Commit f7404ca9 by HlQ

[add] 工单管理添加合同id字段

1 parent 378a769f
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class StoreController {
@SaCheckPermission(value = "store:editAndSave", orRole = "admin")
public String saveOrUpdate(@RequestBody StoreDTO data) {
public Object saveOrUpdate(@RequestBody StoreDTO data) {
UserVO user = (UserVO) StpUtil.getTokenSession().get("curLoginUser");
Store store = converter.convert(data, Store.class);
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class StoreController {
return storeService.saveOrUpdate(store) ? "成功" : "失败";
return storeService.saveOrUpdate(store) ? Map.of("id", store.getId()) : "失败";
......@@ -111,4 +111,9 @@ public class TaskDTO extends BaseDTO {
* 工单来源:1:客户提交 2:直接创建
private Integer source;
* 合同id
private Long contractId;
......@@ -14,73 +14,117 @@ import java.util.Date;
@TableName(value = "tbl_task_info")
@AutoMapper(target = TaskVO.class),
@AutoMapper(target = TaskDTO.class),
public class Task {
/** 自增列 */
* 自增列
@TableId(value = "id", type = IdType.AUTO)
private Long id;
/** 门店id */
* 门店id
private Long storeId;
/** 报修日期 */
* 报修日期
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timezone = "GMT+8")
@OrderBy(sort = 2)
private Date repairTime;
/** 故障类型 */
* 故障类型
private Integer faultType;
/** 故障说明 */
* 故障说明
private String faultDescription;
/** 报修人 */
* 报修人
@TableField(condition = SqlCondition.LIKE)
private String repairPeople;
/** 报修人联系方式 */
* 报修人联系方式
@TableField(condition = SqlCondition.LIKE)
private String repairPhone;
/** 状态 */
* 状态
@OrderBy(asc = true, sort = 1)
private Integer status;
/** 解决日期 */
* 解决日期
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd", timezone = "GMT+8")
private Date solveDate;
/** 故障原因 */
* 故障原因
private String faultReason;
/** 解决措施:0产品BUG、1使用问题、2需求问题 */
* 解决措施:0产品BUG、1使用问题、2需求问题
private Integer solveType;
/** 解决故障描述 */
* 解决故障描述
private String solveDescription;
/** 创建者 */
* 创建者
private Long createUser;
/** 当前处理人 */
* 当前处理人
private Long activeUser;
/** 截止日期 */
* 截止日期
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd", timezone = "GMT+8")
private Date expDate;
/** 创建时间 */
* 创建时间
@TableField(value = "create_time", fill = FieldFill.INSERT)
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timezone = "GMT+8")
private Date createTime;
/** 修改时间 */
* 修改时间
@TableField(value = "modify_time", fill = FieldFill.INSERT_UPDATE)
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", timezone = "GMT+8")
private Date modifyTime;
/** 备注 */
* 备注
private String remark;
/** 集团id */
* 集团id
private Long accountId;
private String uuid;
/** 预工单id */
* 预工单id
private Long taskTempId;
* 邮箱地址
private String email;
* 合同id
private Long contractId;
......@@ -138,8 +138,10 @@ public class TaskServiceImpl extends MPJBaseServiceImpl<TaskMapper, Task> implem
.selectAs(Store::getName, TaskVO::getStoreName)
.selectAs(Store::getSalesperson, TaskVO::getSalesperson)
.selectAs(Store::getMaintainStatus, TaskVO::getMaintainStatus)
.selectAs(Contract::getName, TaskVO::getContractName)
.selectCollection(FileInfo.class, TaskTempVO::getFileList)
.leftJoin(Store.class, Store::getId, Task::getStoreId)
.leftJoin(Contract.class, Contract::getId, Task::getContractId)
.leftJoin(FileInfo.class, on -> on
.eq(FileInfo::getSourceId, Task::getId)
.eq(FileInfo::getStoreId, Task::getStoreId))
......@@ -117,6 +117,15 @@ public class TaskVO {
private String email;
* 合同id
private Long contractId;
* 合同名字
private String contractName;
* 集团id
private Long accountId;
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