUrlPath, callbackParam }) {
var self = this,
wsUrl = window._CONF_.webSockUrl ||,
socketUrl = "ws://" + wsUrl + WSAPI.RecalSchedule + scheduleType
if ("WebSocket" in window) {
self.socket = new WebSocket(socketUrl);
} else if ("MozWebSocket" in window) {
self.socket = new MozWebSocket(socketUrl);
} else {
self.socket = new SockJS(socketUrl);
try {
self.socket.onopen = function(ev) {
self.startTiming = +new Date()
self.fetchApi(callbackUrlPath, callbackParam)
self.socket.onclosed = function() {
methods: {
createDate() {
var nowDate = new Date()
var day = nowDate.getDate()
var month = nowDate.getMonth() + 1
var year = nowDate.getFullYear()
if (month >= 1 && month <= 9)
month = "0" + month
if (day >= 0 && day <= 9)
day = "0" + day
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day
getProgressName(val) {
return this.progressName[val]
getProgressStyle(stepCount, status, oldStepCount) {
if (stepCount == "stepType")
if (status == "gatecountData" || status == "gatefaceSta")
return {"margin-left": "448px", "font-size": "18px"}
return {"margin-left": "465px", "font-size": "18px"}
return {
width: (stepCount - oldStepCount) * 405 + "px",
"background-color": status ? "#409EFF" : "#f56c6c",
"margin-left": oldStepCount * 405 + 50 + "px"
lineOver(tag, dates, mallIds, mallNames) {
let evt = tag || window.event,
_top = window.innerHeight - evt.y
_left = window.innerWidth - evt.x
this.tipStyle = {
top: evt.y - 50 + "px",
left: evt.x + "px"
this.lineDate = dates
this.lineMallId = mallIds.join(",")
this.lineMallName = mallNames
this.tipShow = true
lineOut() {
this.tipShow = false
handleCheckAllChangeTraffic(val) {
// console.log('val',val)
this.checkedTraffic = val ? trafficOptions : []
// console.log(this.checkedTraffic)
this.isIndeterminateTraffic = false
handleCheckAllChangeFace(val) {
// console.log('val',val)
this.checkedFace = val ? faceOptions : []
// console.log(this.checkedFace)
this.isIndeterminateFace = false
handleCheckedCitiesChangeTraffic(value) {
// console.log(this.checkedTraffic)
let checkedCount = value.length
this.checkAllTraffic = checkedCount === this.checkTraffic.length
this.isIndeterminateTraffic =
checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < this.checkTraffic.length
handleCheckedCitiesChangeFace(value) {
// console.log(this.checkedFace)
let checkedCount = value.length
this.checkAllFace = checkedCount === this.checkFace.length
this.isIndeterminateFace =
checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < this.checkFace.length
accountchange(linkGate) {
this.isAccoutSelAll = this.isAccoutSelAll
? this.accountVal.length < this.accoutOpts.length
? false
: true
: this.accountVal.length < this.accoutOpts.length
? false
: true
if (this.accountVal.length > 0)
mallchange(linkGate) {
this.isMallSelAll = this.isMallSelAll
? this.mallVal.length < this.mallOpts.length
? false
: true
: this.mallVal.length < this.mallOpts.length
? false
: true
if (linkGate)
selAllHandle(level) {
if (level == "accout")
if (this.isAccoutSelAll)
this.accountVal = []
this.isAccoutSelAll = false
this.accountVal = []
this.accoutOpts.forEach(item => {
this.isAccoutSelAll = true
if (this.isMallSelAll)
this.mallVal = []
this.isMallSelAll = false
this.mallVal = []
this.mallOpts.forEach(item => {
this.isMallSelAll = true
getAccount: function() {
var _this = this
_this.accoutOpts = []
log(454, window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Accounts)
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Accounts).then(function(data) {
_this.accoutOpts = data
if (_this.accoutOpts.length > 0)
_this.accountVal = [_this.accoutOpts[0].id]
}).catch(err => {
console.log('err', err)
getMall: function() {
var _this = this
_this.mallOpts = []
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Malls, {
accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(",")
}).then(function(data) {
_this.mallOpts = data
if (_this.mallOpts.length > 0)
_this.mallVal = [_this.mallOpts[0].id]
_this.isMallSelAll =
_this.mallVal.length == _this.mallOpts.length ? true : false
getGate: function() {
var _this = this
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Gates, {
accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(","),
mallIds: _this.mallVal.join(',')
}).then(function(data) {
_this.gateOpt = data
_this.gateVal = _this.gateOpt[0].id
// _this.getDevice()
getDevice: function() {
var _this = this
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Devices, {
// accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(","),
// mallIds: _this.mallVal.join(','),
gateId: this.gateVal
}).then(function(data) {
_this.deviceOpt = []
_this.deviceVal = ""
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
var temp = {} = data[i]
temp.value = data[i] = i
_this.deviceVal = _this.deviceOpt[0].value
dateLevel: function() {
if (this.dateFormat == "repair")
// this.getMall();
getLevel: function() {
getNumber() {
this.repairProgList = []
if (this.UrlType == "trafficRecognition")
// this.getChannel()
// this.getChannel()
// this.getDevice()
getChannel() {
var _this = this
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.Channels, {
// accountIds: _this.accountVal.join(","),
// mallIds: _this.mallVal.join(','),
gateId: this.gateVal
}).then(function(data) {
_this.channelOpt = []
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
var temp = {} = data[i]
temp.value = data[i] = i
_this.channelVal =
_this.channelOpt.length > 0 ? _this.channelOpt[0].value : ""
clearDiv() {
startData: function() {
this.progressList = []
if (this.webSocketObj)
for (var key in this.webSocketObj)
let params = {},
startDate = "",
endDate = ""
params = {
startDate: this.startTime + " 00:00:00",
endDate: this.endTime + " 00:00:00",
mallIds: this.mallVal,
scheduleType: "",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
this.checkedTraffic.forEach((item, index) => {
let _scheduleType = ""
let websocket = item.split("/")
websocket.forEach(item1 => {
_scheduleType += item1
params.scheduleType = _scheduleType
this.openWebSock(_scheduleType, item, params)
this.checkedFace.forEach((item, index) => {
let _scheduleType = ""
let websocket = item.split("/")
websocket.forEach(item1 => {
_scheduleType += item1
params.scheduleType = _scheduleType
this.openWebSock(_scheduleType, item, params)
openWebSock(wsUrl, url, params, processKey = 'progressList') {
// browser 兼容
// var wsHost =;
var socketUrl = ""
var webSock_Url = window._CONF_.webSockUrl ||
var obj = {
stepList: []
obj.stepType = wsUrl
obj.mark = params.mark
if (!webSockUrl)
webSock =
socketUrl = "ws://" + webSock_Url + WSAPI.WSAPI + wsUrl
var _this = this
if ("WebSocket" in window)
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl] = new WebSocket(socketUrl)
else if ("MozWebSocket" in window)
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl] = new MozWebSocket(socketUrl)
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl] = new SockJS(socketUrl)
var param = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params))
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onopen = function(event) {
_this.returnData(url, param)
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onclosed = function() {
self.socket.onmessage = function(ev) {
var msg = JSON.parse(
console.log('[onmessage]:', msg)
if (msg.stepCount === 1) {
self.endTiming = +new Date()
self.socket.onerror = function(ev) {
console.log("设备WebSocket:发生错误 ");
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onmessage = function(evt) {
var msg = JSON.parse(
_this[processKey].forEach((item, index) => {
if (
item.stepType == msg.scheduleType &&
item.mark == msg.mark
var stepObj = {}
stepObj.dates = msg.dates
stepObj.mallIds = msg.mallIds
stepObj.mallNames = msg.mallNames
stepObj.status = msg.status
stepObj.stepCount = msg.stepCount
item.precentsucess = msg.stepCount
? Math.floor(msg.stepCount * 100)
: 0
// console.log('list',_this[processKey])
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onerror = function(event) {
console.log("设备WebSocket:发生错误 ")
catch (error)
returnData: function(urls, params) {
// console.log(urls,params)
var _this = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + urls, JSON.stringify(params)).then(function(data) {
if (data)
_this.loading = ""
_this.showDiv = true
}).catch(function(err) {
_this.loading = ""
alert("Sorry, The requested property could not be found.")
getDateCount: function() {
var _this = this
this.butShow = true
var params = {
startTime: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceStartTime,
endTime: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal
get(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.FaceRecognitionsCount, params).then(function(data) {
_this.butShow = false
_this.dateCount = data
}).catch(function(err) {
_this.butShow = false
// $.ajax({
// type: "get",
// dataType: "json",
// async: true,
// url: window._CONF_.apiUrl + urls,
// headers: {
// Authorization: Cookies.get('atoken')
// },
// data: params,
// success: function(data) {
// _this.butShow = false;
// _this.dateCount = data;
// },
// error: function(res) {
// _this.butShow = false;
// console.log(res);
// }
// });
repairParams: function(type) {
this.repairProgList = []
if (this.repairWebSocket)
var url = "",
params = {}
if (type == "face")
this.startShow = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.startShow = false
}, 3000)
var url = API.SimulationFaceRecognition
var params = {
sourceStartDate: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceStartTime,
sourceEndDate: this.sourceDate + " " + this.sourceEndTime,
targetStartDate: this.aimsDate + " " + this.aimsStartTime,
targetEndDate: this.aimsDate + " " + this.aimsEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal,
count: Number(this.count),
scheduleType: "simulationfaceRecognition",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
this.tafficShow = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.tafficShow = false
}, 3000)
url = API.SimulationCountData
params = {
sourceStartDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
sourceEndDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
targetStartDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
targetEndDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal,
minFactor: this.startRange,
maxFactor: this.endRange,
scheduleType: "simulationcountData",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
this.openFaceTraffWebSock(url, params)
compareParams: function(type) {
params = {
startDate: this.startTime + " 00:00:00",
endDate: this.endTime + " 00:00:00",
mallIds: this.mallVal,
scheduleType: "",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
var url = API.Mall + this.compareType
this.returnData(url, params)
openFaceTraffWebSock(url, params) {
// browser 兼容
// var wsHost =;
var socketUrl = ""
var webSock_Url = window._CONF_.webSockUrl ||
var obj = {
stepList: []
obj.stepType = params.scheduleType
obj.mark = params.mark
socketUrl =
"ws://" + webSock_Url + WSAPI.RecalSchedule + params.scheduleType
var _this = this
if ("WebSocket" in window)
_this.repairWebSocket = new WebSocket(socketUrl)
else if ("MozWebSocket" in window)
_this.repairWebSocket = new MozWebSocket(socketUrl)
_this.repairWebSocket = new SockJS(socketUrl)
var param = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(params))
_this.repairWebSocket.onopen = function(event) {
_this.repairData(url, params)
_this.repairWebSocket.onclosed = function() {
_this.repairWebSocket.onmessage = function(evt) {
var msg = JSON.parse(
_this.repairProgList.forEach((item, index) => {
if (
item.stepType == msg.scheduleType &&
item.mark == msg.mark
var stepObj = {}
stepObj.counttime = msg.counttime
stepObj.serialnum = msg.serialnum
stepObj.status = msg.status
stepObj.stepCount = msg.stepCount
item.precentsucess = msg.stepCount
? Math.floor(msg.stepCount * 100)
: 0
_this.webSocketObj[wsUrl].onerror = function(event) {
console.log("设备WebSocket:发生错误 ")
catch (error)
repairData(url, params) {
let that = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + url, JSON.stringify(params)).then(function(data) {
if (data)
repairPreview: function() {
var params = {
sourceStartDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
sourceEndDate: this.referenceDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
targetStartDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffStartTime,
targetEndDate: this.repairDate + " " + this.traffEndTime,
channelSerialnum: this.channelVal,
minFactor: this.startRange,
maxFactor: this.endRange,
scheduleType: "simulationcountData",
mark: Date.parse(new Date())
let that = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + API.PreviewCountData, JSON.stringify(params)).then(function(data) {
if (data)
that.renderResultToHtml(data, true)
renderResultToHtml(data, hasSccessDetail) {
let text = "本次共执行job " + +
" 个,成功 " +
data.success +
" 个,失败 " +
data.failed +
" 个.</br>"
if (data.failedJob && data.failedJob.length > 0)
text += "-----失败job详情-----</br>"
text += data.failedJob.join("</br>")
if (
text += "</br>" +
if (data.successJob && data.successJob.length > 0)
text += "-----成功job详情-----</br>"
text += data.successJob.join("</br>")
if (hasSccessDetail)
if (
console.log( => {
text +=
"</br>" +
" 设备序列号: " +
item.deviceSerialnum +
" 时间: " +
item.counttime +
" 进客流: " +
item.innum +
" 出客流: " +
text += "</br>-----------------------------------------------"
text += "</br>"
text += "</br>"
text += "</br>"
onSearchClick: function() {
// '/mall/feature'
// startDate,endDate,mallIds,scheduleType,featureType
// featureType==0 提取人体+人脸;featureType==1 提取人脸特征;featureType==2提取人体特征
// 重新建立顾客池 /mall/customPool
// 参数 mallIds,startDate,endDate,scheduleType
// 重建建立店员特征池 /mall/staffPool
// 参数 mallIds,scheduleType
// 重新匹配顾客 /mall/custom
// 参数 mallIds,startDate,endDate,scheduleType
// 店员重新比对 /mall/staff
// 参数 mallIds,startDate,endDate,scheduleType
if (this.socket)
this.socket = null
this.results = []
this.startTiming = 0
this.endTiming = 0
const TAB_API = {
revisitFeature: (val) => {
return val === 3 ? API.mallStaffFeature : API.MallFeature
rebuildFeatureLib: (val) => {
return val === 1 ? API.MallStaffPool : API.MallCustomPool
rematchPerson: (val) => {
return val === 1 ? API.MallStaff : API.MallCustom
const {dateFormat, query, isSendDateParam} = this
const {
dateVal, mallVal, type
} = query
var urlPath = TAB_API[dateFormat](type)
var scheduleType = dateFormat + type
var parameter = {
// startDate: dateVal ? dateVal + ' 00:00:00' : null,
// endDate: dateVal ? dateVal + ' 23:59:59' : null,
mallIds: mallVal || null,
scheduleType: scheduleType,
// featureType: dateFormat === 'revisitFeature' ? type : null
if (isSendDateParam)
parameter.startDate = dateVal + ' 00:00:00'
parameter.endDate = dateVal + ' 23:59:59'
if (dateFormat === 'revisitFeature')
parameter.featureType = type
var socketParameter = {
scheduleType: scheduleType,
// callback: 'fetchApi',
callbackUrlPath: urlPath,
callbackParam: parameter
* websocket 连接
* @param {string} scheduleType
* @param {string} wsUrl
* @param {string} callbackUrlPath
* @param {object} callbackParam
onSocketConnect({scheduleType, callbackUrlPath, callbackParam}) {
var self = this,
wsUrl = window._CONF_.webSockUrl ||,
socketUrl = "ws://" + wsUrl + WSAPI.RecalSchedule + scheduleType
if ("WebSocket" in window)
self.socket = new WebSocket(socketUrl)
else if ("MozWebSocket" in window)
self.socket = new MozWebSocket(socketUrl)
self.socket = new SockJS(socketUrl)
self.socket.onopen = function(ev) {
self.startTiming = +new Date()
self.fetchApi(callbackUrlPath, callbackParam)
self.socket.onclosed = function() {
self.socket.onmessage = function(ev) {
var msg = JSON.parse(
console.log('[onmessage]:', msg)
if (msg.stepCount === 1)
self.endTiming = +new Date()
self.socket.onerror = function(ev) {
console.log("设备WebSocket:发生错误 ")
catch (error)
console.log('onSocketConnect:', error)
fetchApi(urlPath, parameter) {
const {
dateVal, mallVal, type
} = this.query
var self = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + urlPath, JSON.stringify(parameter)).then(function(res) {
dealMessage(msg) {
// scheduleType
const {dates, mallIds, mallNames, status, stepCount, scheduleType, counter} = msg
var self = this
var resObj = {}
resObj.dates = dates
resObj.mallIds = mallIds
resObj.mallNames = mallNames
resObj.status = status
resObj.progress = self.floatToPercent(stepCount)
resObj.totalNum = 0
resObj.totalPage = 0
resObj.current = 0
resObj.curPageSize = 0
resObj.currentPage = 0
resObj.scheduleType = scheduleType
if (counter)
// dataNum dateMallNum step totalData totalDate totalMall totalMallDateProduct allDataCount
resObj.totalNum = counter.allDataCount
resObj.totalPage = counter.totalMallDateProduct
resObj.current = counter.dataNum
resObj.curPageSize = counter.totalData
resObj.currentPage = counter.dateMallNum
if (self.results.length)
const isSameScheduleType = self.results.some(item => item.scheduleType === scheduleType)
? self.results.forEach(item => {
item.progress = self.floatToPercent(stepCount)
if (counter)
item.totalNum = counter.allDataCount
item.totalPage = counter.totalMallDateProduct
item.current = counter.dataNum
item.curPageSize = counter.totalData
item.currentPage = counter.dateMallNum
: self.results.push(resObj)
resObj = {}
resObj = {}
// 滚动至底部
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// this.$refs.scrollbarRef.wrap.scrollTop = this.$refs.scrollbarRef.wrap.scrollHeight
// })
formatDateToStamp(date) {
if (!date)
return false
typeof date === 'string' && (date = new Date(date.replace(/-/g, '/')))
return date.getTime()
floatToPercent(floatNum) {
if (!floatNum)
return 0
var formatNum = Math.floor(floatNum * 100)
return formatNum >= 100 ? 100 : formatNum
onClearClick() {
if (this.dateFormat === 'revisitFeature' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rebuildFeatureLib' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rematchPerson')
this.startTiming = 0
this.endTiming = 0
this.results = []
// else {
document.getElementById('showDiv').innerHTML = ''
// }
} catch (error) {
console.log('onSocketConnect:', error)
fetchApi(urlPath, parameter) {
const {
dateVal, mallVal, type
} = this.query
var self = this
post(window._CONF_.apiUrl + urlPath, JSON.stringify(parameter)).then(function(res) {
dealMessage(msg) {
// scheduleType
const { dates, mallIds, mallNames, status, stepCount, scheduleType, counter } = msg
var self = this
var resObj = {}
resObj.dates = dates
resObj.mallIds = mallIds
resObj.mallNames = mallNames
resObj.status = status
resObj.progress = self.floatToPercent(stepCount)
resObj.totalNum = 0
resObj.totalPage = 0
resObj.current = 0
resObj.curPageSize = 0
resObj.currentPage = 0
resObj.scheduleType = scheduleType
if (counter) {
// dataNum dateMallNum step totalData totalDate totalMall totalMallDateProduct allDataCount
resObj.totalNum = counter.allDataCount
resObj.totalPage = counter.totalMallDateProduct
resObj.current = counter.dataNum
resObj.curPageSize = counter.totalData
resObj.currentPage = counter.dateMallNum
if (self.results.length) {
const isSameScheduleType = self.results.some(item => item.scheduleType === scheduleType)
? self.results.forEach(item => {
item.progress = self.floatToPercent(stepCount)
if (counter) {
item.totalNum = counter.allDataCount
item.totalPage = counter.totalMallDateProduct
item.current = counter.dataNum
item.curPageSize = counter.totalData
item.currentPage = counter.dateMallNum
: self.results.push(resObj)
resObj = {}
} else {
resObj = {}
// 滚动至底部
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// this.$refs.scrollbarRef.wrap.scrollTop = this.$refs.scrollbarRef.wrap.scrollHeight
// })
formatDateToStamp(date) {
if (!date) return false
typeof date === 'string' && (date = new Date(date.replace(/-/g, '/')))
return date.getTime()
floatToPercent(floatNum) {
if (!floatNum) return 0
var formatNum = Math.floor(floatNum * 100)
return formatNum >= 100 ? 100 : formatNum
onClearClick() {
if (this.dateFormat === 'revisitFeature' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rebuildFeatureLib' ||
this.dateFormat === 'rematchPerson') {
this.startTiming = 0
this.endTiming = 0
this.results = []
// else {
document.getElementById('showDiv').innerHTML = ''
// }
const Axios = axios.create({
baseURL: window._CONF_.apiUrl,
timeout: 0,
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
baseURL: window._CONF_.apiUrl,
timeout: 0,
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
config => {
// const atoken = Cookies.get('atoken')
// console.log('atoken', atoken)
// atoken && (config.headers.Authorization = atoken)
return config
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
config => {
// const atoken = Cookies.get('atoken')
// console.log('atoken', atoken)
// atoken && (config.headers.Authorization = atoken)
return config
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
res => {
// if ( || === 401) {
// ELEMENT.MessageBox.alert('授权到期, 请重新登录', '提示', {
// confirmButtonText: '确定',
// callback: action => {
// console.log('action', action)
// window.location.replace(window.location.href + 'login.html')
// }
// });
// } else {
return Promise.resolve(
// }
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
res => {
// if ( || === 401) {
// ELEMENT.MessageBox.alert('授权到期, 请重新登录', '提示', {
// confirmButtonText: '确定',
// callback: action => {
// console.log('action', action)
// window.location.replace(window.location.href + 'login.html')
// }
// });
// } else {
return Promise.resolve(
// }
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
function get(url, params = {}, config = {}) {
params['s'] = +new Date()
return Axios.get(url, { ...config, params })
params['s'] = +new Date()
return Axios.get(url, {...config, params})
function post(url, params, config = {}) {
return, params, config)
return, params, config)
function deletes(url, params, config = {}) {
return Axios.delete(url, params, config)
return Axios.delete(url, params, config)
function put(url, params, config = {}) {
return Axios.put(url, params, config)
return Axios.put(url, params, config)
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